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Everything posted by Java

  1. It was awesome to see her family support :) I almost worry about the internet fanatics that follow her though. Some of them are going to be heartbroken and need a Xanax when they see the team photo and see she's gone.
  2. Megan retired. No reason that I've heard. Mandy was called out for her weight in front of CMT, didn't appreciate that, and decided to retire instead of reaudition.
  3. Sad to think just a few short weeks later, Holly is gone.
  4. It's my understanding Erica's back issues were long standing; given some of the tricks she does in her solos I could totally see her having an injury that is difficult to recover from. I tend to agree though, that they don't like to cut vets over injuries, and that they tend to wait them out. I can think of 2 people they did this with - Brooke S. and Deryn D., so that leads to the speculation what else could cause them to cut a vet? DCC need to be fit, great dancers, responsible, good leaders, trustworthy, and good ambassadors, just to name a few. So if they don't cut a rockstar over injuries, then there has to be a deficit in some other area. Personally I find it interesting that 4 rookies and the Group Leader cut from one group. I wonder if they'll show the reasoning on the show. I liked Erica alot - girl is spunky and can dance. I just hope her injury isn't career ending.
  5. Some posts on the internet about Holly still being a DCC remiind me of the old saying "De Nile isn't just a river in Egypt." Holly is gone. She's done. She's not coming back. While reality tv is kind of similar to a soap opera, she's not going to magically appear on the team like this is all a bad dream. Maybe she might try to come back next year, but honestly, why would she? She's BTDT and now it's hopefully onto a career where she can focus on her dancing and not all of the extra's that go with being a DCC. I wish her luck in her future endeavors, as I'm positive that a young lady with that much talent and that much grace will have a n incredibly successful professional dance career.
  6. Well if it's any consolation for Holly she didn't have the most embarassing audition in the history of MTT. That would be whatever girl peed on the floor during auditions. Now THAT would be embarassing. Flashing boobs unintentionally? Not so much.
  7. This part of Holly's solo is the one I'd prefer to see CMT broadcast. No blurred out boob shots - just show how incredible she is as a dancer. Anything else is just a cheap shot, and CMT already gets their gratuitous T & A clips into every episode as is. https://media.giphy.com/media/l1J3UTdQqxqhNYzL2/giphy.gif Eh, Jenna and Holly were good, but honestly they didn't stand out to me any more than the others. They have the advantage of being center of formation, so they could phone in a performance and still get most of the attn.
  8. The girls are too busy I would hope to care about looky-loo's - unless the gym customers have their noses pressed up against the glass, lol. It actually might condition them to being watched as a DCC. Even if they've performed in front of crowds before, being a DCC I imagine gets a lot more notice and you have to be used to getting stared at.
  9. Anyone else notice the little smirk and head shake Kelli did in that clip. You can almost hear her thinking "Girl, you're a train wreck." Like she wasn't surprised at something unexpected happening.
  10. I respectfully disagree. There have been favorites, at least one of them a long term vet, that have broken that rule in the past and Kelli has looked the other way. If you do a good enough job as a DCC she appears to ignore it. Jenna made the mistake of being a wench, not doing the job, AND fraternizing, so she got a talking to. Jenna tried to pull tricks others have, but just doesn't have the experience to do it right. As Kitty would say, "Don't do sh*t you can't do".
  11. Tough year to be a vet. Kelli is cracking down on rule breakers and slackers it seems.
  12. Jenna needs to go. She picked up bad habits from others and it shows in her behavior. It's kind of a wasted effort to keep her if you're trying to get rid of dead weight or poor leadership. She's old enough to know better and STILL does stupid stuff she knows violates her contract.
  13. Holly may be a great dancer, but there are dozens if not hundreds of great dancers out there.; some show up for the DCC and others go onto dance jobs that pay better. What I'll say next I have to preface with saying these issues I'm sure are related to being a young, small town girl thrown into the big city under a hot spotlight. Being a big fish in a small pond in Reeds, MO doesn't work well in Dallas. Holly is an exceptional dancer, but if you believe the rumors she's also an attention hog and in girl gone wild mode, and that's counterproductive on a team. There are sooo many Holly screw ups out there that lead me to believe she's not well-liked by her teammates. Her rookie year started out rough with petty texts complaining about her teammates being sent to the entire team (supposedly a mistake), then the minimal attendance or support for her by her teammates at the classes she holds (alot of DCCs attend each others classes). Between that and the nonsense about her hanging out with players, smoking weed, and hitting bars while underage.... all of which have have been made public one way or the other. Those things not only puts her teammates in an extremely difficult position and seems to have ruined friendships (Raylee, Allie), but also gets Kelli & Charlotte's attention. I imagine that TPTB decided they'd had enough and tried to rein her in a bit. If she's gone because of fallout from those behavioral issues and not some other reason, remains to be seen. At the end of the day though, it's the Dallas Cowboys CheerleaderS, with an S, and the organization is not going to fail or succeed based on the talents of one small town girl who's ego may have gotten the best of her. That Australian was Angela, and she was very disappointed about not making show group and I agree that it affected her performance the rest of that day at TC. Didn't help that that weirdo guest choreopgrapher was up in her face and being a condescending wench to her. The big difference there though is that Angela had paid her dues and had stayed off the radar for years; had her performance been up to par she would've made SG. Holly, with her issues and the fact she only had 2 yrs in the boots, just wasn't leading by example. From what has been said in the past, GLs are chosen based on their leadership qualities, ability to mentor their teammates, and their knowledge of the dcc processes. I think if Holly would've channeled all of her extra-ness into the team rather than extra curricular activites she would've made an outstanding GL in a yr or two. Holly's career is far from over IMO. A dancer of that caliber will land somewhere more fulfilling than just shaking her bits in front of drunken football fans for $150 a game. Hopefully, this experience has taught her a bit about the real world and living life in a way that doesn't get you in trouble with your boss.
