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Everything posted by MissSunshine

  1. Alright as everyone mentioned, the show was much better than last weeks. I knew it would be from the acts, and I wish they would have switched some acts around so that the stinkers from last week would definitely be off without a doubt. Here's how I feel about last night's acts and then I'll get to who we voted for. Light Balance- This is my favorite act by a LONG SHOT. I know there have been other light acts on this show in the past, but nothing like this. This is so intricate, detailed, creative, and sharp. I LOVE this act. Pompeyo Family- definitely not good enough to get through. They would have had to been outstanding, seeing as they didn't get the votes last time. Super cute dogs, but it was all over the place and Sara and Hero/Loki are more interesting in my opinion. Colin Cloud - I don't know I just can't get into him. Last week when he called out the girl in the audience telling her a dog bit her butt? It was obviously staged or she just went along with it. I find him fake. And that other magician earlier this season did a similar act to his last night with the "give me a place and what not and showing up on a television screen seeing me say it". Next. Diavolo - I really like Diavolo. And Darci, Diavolo, and Light Balance are the only ones out of the group I'd pay to see live. There might be others, but if there are I can't think of them and that's not a good sign. Angelica Hale - I didn't like that she got the pimp spot. I thought she was good other times, but I don't want her pushed on me. And I thought Celine Tam was better for me this week Christian Guardino - I thought he did a good job, but I fear people will forget about this performance. He's from my hometown of Patchogue and so I feel a bit of a connection to him. Celine Tam- I didn't enjoy her last time, but I did enjoy her tonight. She was age appropriate and sounded like a Disney soundtrack Merrick Hanna - I just never thought he was a great dancer. I feel it's not that sharp and clean. Cute kid though and I feel for him. It's hard for me to see a kid go because I'm sure they take it super hard, not knowing this isn't really the end of their career. Kechi- I liked her a lot. I know she's off here and there, but her story really pulls my heart strings. I always end up almost in tears when she performs, along with another family member in my house that always tears up every time. I think she has definitely improved every week. In The Stairwell - I'm a sucker for these guys. They lead one is really cute!!! I'd might see them too live I think. Good singing, the dancing was a little too silly to me. I think they'd benefit from decent choreo Mandy Harvey- I thought she did a good job. I would probably buy her music. Another family member loves her. ' Who got the votes? Light balance got the majority. Then one for In the Stairwell, one for Christian Guardino, and another family member voted a few times for Mandy Harvey and Diovolo
  2. Not sure if anyone has mentioned this because I didn't read all of the comments, but did you see that Mary Murphy called Kaylee "Taylor" during the comments?
  3. does anyone know why some of the contestants and their all star (mostly the all star) look so, so serious when the judges are giving their comments and praise? Sometimes they look even sad, but they're getting good remarks
  4. what do you mean funhouse? did I miss something?
  5. It's probably because he know's his girlfriend Taylor (Robert's partner) is watching
  6. did anyone know that Lex and Taylor are a couple?? I'm trying to figure out if they met at sytycd or before that. From their instagram, it looks like they have been together since at least january
  7. does anyone know that Kiki has already been on dancing with the stars?!!! youtube it
  8. Agreed. Exhibit A: she is my mother's favorite who is in her 50s
  9. what do you mean? Logan is gay I'm pretty sure
  10. I meant to ask all of ya'll. Did anyone notice that the girl that was dance indoor sky diving was not performing live but on a screen projector? After she was done you see the projector rolling up. How is she to perform live then for future shows? And as cool as it was to watch, isn't doing in prerecorded really not fair to the other contestants?
