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Everything posted by HowdeeDo

  1. Shelly confirmed when I asked too. That's cutting it closer than normal is it not?
  2. @ShellyB, When is the year end banquet? Do K&J have any input as to who's chosen for VOTY and ROTY, or is just a team vote?
  3. I know Erica is the visual of the squad, but if Kelsey manages to stick around I wouldn't doubt she'd be calendar cover/Magazine cover.
  4. Stunning without that horrid Barbie lipstick. I'd love to see her as a deeper blonde/light brunette.
  5. Marriage necessarily means she'll retire after this year. Plenty of girls made marriage work while being a DCC for a year or two (JenK, Holly, Tasha, Crystal). Depends on if she feels like she's finished after this season. Personally I think she may be at risk this season with weight fluctuation and not being a WOW performer, but again I hope everyone makes it back.
  6. His instagram feed has ME swooning because it's 90% love and adoration posts for her. How sweet, you did good Simone! (Or he did good, rather)
  7. I think it's likely that Maddie or Maggie will get ROTY. In a perfect world all returning vets will make it back and there will be a small rookie class again (yay), but I can see Selina/Mandy/Simone in question for weight and all of the maybes last year if they don't perform well. Either way we'll see a rookie group of at least 8 to possibly 12. I hope they continue to do the calendar in the Bahamas, but add some variety for shoots next year. The water is GORGEOUS but it's a little monotonous to see it as the background for every picture. In old calendars they at least had some shots in forests, huts, waterfalls, etc. Bimini is a small island so they're surely limited, but there are several other islands with resorts they could use.
  8. The fashion show was tacky. Glad this is a more upscale vibe shoot. I do like the photographer better, but the colors/photoshopping look like overkill just a bit - almost cartoonish. I think Simone will be this season's Megan.
  9. I really hope they let her grow it out a bit, close to Amy L's length.
  10. These girls are adorable, and I don't think it's the way Mandy is posed - she looks heavy.
  11. Beating my dead horse, but they are doing Kelsey a disservice by slapping so much makeup on her. Less. Is. More.
  12. Forgive my brain, I thought you meant spring break being in February. I hope they continue to do it in the Bahamas, the water is stunning.
  13. Ah, my bad. For some reason I thought they did it late February/early March.
  14. I genuinely want everyone to make it back this year (even Tasha, Yuko). These big rookie classes are wearing on my brain. Maybe they're holding calendar a little "later" this year to keep vets in shape for auditions and fewer weight issues.
  15. I just assumed K/J or other staff were sitting there.
  16. Safe travels, private planes make me nervous!
  17. A bit more optimistic about swimsuits from this video. Everyone looks great (though one suit Milan is wearing does look weird). Simone, Kashara, and Mandy are flirting with being "heavy".
  18. They need to have MORE if not ALL of prep classes like this. Studio dance is one thing, but there's no difference in prep class vs. any other studio course in the DFW area. Having mini-field rehearsals similar to what the team does would really benefit those lost girls like Jenn said. Hopefully they'll incorporate this more with the Star being fully open next season.
  19. The skin tone is pretty similar as well.
  20. Is it just me or do some of the bottoms look way too low? Yuko and Selina for example.
  21. Could the absence of swimsuit fitting photos be in effort to avoid some inapropro comments? (Which doesn't really help, because they're on every photo anyway)
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