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Bumblebee Tights

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Everything posted by Bumblebee Tights

  1. 8 for sure. Kropogs is always in hard competition with AVV for my absolute least favorite episode, and it's all because of how much I hate every part of this dinner. Also..17, 24.
  2. - Straub and Francine come to FND when Christopher comes to town and see Rory for the first time since she was a baby. Straub "doesn't care how smart you say that girl is", and accuses Lorelai of ruining Christopher's life. Richard defends Lorelai: "You recant that! My daughter is very successful at what she does!", but later lays into her when she tries to thank him: "Yes it does matter why I did it, it matters greatly!". Emily fixes Rory a plate in the kitchen and assures her that no part of her existance has ever been a dissapointment, "not for one single second". She calls Straub a big ass. Christopher and Lorelai end up on the balcony.-Christopher Returns -A snowstorm keeps Lorelai from getting to FND and strands Rory in Hartford for the night. She introduces her grandparents to frozen pizza and they look at old pictures of Lorelai-Love and War and Snow And speaking of frozen pizza.. -Rory and Lorelai split up and each have dinner with one of the elder Gilmores to try and convince them to reconcile. Rory and Richard eat frozen pizza and she drops hints about going back to something comforting. He calls her a lovely girl. She says she has good genes. Meanwhile, Emily tells a flustered Lorelai she wants to date.-Emily Says Hello
  3. This question is way more fun for me to answer then it probably should be. Rory is by far the easiest to place: she is a Ravenclaw, pure and simple. Arguably her most defining trait is her intelligence, and though she has aspirations, she loves learning for it's own sake. She's passionate about books and is a voracious reader, something most Ravenclaws have in common, is clever, and though she's not necessarily 'creative' in the way we might usually think of the word, she has what I would consider to be a creative outlet in writing. Early seasons Rory was also shown to be wise beyond her years in many ways. I think it's safe to say that Rory values knowledge above all else. Case closed. I think that Lorelai is a Gryffindor. You could make the case for her being a Slytherin, since she can arguably be manipulative and ambitious, and certainly she can try to charm people to get what she wants (though it's usually in a playful way.) You could also make a case for Ravenclaw, since she is quick, witty, a walking encyclopedia of pop culture references, and quirky. In the end though, Lorelai went through with her pregnancy, left her parents house, struck out on her own, and worked her way into a comfortable life on her own terms. She is nothing if she is not brave, determined, and stubborn. She also always does what she thinks is right, and is not afraid to be blunt. At her core, she's a Gryffindor. I don't really know what to do with Richard and Emily. Probably they are Slytherin, since they are ambitious and concerned with their position, and also willing to manipulate to get what they want..and not in a playful way like Lorelai. The incident of Richard cutting Jason out of the business to make the unpleasantness with Floyd go away..pure Slytherin. And yet, underneath that, there is a good deal of Ravenclaw in Richard..he is completely on Rory's level with his enthusiasm about reading and learning..just look at how much nostalgia he feels for his time at Yale. In Emily I can sometimes see some of the Gryffindor traits that her daughter possesses.. certainly in the revival she was brave and blunt. It probably helps that I think that Lorelai and Emily are a lot alike in personality, it's just their life circumstances that are so different. Luke is textbook Hufflepuff..loyal, kind, humble, hardworking, puts other's needs before his own, always tries to do the "right" thing. In fact I would place most of Stars Hollow in Hufflepuff...with the possible exception of Lane, who though she has some Hufflepuff qualities as well, was brave enough to strike out on her own and persist in being herself despite her love for and deep need to please her mother. Lane might be a Gryffindor. Oh, and Taylor. He's as Slytherin as they come. I'm torn on whether Paris is a Slytherin or a Ravenclaw. She's so very intense and ambitious and can definitely be cunning. She does seem to love to learn underneath all of that though. She's probably a Slytherin, or if she's not, she's definitely a Ravenclaw hiding under a tough outer Slytherin 'shell'. Rory's guys..I think Dean's a Hufflepuff. I know people get down on Dean, and I know he can be self centered, but even with the Lindsay debacle I think that in the end he is good hearted, it's just that the Rory situation brought out the worst in him..and he certainly is hard working. Jess is probably Ravenclaw. He is a secret lover of learning, and as Luke said, "reads more then anyone I've ever seen." He's just not a conventional learner..and Ravenclaws are unconventional. My choice for Logan is probably controversial, but I go with Gryffindor. I know most people would probably say Slytherin..but honestly, I think Logan is a pretty upfront guy. He's not really cunning, he's just smart. He is blunt. He is definitely chivalrous. He is a bit self destructive and conceited, but I can see these traits as belonging to Gryffindor. Several times throughout the series I thought he displayed bravery, foolish bravery though it might have been. I also am of the possibly unpopular opinion that there are a lot of similarities between Lorelai and Logan.
  4. These are both great, but I have to go with 5 to win, because it hits me so hard each time I see it, and is so sweet while also being a little sad, which is something I think this show does better then any other.
  5. 29 ( though it's one of the biggest laugh out loud moments of the show for me!)
  6. I haven't been online much in the last few days because of busyness due to the start of the semester, but this is a great topic and a great group of moments!
  7. Also, I'm so tickled that 11 made it so far. It's so great...I think a lot of my favorite Luke/Jess moments are the ones where Luke surprises Jess and shakes him up. I also love the 'It's a Wonderful World' in the background ?
  8. I know it's such an iconic Luke/Jess moment, but I'm going to surprise myself and go with 30. I just love all the others a little bit more.
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