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Bumblebee Tights

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Everything posted by Bumblebee Tights

  1. Charleston..and this will be the only easy choice for me!
  2. Brian, Dean Gypsy, Babette Pennilyn Lott (Charleston to win)
  3. See, it's probably a UO, but I like Mitchum. Or maybe 'like' is the wrong word, 'appreciate' might be better. I don't really take pleasure from him bothering Rory just for the sake of it, but I do think he was being fairly genuine in his criticism. I wouldn't ever want to spend time with the guy, but I thought he was a believable and nuanced character. More than that though, I thought his relationship with Logan was interesting and well crafted, as are most of the more established parent-child relationships on this show. Gregg Henry and Matt C. had great chemistry, and I think they did a good job of mimicking each other's mannerisms, too... you could really look at Mitchum and see where Logan came from.
  4. Madeline, April Gypsy, Taylor (I really can't picture SH or GG without Taylor, but the Lorelai round has officially become impossible) Asher...was not a big fan of the Asher/Paris pairing
  5. Robert, April Lulu, Mia ( I really like Mia, especially 'original' Mia, but this is getting hard now and I thoroughly enjoy Jason) Simon
  6. I liked Tristan too, you're not alone ?..I thought he was interesting, had the potential to become even more interesting, and I thought he and Rory had chemistry, though I actually prefer her with Dean at the time and wasn't rooting for a relationship or anything. Marty, Janet TJ, Andrew (although his description here is amazing, just not as much a part of GG to me as others) Claude
  7. Clara, Marty-I like season 4 Marty, have some trouble with season 5 Marty, and cannot stand season 7 Marty. Alex, Rabbi Barans Francine
  8. Lucy, Olivia-I'm going to keep voting for them...I really appreciated the idea of giving Rory more female friends but the execution was just off for me. At least with TL&DB boys she seemed to have established a connection with them that lasted beyond college, per the revival, and I actually liked their little ode to The Wizard of Oz goodbye scene in Fall, though I agree Colin was a jerk. Alex, Mrs. Thompson (I feel like kind of a jerk myself for this, but everyone else on the list is just so much more memorable!) Sheera
  9. What about- Pennilyn Lott- Remember to thank her, just for being Pennilyn Lott.
  10. Chris- is funny, is smart, can be very sweet, and truly is pretty endearing much of the time. I think Emily's assessment of him as a 'weak but charming boy' is pretty spot on. I don't think any of the harm he ever did came from a place of malice. I really enjoy most of his scenes. I don't like him much, but I enjoy watching him. Nicole- I have just the opposite views on Nicole (or is it Nichole?), I just have such a hard time WATCHING her. I think she's a strong person, though. Have to admire a woman with the smarts and drive to become a partner in what appears to be a male dominated law firm...and she's definitely perceptive..no matter how I felt about her reactions to Lorelai, she definitely had her number pretty quickly. Francie- Her hair is a beautiful color. That's really all I've got.
  11. I'm up for anything, but personally I'd be really jazzed to do a straight character elimination round, because like @deaja I was not around when/if that was done in the past. I think it would be ok to do more substantial characters with ones that are slightly less so, just because I'd really enjoy seeing who came out on top in terms of Lorelai/Rory, Emily/Richard, the boyfriends and best friends, etc..in fact that's what I'd be most excited about, and there could be surprises as far as secondary characters being more popular then main ones....so maybe if we don't do main characters this round, we can do them another time? Same line of thought, maybe we could do episodes at some point? I understand if that's too 'done' though! That said, townies would be fine too..I think of any group, that would be the one with the most variety..but then do we exclude more main characters like Luke, Lane, and Sookie? I'd also be cool with Emily/Richard..really I just like playing this game!
  12. These are awesome...really tough choice, but 4 to win.
  13. I think this is a really great final 3...I'm going with 9.
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