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Everything posted by friendperidot

  1. BigBingerBro, thanks for taking one for the team. You wouldn't be able to move around much with that and then add a cpap machine and you're frozen in place! I sleep pretty much in one spot until I get ticked off and shove the dogs off the bed.
  2. New ads on the old people channels are for some moisture wicking machine for people (women) with incontinence at night, so they don't pee through their incontinence pads and undies. I'm not exactly sure how it works, I haven't been that curious. But every time I hear the ad (I don't really watch tv, I listen) I think it might be a real problem for someone that needs that one plus the cpap machine to get the two machines mixed up and hooked up to the wrong end of the body.
  3. re the Matthew McConaughey ad where he's ice fishing and whistling the Andy Griffith theme, the song is titled "The Fishing Hole," and there are lyrics. Well now, take down your fishing pole And meet me at the fishing hole We may not get a bite all day But don't you rush away What a great place to rest your bones And mighty fine for skipping stones You'll feel fresh as a lemonade a-setting in the shade Whether it's hot, whether it's cool Oh what a spot for whistling like a fool What a fine day to take a stroll and wind up at the fishing hole I can't think of a better way to pass the time of day We'll have no need to call the roll When we get to the fishing hole They'll be you, me, and old dog, trey to do the time away If we don't hook a perch or bass We'll cool our toes in dewy grass Or else pull up a weed to chaw And maybe sit and jaw Hanging around, taking our ease Watching that hound a scratching at his fleas I'm gonna take down my fishing pole And meet you at the fishing hole I can't think of a better way To pass the time of day.
  4. I watched a rerun of one of the King Arthur shows today. Josh was rappelling down into a cave. There was a camera shot of him like the camera operator was right next to him. And I've seen this before and wondered about how they do some of their camera shots. Sometimes, Josh is crawling through a hole and the camera is in front of him. The camera and sound people for this show have to be brave souls.
  5. I loved Gus Gus's story and how happy she was to get in the truck and drive away. I hate the American economy too, I was a victim of too much time in a job with very few jobs and was laid off at 62. I wasn't ready for retirement, I had several things I wanted to accomplish that just weren't to be. So I understand how Phyllis feels. I never considered over the road trucking and it probably wouldn't be a good fit for me. But I'm glad she was able to make lemonade when she was given lemons. And I enjoyed the visit to NYC and the Dog and Puppy Bowl stuff. Enjoyed Dog Bowl this evening and looking forward to the Puppy Bowl tomorrow and then the Super Bowl where I hope the KC Chiefs are victorious! FYI, even though the Chiefs use a lot of Native American symbols, they weren't named the Chiefs after Indian Chiefs, they were named for a former KC mayor, H. Roe Bartle who was called Chief.
  6. I am too. I do think their ad mentions 1/2 cup sizes and I need to look on their site. I'm bigger around the chest and not so big in the cup size and it's hard to find bras. It's like jeans, I am short and fat and apparently manufacturers think you can be short, but not that fat. I had lost 30 lbs, took me 3 years. Then last summer, one of my meds was changed and while it works most of the time, it causes weight gain, I put 20 of those lbs back on within 4 months. We adjusted the meds again and I'm not putting back on so fast now, but I go for a med check at the end of Feb., I'll see. I have a scale at home, but I have to drag it out from under the dresser and that's too much work for a fat person, lol. But on the positive side, I no longer have Ambien blackouts. And I do think I'll look at Third Love's site and see if they can accommodate me. I'm tired of sports bras.
  7. I guess the answer to some of my questions is, "I dreamed I cleaned the house, sat around with my friends, fed the children, in my Third Love Bra. This just came to me a few minutes ago, some days, I'm slow.
  8. why "Third Love" for bras and panties for real size women? I don't mind seeing the real size women in their underwear, but why are they all lounging around together and doing housework and preparing their child's lunch, some in bra and skirt or trousers and some in bras and panties, one doing an all over shake like my dogs do, one jumping up and down. Well, I guess those are to show that the undergarments stay in place, which is important. But it's just odd and I don't understand what the name means. I think self love should be first, or if you are religious, maybe second, and this doesn't take in to account narcissists.
  9. I'm sorry that so many have birthdays with bad events connected to them, but I understand. On my parent's 60th wedding anniversary, Michael Jackson had the temerity to die. I've never forgiven him. My parents were both gone by then, but it was a special day for me to remember them. And I never was a Michael Jackson fan. I also was never a Prince, a David Bowie fan either. But I always remember Phil and Don Everly's birthdays. Don's is Super Bowl Sunday when I hope the KC Chiefs will repeat their win of 50 years ago.
