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Bumblebee Tights

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Everything posted by Bumblebee Tights

  1. Yikes, this is hard now..I'm gonna go with 10.
  2. 10!..I'm just going to keep trying.? No really, I don't get the attachment to this one. It's not a big stand out to me..maybe I'll have to rewatch.
  3. Um..5, 10, 16. I agree, but I just can't vote this dinner out because of the "not beer, never beer"! moment, which I find really endearing, and it's also sort of interesting to watch the role reversal with Lorelai/ Emily and Rory/ Richard : "Am I crazy? That's supposed to be us, right?"
  4. I love this idea! It also really fits with the way that Dean idealizes Rory and in later seasons seems to view her almost as a magical creature. I realized as an afterthought that I didn't sort Chris...it didn't even occur to me. Which probably tells you everything you need to know about how I feel about him, ha. Weirdly I was always rather nuetral about him, or even enjoyed his interactions with Lorelai well enough, until his one scene in the revival which for some reason left me with a really sour impression, and has colored my views of him in hindsight. I'm not even completely sure why that is, except that maybe seeing him in a context that is completely about Rory and in no way about Lorelai really drove home what a poor father he was and the ways in which it ultimately affected Rory. But I digress. The point is, I just don't think he fits anywhere. He is certainly not what I would call brave, or strong.. Gryffindor is definitely out. Hufflepuff is out too, because no Hufflepuff would be comfortable having such minimal involvement in their daughter's life. I can see people placing him in Slytherin, but in my opinion that would be more out of a knee jerk reaction to place people who seem like 'the bad guy' in Slytherin, and as @whateverhappened points out, this isn't really fair, as being a Slytherin is not synonymous with not being a good person. I guess you could say he's self centered, but again, that's not exclusively a Slytherin trait. He's also definitely not driven or ambitious, doesn't seem to care too much about status for it's own sake, and he's really not what I would call cunning. He does some not so great things, but I don't see many of them as being calculated. The incident at Richard and Emily's vow renewal, for instance, although it was sort of loosely 'planned', struck me as more impulsive as far as how it actually went down. I guess mayyybe I'd have to very very reluctantly go with Ravenclaw, because he can be witty, and he keeps up? Honestly I don't know how much of that is his actual personality and how much of that is just a reflection of Lorelai. And, it would be more out of process of elimination then anything else. Maybe I'll go with @tarotx's idea that he's a muggle in love with a witch. Even that doesn't fit in the way it does with Dean though. Anyone have any thoughts?
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