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Bumblebee Tights

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Everything posted by Bumblebee Tights

  1. 10,15 I like the idea behind 10, but it just requires too much suspension of disbelief, to the point of being almost cringeworthy for me..."I mean for God's sake, it is Rory we're talking about"! I know what they were going for, but, is Rory really the only girl in town to have ever graduated college? I know it's an Ivy, but is she THAT much of a focal point in everyone's lives?
  2. This is SO true. Evidence of this: I often find that, when I'm discussing this show, people want to talk about Rory's relationships, and it's often through the lens of who she was in said relationship. This is especially true of Logan, who I've found many people dislike because they dislike the person Rory was when she was with him, and they don't think she belongs in his moneyed world. I'll admit that I probably love the show because of ASP, and not in spite of her, just in the sense that the show and these characters would never have existed without her. It's also my ( I think commonly held) opinion that Lorelai is an author avatar, and I love Lorelai and think she is the soul of the show. That being said, I completely agree about disliking her public persona. Many of her comments don't sit right with me, the ones about not watching season seven foremost amongst them. I also can't help but feel that the second half of season 6 WAS her way of purposefully burning the building down on her way out. I even think I remember reading something about her being irritated that the network didn't like the troubadour (or maybe it was the fans?) and then, lo and behold, we get the dozens of troubadours in "Partings". It all just felt so incredibly mean spirited to me. I'm actually cautiously optimistic about the revival at least as far as Rory is concerned. I enjoyed the trailer for the most part, and if nothing else, it looks like Amy may be looking to explore some of the larger themes in Rory's life being discussed above.
  3. I have a hard time ranking the seasons, mostly because my rankings can change depending on the day, and what I've watched recently. It is pretty fixed, though, that while seasons 1-4 may move around in my ranking, the bottom three spots always go to 5, 7, and 6, in that order. If forced to choose I would say: Season 2: I have the hardest time choosing between 2 and 4, but 2 has the edge because Rory is still in Stars Hollow, the Lorelei/Rory relationship is in it's golden years, and yes, the arrival of Jess makes for some classic and rewatchable episodes. Season 4: I just love season 4..I find myself rewatching it more than any other season. I love to watch the construction and opening of The Dragonfly. I love the "trilogy" at the end. I also think it might actually be my favorite season for Rory. It's the only season where she is single for most of it, and I like that it has lots of "low drama" storylines ( like the study tree, and the ballet review) that focus on her as an individual. Season 3: Has many of what I consider the most memorable GG episodes, but also has some things that annoy me. Gets the edge over 1 just because I tend to think of seasons 2-3 as the years when GG was in it's best, most natural, rhythm. Season 1: Just ends up here because I like the overall "feel" of the other seasons a bit more, but I do love it, I think more than most. Season 5: Still feels like GG, and I love the L/L stuff, but the end of the season (Kropogs!), is where things start to turn. Season 7: The beggining is a little rough, but it's heads and tails above 6 for me. In fact, the last half of the season, starting with I'm a Kayak.., started to feel more like classic GG then anything the show had done in quite awhile. Season 6: I don't mind the rift..too much. It's the second half of the season that's awful for me. I am a Lorelai girl, and her spark, for lack of a better word, is gone. The episodes are painful to watch and it just feels so mean spirited.
  4. Hi everyone! Can I join in this game (if you're still playing)? I recently caved and made an account after reading through some threads here. I'm a longtime, major GG fan and this just looks like so much fun!
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