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  1. I think if Jill is willing to turn a blind eye to her very favorite president's multiple marriages and ...other life choices, then I don't think Mr Melaluca's misdeeds will bother her in the least.
  2. IIRC, Justin answered the wheel question on his Instagram recently - he mentioned they're weighted differently to spin in a shorter amount of time. The first one isn't weighted as much as the wildcard, I believe. Mostly because the first season they didn't have the wheels weighted in any form, so they spun forever and ever and it made for a long boring wait. I could be misremembering or misinterpreting what he said.
  3. Well, as a recovering Catholic schoolkid myself, constantly hearing Jesus referred to as "The Son of God" in the same breath as "God gave his only son..." might make one think "If He offers up his ONLY SON to die....who says He won't do the same to MEEEEEE?" Because we're all "God's children", per the church, right? So wild to think of it in those terms. (I hope I haven't offended my Christian friends, truly. I apologize if I have. This is just my personal interpretation of my scary 70s Catholic upbringing.)
  4. I have been calling Bailey "Eeyore" for how she talks, and my friends looked at me and stared. Just for one of them to finally say "Yeah okay, that's how YOU talk." and I'm never talking out loud again. 🤦‍♀️. RIP me.
  5. I went 1-for-4 with this episode. Jet was my only win. I always want to see more of Chris Scott's food, so his loss was a bummer to me. The other episodes went 3-for-4 for me. Jet and Pyet both made some incredible looking dishes. That was a great cook!
  6. Good Lord this woman needs mood stabilizers if she's continually sobbing and weeping over every little thing in her life. Also, I cannot imagine an office (or any room, really) with walls that are lined with pictures of MY DAMN SELF. I guess since the vast majority of her selfies are on her phone - and we know that's always buried SO DEEP IN HER PURSE - she keeps them readily available for her own pleasureable viewing this way. Still, ick.
  7. The eyebrows look much less swoosh-y and more even. I'd like to see them stay that way for a bit, JILL.
  8. Full time vacation ministrying. Do they hand out tracts at Epcot or is that just an activity for the kids?
  9. I'd bet a whole cruise ship full of plexus bedazzled swag that Jill and Dave absolutely never "treat" Mama Trish or Mama Rodrigues (idk her name). So Jill and Dave have zero problem reaping the rewards of their "precious" children spending their every dime on their own parents ... that is an act that is never paid upward to their own parents. Jill, you're absolutely disgusting.
  10. I wonder what the Rod girls carry in their purses. I don't know why, but I'm just curious.
  11. I am rooting for Rocco despite how much he resembles Elon. I can't unsee it but I'll cheer for him anyway!
  12. Exactly - and where is Renee going to find new marks? She's never out from under Mahmo's thumb.
  13. I know there's a lot of Jesusing in the MLM world, and I'm thankful I only have 1-2 people in my socials who are still active in them. One does fairly well with Pampered Chef, but the others who are in and out of MLM/MLM-hoppers are now in Bravenly. Which, wtf is that word? But they post constantly about their leadership calls which seem to always involve prayers (and preying!). I think Olive Tree is also somewhat Jesusy; lots of Rodan + Fields huns left to that one and MAKE Wellness. I'm possibly too in touch with the MLM world but it's been very interesting (to me) to map out where everyone scatters to once their MLM moves to affiliate marketing or otherwise changes their compensation plans. Related note: while cleaning out my kitchen, I threw away a bag of Plexus samples from 2015 (if not earlier). One of my Plexus friends is IFB-adjacent and the other is agnostic. Only one still sells it, and you can probably guess which one :)
  14. I don't know if I can take much more Carlos. Regardless of whatever he's talking about, he seems like he's trying to hit a word count. He could make watching water boil sound simply exhausting.
  15. Maybe Jill hasn't found the perfect Amish/Mennonite community to insert herself into yet.
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