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Everything posted by SayMyName

  1. I am Satan and I approve of this aujpoj post.
  2. This episode replay is on now and I took a look at Flag to see what's up. It appears it is now dead as the app isn't in the store and the last (of 3!) Kickstarter campaign comments are filled with angry people that donated and haven't gotten any prints or updates from the company. Who could have ever predicted that advertising placed where people won't look at wouldn't work?
  3. I expect more pictures with product placement and of course expert facts on how you should raise your child like she does because of course she is the expert on Everything.
  4. I certainly hope Molly's marriage survives until the journals come in from back order.
  5. Depends on which way will bring the most sponsor $$$.
  6. Every time I see Jessica in the headband I can only think of this.
  7. I am shocked that the prayer post with all the Bible quotes wasn't sponsored by a Bible publisher. Every time show renewal comes up.
  8. I just ventured to the dark side and visited the blog. So much "subtle" product placement. I kept waiting to see "This Godly thought brought to you by .........". God doesn't care what you look like <glamour shot>, it isn't all about makeup <1 pound of makeup glamour shot>, it's all about the inner beauty <product placement> <glamour shot>. So unintentionally hilarious. What will they do for money when the show ends and the free site hits and product placement $ stop coming?
  9. How long ago did they film this? Kori is now married.
  10. Yup, really classy. "He broke with me via text so I put his motorcycle up on Craigslist" and then she insists the guy go dutch on the dinner when the show gave her $500 to pay for the date. Classy indeed. $10,000 or a second date with someone the audience picks? Who (especially those going on this show) would turn down the $$$? I didn't make it to the second half of the show.
  11. He said he was not a world traveler and gets dirty at work. He was divorced after 21 years and 3 kids. Also said the divorce was not his idea.
  12. If you don't want the Jersey Shore stereotype, how about not unbuttoning your shirt to your waist with a big chain? Telling your date you don't think you are good enough for them isn't ever going to end well. I would have also had to question the medium. So much BS. And who was he on the phone with? I missed that if it was mentioned. Poor Stanton. You could see that she could have eaten him alive. It seemed like she was testing him the entire date and he wasn't passing. The last couple seems like the most compatible.
  13. Wasn't great and wasn't terrible so I'll give it a few more episodes. As mentioned above the lead actress is so darn likeable.
  14. In today's world, absolutely. Back then doing that would result in being kicked out I would bet. So if the Tailor family's sweat shop was running up to 20 hours a day the family would have to run in shifts all day every day. Not fun. The poor workers would also have to try to find something to eat at some time in the middle of the night potentially.
  15. I was thinking he was trying way too hard. She had it right asking him to be himself and not "on" all the time. You could tell she didn't want a second date but was being nice for the cameras. The bow tie, suit, plant and Jenga screamed that he always wants to be the center of attention. And the tape for the "not first date" questions and covering the Jenga logo (why did they even bother?) would definitely interfere with the playing of Jenga. This show seems to have the best batting average for the gay and older couples.
  16. I just picked up "The Victorian City" - Everyday live in Dicken's London by Judith Flanders at the local library. Can't wait to get started reading it.
  17. Single mom didn't seem to act with any urgency to make money either with the boxes or flowers. The one thing a show like this will never be able to simulate is the real pressure of living day to day. Just like in the other shows like this, being in the lowest class isn't any fun. The tailor family is my favorite family. They seem to love learning what prior generations of tailors would have done and seem to be really hard workers.
  18. The work is the hardest thing to simulate. As a modern day novelty it was easy to sell the clothes and water cress without any competition. I've seen several additional episodes so I'll stop there to avoid spoilers.
  19. Indeed. How about we give Tandy and Negan their own show thus saving two shows? The Tandy and Negan monologues. This show is so uneven. It has some great moments but so many clunkers to get there. I'm in the same boat (see what I did there?) as many previous posters...I don't really care if it comes back for season 4.
  20. Shorter guy ended nicely. Her first reactions were like WTF but nicely actually looked at him for him and not his size. Oops, chickened out or was just playing nice for the cameras. I'm not a meathead (can't open door). lol Referring to your date as first lady material is just creepy. No wonder nobody trusts politicians. And 3 dog lady did imply that she had 3 kids and 3 dogs.
  21. And another friend zone. Radio host was on the attack from the first minute and the alcohol (I lost count) probably didn't help either. Um, pageant ladies do end up with presidents but not as first lady.
  22. "I'm down to be friends." Ouch. I have heard that too many times.
  23. OK, where has this show been all season? I thought that was the best episode so far. I laughed more tonight than the rest of the season combined.
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