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Everything posted by HowdeeDo

  1. Erica/Holly 2017 Jenna is cute, but doesn't "pop", but having all three in the triangle will be visual goals. Sidenote, why the hell are they still at Valley Ranch? (timeline was November, then January, then...?) Jerry Jones, upgrade ya girls to the Star already!
  2. Jobs and so they can be fat and free.* *Jokes since they're both gorgeous and healthier than anything I've ever been close to. "Fat" by DCC standards.
  3. I liked all of them in the vid! They have their own different styles but all still pleasant to watch. I also don't see the point of writing someone off on making the team just based on these ~30 second clips. It's a whole different atmosphere and I'll bet anyone dancing "softer" will rev it up come auditions. Glad we got to see more of Yuko. Hoping to see them all (well Stephanie is pretty much a given) back next season.
  4. These are old uniforms, and like most fashion trends they were probably 'stylish' back then.
  5. Not insensitive, and he's definitely Cajun. I admire the way they talk :D
  6. Hold up, I'm from the Sip too. Howdy neighbor? Honestly our accent isn't that different from any other Southern accent. And by Louisiana do you mean Cajun accents?
  7. I mean you're just out of control. I advise professional help. :P Creeper fans meaning older men who give me the Momma No-No vibes.
  8. Her Insta went private long before the rumors, as well as a lot of other cheerleaders because of some creeper fans I believe.
  9. Do you think the new shorts are shorter? They're longer in almost every picture I've seen. (by like an inch, because that matters? lol)
  10. I think the "new" shorts are baggier and don't look as flattering, maybe there's just extra fabric?
  11. The intro has always bugged me, even back when it was relevant. The effects are embarrassingly awful (sorry not sorry). I would even be happy with the intro they use for games where they're getting ready in their locker room looking FLAWLESS.
  12. Not how much, but someone mentioned they sign a waiver of some sort allowing them to be featured or not?
  13. She wasn't shown at all during this season, even though she was a comeback girl. Some girls prefer not to be featured so I guess she decided not to be.
  14. Some skate, some dance (or maybe all). I don't believe it's a requirement that you have to skate, but a bonus?
  15. If they re audition; Selena, Tasha, and as much as I hope not - Kelsey (tho she was killing that last dance class she was in). Haven't seen much of any of these three in classes but I'm really pulling for Kelsey. Most of the weight warning Vets are retiring, but I've never been thrilled by Simone as well. Still surprised she made it back for a second year.
  16. I'd imagine it's whoever still lives in DFW and is available that day?
  17. It's gotten better over the years, I just hate being limited with products. I worked at Ulta/Sephora and it was torture not being able to use pretty things. Second on First Aid Beauty! Their moisturizer is the shizzz. It's my go to winter moisturizer and it's really helped my cousin who's going through some terrible teenage acne right now.
  18. My skin flip flops between oily in the summer (I live in the devil's armpit) and somewhat normal in the winter, but I moisturizer like crazy. I have rosacea and eczema, allergic to a lot of fragrances, and bathe in SPF 70 basically. It's taken a village to figure out what I can and can't use, but right now I'm really into oily cleansing and anything gentle that doesn't piss off my skin.
  19. I have a friend who does R&F and aside from the outrageous price tag, I stayed away because of horrible results I had with proactive. Did your skin have any irritation after using it?
  20. Not too sure on that. It's not waxy or creamy, the texture of the product is liquid.
  21. Responding to the LipSense company that Tasha is a part of, as well as myself. Tbh MLM's have always made me side-eye because you have to bust ass and recruit to actually make anything, so I casually sell to family and use the nice discount for myself because the stuff does work if you take care of your lips. I have always had cracked, chapped, and scabbed lips. This comes from years of biting due to anxiety. I started using LS about 5 months ago. The exfoliation process is kind of discouraging at first, but I have to say as damaged as my lips were, they're in really good shape now. It's not a stain or a liquid lipstick, its pigment based in alcohol. I hope your LP ladies were upfront about the slight tingle at first and the exfoliation, because I'd be freaked out too if they weren't! The tingle does go away after continuous use tbough, and being able to have lipstick not transfer or move is honestly what I need during 10-12 hour days. /end non promotional sales pitch.
  22. LipSense distributor here taking my response over to 123 so we can get back on topic here.
  23. I don't see a reason why she would hide something like that though, probably blinged out for the ad.
  24. Never, girl has a rock solid body. I think she was referring to Megan/Melissa and in the early season Danielle/Jenn K/Amy
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