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Bumblebee Tights

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Everything posted by Bumblebee Tights

  1. The 'then you have to go' scene is one of my favorites, not only in the Luke/Jess relationship, but in the entire series. It's so powerful. I love Milo's reaction after Scott walks away, visibly breathing hard and wide eyed, absorbing the shock of it. Even though it may have taken awhile before we saw the effects of it, I really see this as the first moment in Jess's turn around, and as possibly the most important moment in the Luke/Jess relationship. For Jess, this kid who had been given no structure or boundaries, and had probably rebelled at least partially in response to the fact that his life was lacking these things, to have an adult standing in front of him who was willing to follow through on a boundary he had set must have meant a lot, and had a profound effect on him, even if he didn't fully realize it at the time. Luke was exactly who Jess needed. I get why people don't love it as much as I do though. Anyway, 7 and 20.
  2. Sorry, ignore that, my phone is nottt cooperating. 2,7.
  3. 4,12,25. This is definitely going to be the hardest one yet. Luke and Jess moments are basically all great for me, no matter the stage of their relationship, or whether they're arguing or joking or being sincere with each other.
  4. -Luke teases Jess when he finds out that someone threw deviled eggs at his car..."Man, they must hate you a lot!..Well, that is Paprika"!-Take the Deviled Eggs Oh, and I guess we need -Luke tosses Jess into the lake-NAN,SAN
  5. These are all great, but I have to go with 11.
  6. Ah, yeah ok, fair enough. It just seemed like one of those things where no thought was put in to keeping things consistent. Legal scales definitely contradict that though!
  7. 2, 27 5 is definitely still way too high on my 'no not that one'! list
  8. Here's something I thought of recently that's been bugging me: In Fall, when Rory goes to visit Christopher at his office, he says something about having given in and working for the 'family business' But... wasn't Straub a lawyer? In 'Dear Richard and Emily', when Richard proposes that Christopher come work for him, Straub says something along the lines of 'why would he work for you? I have a law firm'... I highly, highly doubt that Christopher has gone to law school in the interim between season 7 and the present. Not to mention that his grandfather's passing in season 6 was supposed to have left him independently wealthy enough to buy a castle..I guess maybe he could still have wanted to work even though he didn't need to, but that doesn't feel very in character to me. This would be more forgivable ( I guess) if these were S7 facts, but all of this was written during the ASP years.
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