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Everything posted by iamdog

  1. Some interesting thoughts you guys have, but I stopped reading this thread on the third mention of what the previews for next week hold in store.
  2. The whole 'say your name so your attacker has to recognise you as a person' thing was hilarious!
  3. I'm just surprised that Gene didn't start frying things in that oil as soon as the poo-goo went in it!
  4. I don't think they know quite what they meant to set it in, there were bits of everything from everywhere from that era in that season, none of it really cohesive. When they've done similarly weird out of office stuff before it all still felt right, this whole season felt off to me the instant they left the building. The story never seemed to settle, even when it wasn't going anywhere. When I first saw the montage back in ep.1 I thought awesome, but quietly I wondered if it was all a flash-forward and that ep.2 would start after, the scenes from the montage all being part of the mystique - a WTF that would slowly fall into place as the rest of the season unfolded. Now the season's over and looking back, that montage is somewhat bitter-sweet, the reality of it being that it actually was the total sum of all the good bits we got to see, and none of the rest of the story backed it up. I'm not sure how I feel about Lana having a baby but we'll see where they take it, but when Archer tuned out while she was telling him it was his, I thought for sure he was going to have a flash-back to him changing the sperm sample with Cyril's yet again, which would have been quite funny imo.
  5. I took Earlich to be someone who is yesterday's success story; he made his fortune and lived it up. Meanwhile everyone has moved on, now he's essentially living on his past glory, hoping one of his so-called buddies strikes it big so he can continue the ride on their coat tails under the justification that 'he made it happen'. While he should be helping Richard with business experience, it's clear he has very little to offer and he knows it. His free rent 'incubator' is the only thing keeping the others around and as we saw with big head they'll turn on each other and move out at the first opportunity. And yes I've forgotten his name too, but Gabe ought to have negotiated a deal first, but I'll put that down to he probably did but they didn't have time to put that in the show and wave it by.
  6. I think Chilton may well be alive because he was referred to in the present tense: "Chilton has many victims beyond the dead" - not 'had'. "Is your social worker in the horse?" what a line! Suprassed possibly only by Hannibal's "you might want to crawl back in there if you know what's good for you." I agree on the practical purposes for stopping Will, he would have been tied up in red tape and likely put out of Hannibals immediate reach for some time. And I just want to say the aural sensations delivered in this episode were exceptional.
  7. In an episode last season there was a scene in which Hannibal and Chilton discussed psychic driving and I got the impression that Hannibal was thoroughly familliar with Chilton's technique. I think Hannibal had been using Chilton's exact methodology on Miriam, it seemed to be not so much the voice but what he was saying, specific phrases, that set her off. I'll have to watch it again, I was too blown away by, well, Chilton being blown away. And I'm fairly certain the bullet went through the side of his cheek and out the ear, so as someone else suggested he may well survive to return with a wicked scar - and probably deaf in one ear. That, along with his limp and lack of kindey, will make him quite the sight - not to mention his mental state!
  8. I put that down to the last little bit of psychic driving Hannibal used on Chilton. As he put the ether soaked hankerchief over Frederick's face he said; "When you wake up, your only choice will be to run". And run he did! And when Chilton was being pursued by Jack in the snow, did anyone else get a flashback to the "He didn't run fast enough" comment Hannibal made when serving Jack rabbit back in season 1?
  9. I always liked Gabe in The Office and It's nice Zach Woods playing a similar role here. I'm really enjoying this show, not just because I'm a fan of Mike Judge's stuff but also because I recognise a lot of the characters in this show from my time in the IT business.
  10. Thanks guys! Our local station calls everyhting 'new' and I wasn't sure if this was the current one, obviously not. Last seasons 'who-ha bitch fest' was just too much and I bailed half way, hesitant to return. However I shall continue to lurk...
  11. I can totally buy Hannibal being able to accomplish so much in the dead of night and looking fresh as a daisy in the morning. Why? Because he's so fucking good. Most of his displays are plausible to me, certainly they'd take a huge amount of precice planning and effort and there's a huge reliance on luck of not being seen - but Hannibal is essentially the devil and so luck tends to be in his favour.
