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  1. Oh shit, was that actual tears coming from Sobbyn? I still call bullshit. Her and Kody are fake and I'm happy Meri is getting away from the drama. Although girl, moving companies are a thing!! Use them!!! I'm fine with Christine and her happiness. Live your life girl! Get giddy, smile for days, do your thing!
  2. He ain't calling that child. Robyn's kids NEED him 24/7. He's such a sorry excuse for a man/dad/human.
  3. I totally get it. That's why I was laughing so much. As crazy as these girls are, I'm the forever crazy one who caught up with this show when I stopped watching a few years ago. I blame Paramount+ for my momentary lapse in judgement 🤣
  4. I actually liked the top she had on. Am I in the minority here? Lol wow I guess I really don’t have a fashion sense. Oh wellers, just gonna depend on this brain of mine 🤣 Way harsh Tai 🥺 (Clueless joke). I hope she does the letters as much as B & T will allow.
  5. Wait a minute, wait a minute. I just finished part 1. Did Taylor say he had a recording? I thought Maci said that those who would have recordings (like Andrew) are narcissists. She’s ok with them now? Lol omg that whole reunion was a joke. Amber is not a mom. Why is she even on the show?
  6. I mean, can you really go back to talking about profit margins or whatever the fuck they were discussing after your son just drops a deuce in your boss’ garage? Lol 😂 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  7. Is it me or did Chey look preggers in the segment when Cory called to speak to Ryder?? Maybe it was the way she was standing or holding her arm but i wouldn’t put it past MTV for doing some filming after the fact. Reality tv my ass lol. Chey also spoke about Cory coming back to all these “changes”. Hmmm 🧐 ok girl
  8. Exactly. Like damn, can she live? It’s the same with her wearing makeup. It’s an issue when she wears nothing and then when she actually does (which was advice from her therapist mind you), it’s still a problem. I actually like the purple hair. Purple is my favorite color 💜 as as someone who also suffers from depression and anxiety, I appreciate her doing these little things to brighten herself up. It takes a lot to do these things when your mind is constantly telling you that you are a worthless POS (not to mention about a million others on the web).
  9. Here’s the thing. Everyone is always asking her to do something so let her do something. I feel like she can’t win. I’m all for her doing the micro blading. Whatever floats your boat hun. Let’s not act that it’s easy to find your “thing” (or dare I say PASSION) and this doesn’t have to be her one thing either. I understand that these girls are on TV so they sign up for the scrutiny but damn sometimes I really feel for Cate. She stays at home, she’s lazy. She tries a new thing (may it be the micro blading or even when she checked into the vet tech thing) and is flamed for it (not by you of course but I’m saying). I hope she like this and if she doesn’t, on to the next thing. There’s more layers to the “beauty industry” than just micro blading. I just want her to win.
  10. Exactly!! She's not doing the work so I call BS on all of this "woe is Amber" narrative MTV is shoving down our throats. Can't fool me Larry! I've sadly been here since day 1.
  12. Omg I can't love this whole rant any more!!!💜💜💜💜💜 MACI AND AMBER SUCK!
  13. I was confused with this. We saw her working on this earlier in the season so I didn't this it would be a rush job. I think maybe she had a few finishing touches on it, but she was working on it at April's house earlier in the season with the scrapbooking supplies. Maybe she had some last minute photos to add and was indecisive? Why this mad dash at the end?
  14. I would too if every time I dare eat anything else, it is a main discussion. I feel for her on that. I mean she just had a baby. And even if, can people have size? I think most of her issue is needing the correct bra or something.
  15. I'm sorry, are you SURPRISED Queen Maci is a hypocrite? Where have you been?🧐 Hi, this is Teen Mom lol🤣🤣🤣🤣 Maci will ALWAYS be a hypocrite
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