  10. well, except for that one episode of Unsolved Mysteries where he plays the victim of a sexual predator. "Larry, he shot Larry!" I really am sorry the woman lost her son in the very violent, vicious manner, but the acting of the woman in the segment always makes me laugh and mock her. But one of the most beloved actors of all times, not by me, but my parent's generation loved him, John Wayne. He was a terrible actor, he was always the same character. And the only John Wayne movie I liked in the least was North to Alaska, but there he was the same character as he was in all his films.
  11. Annber, I think most of us grabbed towels and wrapped ourselves and I doubt that we stood for a full minute, we just quietly picked up our clothes and put them on.
  12. Kennedy, I was in 7th grade, we had just finished P.E. class and were showering and dressing when the overhead announcement came. We had to observe a minute's silence, wet and naked and half naked. My next class was Civics, we had a test scheduled that had questions about who was President, Vice President, Members of the Cabinet, etc. Our teacher instructed us to answer as we would have in 1st hour. On 9/11, I was pulling into the parking lot of work when I heard the first plane had hit. Like many others, I assumed it was a small plane. By the time I parked and got into the building, the tv in the lobby was on CNN and the 2nd plane had hit, we knew then it wasn't small planes and things were very wrong. A little later our CEO ordered all tvs and radios turned off because we had children and adolescent psych patients in the hospital and she did not want them hearing the news. Not many of us obeyed. Those of us in offices where no patients went had radios on all day listening to the news. After a day of this, I went home and absorbed as much as I could handle. That was the night I was surfing the web, looking at news stories, watching the news on tv and I found TWOP Commercials thread. I found my internet home and people.
  13. Caught a couple of older shows this weekend, including the one of the move from California to New Orleans. I had seen clips of it but not the entire episode. I didn't know that the reason they moved was because something legal happened in the town/county where they were in California and they were forced to make changes. I had seen where Tia was looking at another property in California and then it was consumed by the fires. But what an undertaking to pack up all those dogs and drive them across country! Trying to get the kennels set up in the warehouse before the bulk of the dogs arrived! And how nice the Grand Opening was, all the locals turning out to see and help. Overall, good episode.
  14. I understand, I have lost some family members to dementia and Alzheimer's. They are heartbreaking thieves of the people you love.
  15. A friend of mine shared this on FB and I just knew that people here would appreciate this beautiful story and probably the most beautiful version of this song that I've ever heard. https://hellocaremail.com.au/dementia-patient-carer-sing-sinatra-classic-hit-number-7-charts/?fbclid=IwAR1sk28xHR30VFnPP6lHWI3lJ5URaWtgpcx0OdSQNh9ANog4AMWb_VxW9fI
  16. This has absolutely nothing to do with NYPD Blue except that James sang My Way at Andy's bachelor party. But it's such a beautiful story and probably the most beautiful version of the song I've ever heard and I knew that people on here would appreciate. I'm going to put it on small talk for commercials, so Peaches, just read it and give it a listen. https://hellocaremail.com.au/dementia-patient-carer-sing-sinatra-classic-hit-number-7-charts/?fbclid=IwAR1sk28xHR30VFnPP6lHWI3lJ5URaWtgpcx0OdSQNh9ANog4AMWb_VxW9fI
  17. I haven't seen the Nat King Cole one yet, but I like the Ave Maria one. I don't watch the ads, I just listen to them.
  18. Over in Annoying, Irritating, Angry thread, Auntie Pam said: I said I have a story about this. I've told it before, but it's been a few years, so I'll tell it again for those who don't want to search a zillion posts. I don't even remember which thread it was on. And I may have told it a couple of times. About 20 years ago, I was foster parent to my young niece, she was about 9, when this happened. I started noticing that she was watching pharmaceutical ads very closely, and then she'd say, "I'm going to do that." I asked her what and she said she was going to talk to her doctor about whatever drug. I said that she didn't need that, it wasn't for children. But she was stubborn, so I suggested she write down the names of all the drugs she wanted to ask about. She did. During one of our conversations about the ads, I asked her if she knew what Viagra was for. She did not, of course, so I explained it was for older men who were having sexual problems. Her response? In her most 9 yr old voice, "THAT'S DISGUSTING!" Finally, we had to go see the doctor, she took her list and after her exam, she handed Dr. Connie her list. Dr. Connie took her seriously and went down the list, "I don't prescribe this for children, you don't need that, etc." Then she got to Viagra, she said, "And I'm not even going to talk to you about Viagra!" I was snickering the entire time and it was hard not to laugh out loud at that. Children do pay attention to these ads, they don't know what all the conditions are for. I grew up in a time when there were no pharmaceutical ads, and they kind of came on tv gradually, so most of the time, I tune them out. But I do worry about those people who have no ability to filter out unnecessary information. And I'll probably tell the story again in a few years. I'm old, I have memory problems. Is there a pill for that?