  14. From the standpoint of Jenna's issues, I agree. But Jenna isn't MIA - Holly is, and the rumors there are crazy.
  15. Those are just the rumors on Holly; there are others out there questioning the handling and legality of what the DC organization has done. I've heard the word discrimination uttered more than once. We all know the rumor mill feeds itself and alot of it is b.s., but IMO, the DCC is an exception to the old saying " any publicity is good publicity. " What could be handled quickly and moved on from, is just festering. The girls making the team now shouldn't have to deal with this nonsense overshadowing the team announcement. JMO.
  16. I believe all reality show participants have to sign a non-disclosure agreement. On other shows the NDA seems to go out the window when the show reaches the point that the info would be broadcast. I don't know if the DCC NDA is the same way or not, but in situations like Holly's, where she has a large fan base questioning her whereabouts, I think the silence does more harm than good. The rumors about why someone who was such a gifted and popular performer quit are getting really bad, and not just on fan boards either. The DC organization probably thinks this will blow over, and I'm sure it will, but the reputation of a respectable, stellar organization (at least on the cheerleaders side lol) seems to be getting a bit tarnished. There's a time to stay quiet, and a time to speak out. I hope the DC organization chooses wisely.
  17. Classy. I get being young and stupid and cutting loose, but sheesh, that's a big f* you to Kelli, Charlotte, and the almighty contract. I don't care what the circumstances are, or who's saying what about them, you don't act like that when your employer has standards of behavior you're supposed to live up to. They're two of "America's Sweethearts" with THAT crap on the internet?!?! Please. If they're too grown to have their momma's yank a knot in their tails, then I hope Kelli puts a boot to them and shows them to the door. They do have cuts to make still. They wouldn't be the first great dancers, and they sure as heck won't be the LAST to have the infamous "Left Squad" where their name should be.
  18. Totally agree!! I moved from SC back in 2014 and that drive to Atlanta from Columbia is definitely cheaper than a plane trip to Dallas. Pretty sad when you think about it. How much more money would they make if the tickets were more reasonably priced and more people could afford to see them? I'd love to see the Cowboys in person, but it would cost me close to $1500 to fly from Salt Lake City, get a decent hotel room, tickets, etc, etc. for a single game.
  19. Someone on here had posted the cost to go to a game in just the mere mortal seats and it was upwards of a few hundred bucks. Tickets, parking, food... I bet Jerry makes a good amount of profit off that team, even with the crazy salaries and stadium upkeep.
  20. I respect that you have a different opinion than mine on this, I really do. But to judge her entire interview based on one question, especially that one, seems drastic to me. She could've had the names of the Supreme Court justices memorized, and the name of the chief waterboy for the 1987 season memorized, but flaked on this one question. Was it her finest hour? Certainly not, but she did respond with a respectful, humbled and honest answer. Had she been asked that question by Jerry Jones himself he probably would've given her a pass if she came off intelligently in other topics. I 100% agree with you on her making show group though. I think that while she dances well enough to make the team, show group is a stretch. I know they don't always send the entire group out for appearances, maybe she'll be an alternate?
  21. At least you're laughing about it now, right? :)
  22. Exactly. Sean Spicer is a talking head who, given the turnover in that job, won't last through the first term. He doesn't make policy and is just a cog in the wheel. For a veteran DCC to flunk her interview over what his name is would be silly to me. Not when she brings far more to the table than not knowing a functionary's name. If she couldn't name the President, VP, or talk intelligently on policy and current events, that's an issue. Realistically though, and I'm legitimately asking because I've not breathed the rarefied air at AT&T, how much does a DCC get asked about anything other than football, the weather and her bra size by some big wig at a corporate event or in one of the boxes at AT&T? I would be surprised to learn one of Jerry's friends cornered Tasha at an event so he could ask her about her thoughts on the sustainability of the ACA. I'm not condoning that, mind you, but well... Old Boys Club. They should practice in the Texas heat. If they can take that heat, they can beat down their opponents that much easier. Builds character. :reaches around and turns fan to high:
  23. Thank you Shelly! I read that line on that reddit post and instantly thought bull***. No way on this planet 6 hours a WEEK would be enough for Judy to be satisfied. Heck - high school teams practice more than that!
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