  12. Yep Teddy's a dark horse and despite his mundane appearance I think he'd have a lot of fascinating stories to tell. A cancel Bob's Burgers group? Ha! I don't do that twitface stuff but 53 'likes' sounds quite pathetic. I saw some people on twop expressing displeasure at the Napoleon Dynamite toon (which I quite enjoyed) being replaced by BB but to hold a grudge against what is one of the least offensive shows on TV is kinda odd. Anyway this episode told a good story and the lack of a B-plot was not an issue. I particularly liked Gene's helpful comments throughout especially "Take your cyanide capsule!" The convention thing was done well, the $95 saddles (hand stitched!) was spot on and Tina's comment of feeling out of place because "I don't have enough money and I'm not a grown man" was gold! And finally I almost spat my drink out when it was revealed what was so special about Tina's pony - to which she remained blisfully unaware!
  13. Can someone tell me which season this promo image is from? Our local tv station is showing it but nowhere in the guides does it say what season. http://images.tenplay.com.au/~/media/TV%20Shows/ONE/Hells%20Kitchen/HellsKitchen_About.jpg
  14. A lot of my friends at the time hated this episode when it first aired but I really enjoyed it and still do, so abusrdly amusing. I also loved the Pip episode and that's not very popular either. I wish they'd do more stuff like that.
  15. I'm going to be in the minority here and please don't think I'm just hating on the show because they killed off a favourite character, but... My immediate response to Will being shot was "I wonder what new show he's going to be in?". My disappointment is not so much that they killed Will, but that they killed off one of the few remaining characters I found interesting. Cary seems destined to remain a piece of scenery even in his own firm, Kalinda has be reduced back to 'sexy bad girl' when they had her sleep with Cary again, Eli has been effectively sidelined, David Lee has gone from a hilarious snark into a miserable SOB. Even Diane hasn't had much presence since the nastiness, though that will obviously change now. The preview of things to come did not fill me with anticipation, rather with dread at the thought of MJF becoming a main player. I loved this show when it had smart and snappy writing but it really feels like it's lost direction to me and the last few eps have been a struggle.
  16. This episode was getting closer to form, but still it seemd to be a lot of going places without anything really being achieved. Malory wheeling and dealing with the El Presidente was enjoyable and Krieger's 'meep meep meep' was pure gold. But still I can't help but feeling ISIS is becoming too much like Get Smart's CONTROL as their operations become more farcical. Hopefully part 2 will be more satisfying. The whole Vice thing doesn't bother me, even Pam's over-the-top coke fiendery, it's just he way they are going about it feels clumsy and fumbling when it should be gripping and exciting.
  17. Well where to start! Honestly I've missed quite a few episodes of the past few seasons but for me the worst episode was the one in which they killed off Maude Flanders. So pointless and unnecessary and, as I later found out, so spiteful. And it wasn't even funny.
  18. Call-backs to episodes long past being the highlight isn't exactly a ringing endorsement. The mob standover tactics came across as being almost willfully ignorant of the horriffic violence that is the reality of such situations, perhaps they were trying to avoid offending Brazillians again? But then why play up to such a negative stereotype when there's so much else on offer - the few short pans of Rio's skyline and the river at the end were lovely and I wanted more of that. Instead we got a grade-b Fat Tony story and dumb 'soccer is dumb' jokes. And it was another episode that just suddenly seemed to end.
  19. I'm slowly catching up here as it's taken me a while to digest True Detective and I though it would be rude to turn up here having just eaten! The first two episodes were a solid return and the scenes with Dr Bedelia were haunting to the point I was certain her demise was imminent. I have to say that It was very rude of Hannibal to pay that vinal visit to her house in that shiny rain-suit of his and it was such a relief to see her not there. And so brave of her to face Hannibal in his office, that did not look like it was going to end amicably.
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