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  1. If trump had won in 2020, he would still be talking about "four more years" and riling up his voters. He didn't accept that he lost in 2020. Neither did his pet insurrectionists, or the rest of his loyal fans all over the country. And Biden's win actually *was* a mandate. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_presidential_election Trump had 74,223,975 votes, Biden had 81,283,501.
  2. I meant to post about this, too. Two years ago, I read stories about children/teens doing work they should not be doing, thanks to republicans. A local social media page, that covers local news, asked if the readers wanted them to talk about SignalGate, because it doesn't really affect us - except it does, because we are in the United States. There are the usual MAGA who say it's fake news, or doesn't matter, but I've just seen a few trump supporters stating, "I want you to cover it. I voted for trump, and this is an embarrassment. It affects everyone in the United States." So, some do have a line that can be crossed.
  3. https://www.wired.com/story/michael-waltz-left-his-venmo-public/ A WIRED review shows national security adviser Mike Waltz, White House chief of staff Susie Wiles, and other top officials left sensitive information exposed via Venmo—until WIRED asked about it.
  4. You think they’ve hit rock bottom, but they’re still digging, to go even lower. they have mocked people for years, who actually deserve reparations. But these are the same people who were questioning the citizenship of native Americans, so I don’t know why I’m surprised.
  5. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/5214236-democrat-james-malone-wins-pennsylvania-senate/ Democrat wins special state Senate election in Pennsylvania in major upset
  6. I just saw that on FB. :(
  7. I recently watched the opening scenes again, and had forgotten just how creepy it all was. They didn’t seem to be desperate, they were hunting a human being, and it was a lifestyle.
  8. I have that “new phone, houthis” tweet ready to go, the next time I get a “crickets” post directed at me, elsewhere, from MAGA. They defend every part of this free-flying shit show. It’s a reminder that I don’t need to comment on a damned thing they think is a “gotcha”.
  9. This was why my Great Uncle was pissed that mum was marrying an American. He didn't go to their wedding. When my parents remarried, and we moved back over here, I wrote letters to family, including him, and he apologized when I asked him about it.
  10. I didn't get very far with anything listed, except Frasier, and I don't really know why. Not that I'm getting through much right now. I started Buffy, yet again, recently. I like it, but I've barely watched it. Dad watches Midsomer Murders, on the Roku channel.
  11. MAGA said that coups are patriotic. It’s how we got this great country. It isn’t going to happen, though.
  12. Last month, I had a dream that we were in a civil war. It had the tone/image of a movie or war zone from the World Wars. Grey, dim, like a winter day. I was with one group. One person shot at someone in a house across the road, then put something back over the window. We were getting orders on a radio, to move somewhere else.
  13. This is one of the channels I follow on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/alveussanctuary Last year, I was watching two streamers who travel by bike, camping, and sometimes staying in hotels. Sarah is training for a tour now. https://www.twitch.tv/sarahbridgewater She's also on youtube. Her boyfriend is Hitch, who got her into it: https://www.twitch.tv/hitch
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