  11. You know what, I'm starting to think that half of these acts are contacted to appear on the show. It would definitely make sense. Like I was thinking maybe Puddles the clown was seen on youtube and called in. That probably means 5 alive knew they were going through. As well, all of their individual instagrams were made in april 2017
  12. I just feel there are better and more fit dancers at a lot of clubs. I definitely do not have any problem with an overweight dancer, but I know most of America would not pay to watch a heavy one on a pole :( And I just feel like if I was a teenager and my administrator decided to dance on a pole in a bikini on national television, I would have a hard time taking her seriously. I guess we'll have to see how it goes. Maybe she has more up her sleeve like you said
  13. Some thoughts I had- one that no one mentioned yet, what was up with that school administrator??? The heavy set one in a bikini swinging from a pole? Why on earth did she go through? I can't believe she's a school administrator that's so humiliating and looks bad for the school in my opinion. And she wasn't even good? Next: the subway singer has a song on itunes? It was released in december of last year. Anyone know anything about this? Was this from when he was on the late, late show? He was good, but not great. What I loved was when he held the note loud and strong. But his vibrato was very strange. He kept moving his mouth up and down and it's not necessary to do that when you sing. Brandon Rogers was phenomenal. Such a loss, seems like such a great man. He sounded so much like stevie wonder. Did anyone else think that both of the mirror twins were gay? No offense, but that's strongly how it came across. But one said he has a gf for 4 yrs, not that it means anything. They could sing fine but the tone of their voice was chalk board on nails annoying. Nothing special at all. Any kid from theater class could do what they did. 5 alive looked way older that 21. Especially the one with the hat. side note: I still cant believe they swindled us into believing that opera cab driver from last week just sang to his customers and someone thought he was good enough to be on agt, when in fact he's traveled the world as a professional opera singer.
  14. Where do you see that it says they were scouted? I couldn't find it on their website
  15. Ahh wow interesting. 5 times the votes mean there's pretty much know way you're going home on that night's eliminations for sure
  16. Could someone explain to me what the multiplier is? You land in the top 10, and then what happens? Does it affect your results in eliminations?
  17. Hunter enunciating all of a sudden makes me think that even though my email pissed him off, he may have still taken it to heart :) I agree that having Vanessa do something fresh like that was a very good choice. I love when it is something you don't really expect. And she does have a similar vibe to lauryn Hill
  18. You hit the nail on the head. I thinks he is under the impression he is very, very special.
  19. I had already deleted everything in my deleted file folder :(. I'm sorry I meant that I emailed it through Instagram. That was the only time I said anything to him about it, besides agreeing with someone on here about it. When I went to his instagram it said "send a message to hunter". When I clicked it I though a direct message template would come up, but instead it opened up my email. I never made a comment about his enunciation on instagram though, just on the message I sent him
  20. I wanted to tell you all about the email I sent to Hunter Plake and the response I received a week or so later. I should have saved the email and posted a screenshot here, but in my irritation I deleted it immediately. Let me give you a background. Hunter is/was my favorite and I love his style. However, like many have said, it is hard to understand what he is saying because he is not enunciating. Now, I know he CAN enunciate because I've seen other non voice performances by him where you can understand every word. So I wrote him an email that said "Hunter we love you! You are our favorite!!!! We would love for you to enunciate more because the people in our house cannot understand what you are saying :(" okay so that's what I said, and I think it's important that the audience can understand the singers because how else can they connect with the words of the song if they cannot understand what is being said? So a week went by, and I received a nasty reply from Hunter. He said "Hi. I do not care nor need advice on what you think I should do. I sing like that on purpose. Thanks." That really rubbed me the wrong way. Coming from a fan, shouldn't he have been nicer? Like if he didn't agree with me fine, but to say it doesn't matter what I think? Who is he trying to get votes from then? Please tell me what you guys think.
  21. I love hunter :) So sorry. But no, because I watch the show a day later, I never vote. I love his alternative sound. And I am also a very big fan of Coldplay. Although, yes, he does need to pronunciate more. I let him know via instagram.. hopefully he reads it. And I'm 29, so no, not a teen girl :)
  22. How do the singers see the votes coming in? I was under the impression that they could not see the percentages coming in and only we the the tv viewer could see that. Anyone know?
  23. Question as this is my first season watching the entire season... do they usually announce that a contestant is going on the tour as they did with Laurie on the finale? Do runner ups ever your instead? I found it a little odd that they would announce she was touring with them before she actually won and felt it gave it away, do they usually do that mid finale?
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