  19. I have a story about that, I've shared it on these boards before but it's been a few years. I'll take it to Small Talk.
  20. This one is more in the category of disgusting rather than annoying, irritating or anger making. But, we don't have a category of disgusting. I think it's for some cell phone service, I've gotten glimpses of a cartoon fox. But as soon as they start talking about chunky milk, I reach for the remote and try not to barf. There's a tag line of "that's not right." Yup, this whole concept is just not right.
  21. is that a for real ad for a for real product? I could use that.
  22. does anyone else find the lyrics to that song vaguely threatening? since I am unfamiliar with any more of the lyrics than are in this song, I haven't a clue. As far as I know, I've never heard the full song. But when I hear "ready or not, hear I come," I start singing Apples, Peaches, Pumpkin Pie.
  23. from Favorite Commercials, Zahdii wrote: I don't know if Charlie Sheen has found sobriety or not. But I also am in a family full of addictions, some people drugs, some alcohol, many a combination of both. I can empathize with his family and things they have done and have tried to do for him over the years. Been there, done that. At some point, we have had enough, everything else has failed, some of us turn to Al-Anon where we learn we have to let go of them and let them sink or swim or hit bottom. We don't need to do anything to help them hit bottom, we just need to back out of their way and let them. Sometimes letting a person go and letting them do is the biggest favor we can do for them. Treating them with enough respect to let them make their mistakes and to make their own decisions is a hard, hard thing, but it's for the best. One of the reasons I haven't been active on here is that I had to do a very hard thing for my drug addicted great-nephew. I had to have him arrested on the bench warrant he had and I had to get a protective order. I cannot accept unacceptable behavior and he has got to learn however he has to learn it that he cannot throw people around, especially old people and women. He cannot pick on people who aren't as strong as he is. I am a woman, I'm almost 70, I'm 4'11", he's male, 21, 6', yes he is stronger. I have permanent nerve damage in my hand from him stomping on it. He's in jail where he's been since December 13, he has his first hearing on his failure to appear next week. Then he will be appointed an attorney, then there will be a trial. I suspect he will not be getting out of jail until his trial, he's already proved he won't show up in court. Believe me, this is hard, I about fell apart in court last week when the judge made my emergency protective order permanent for 5 years. But, I'm clearing out the room he trashed and that helps my resolve, when I see the senseless damage he did, my miniatures and dolls he pilfered through, broke, used for drug stuff (don't ask me, I don't know), my beautiful little things and my dolls that he threw on the floor, walked all over, broke, covered them with cigarette ash. So, I won't be judging the Sheen/Estavez family for any of their actions, I don't know what they've done or tried to do. Yes, they have more money than I do, but they shouldn't have to throw it away on one son's terrible behavior. The fact that Charlie appears for a few seconds in that ad with his father gives me a little hope that maybe he has cleaned up his act. I hope so. I hope that someday, my great-nephew will clean up his act. Where there's life, there's hope. Even though it doesn't feel like it sometimes.
  24. Peaches, I'm so sorry you broke your wrist, I broke mine about 5 years ago, I still don't have any real strength. Hope you have better luck, I have osteoporosis so breaking bones is never a good thing. Zahdii, I'm taking my response to your Charlie Sheen post to Small Talk.
  25. This is what y'all get for me not logging in here for 2 weeks! lol. I guess the viewers of the old people channels are abnormally concerned with looking younger. On top of the "screaming and counting down" of the Plaxaderm ads, I really hate the extremely long Luminess make-up system ads. I swear, those ads are 90 to 120 seconds and they are run every commercial break. I am not a Cher fan, I kind of liked her in the early days, Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves, but I cannot stand, If I Could Turn Back Time and I am so sick of hearing that line 6,000 times in a 90-120 second ad every commercial break. However, I am curious, has anyone used a make-up air brush? I want to know if you can use any other type of make-up. If I were to start wearing make-up again, I might be tempted to try it, but I can't wear most brands of make-up, I'm allergic.
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