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Everything posted by HowdeeDo

  1. Jenna at point, with Erica and Amy L in the triangle at their performance for draft. No, this doesn't mean "anything" (but let's be real it kind of does). Happy to see Amy getting her shine! She's so adorable. Maybe she'll keep her spot in the triangle, but I could see them putting Lacey or Holly there too.
  2. Ack! Wrong Lauren. Can't remember the girl I was thinking about. Brunette with the boyfriend who had something to do with Caila getting cut? My bad
  3. Wrong thread, and you likely won't find many fans of her here.
  4. Article on Dallas Cowboys site about the DCC college days, my favorites are the unrecognizable photos of Chantal and Amy. I prefer Amy as a brunette I think.
  5. Not sure about specifically training camp, but those who come to mind that auditioned several (+2) times and made it - Kelli Q, Kelsey, Sunni Cranfill. I'm sure there are others but it's been awhile.
  6. Meh, she's pretty much a sure thing so I don't see it as foolish. Vets are expected to help rookies when they get into training camp anyway. With as much popularity she has these days I don't blame her.
  7. My bubble list: Selina for whatever happened during preseason that got her pulled out of performances that they could still hold grudge for. Milan and Simone for weight. Allie because I haven't seen her in a dance class (correct me if she has, haven't found a video) and weight too.
  8. Can we get full confirmation of that. I'm really hoping this is her year. Cut last for two years, this HAS to be her year.
  9. See bigskygirls post. She's more than likely under contract so it doesn't matter if she brings viewers or not. She's not a hot commodity anymore so maybe we won't see her next season.
  10. It was on Instagram live, so it's gone now.
  11. The girls are doing a photo shoot for Gameday magazine with something to do with throwback hair and makeup on instagram stories. Holly and Erica have some crazy 80's flare hair going on. Adorable. There's also a tiny glimpse (maybe) of their new studio at the star. The window behind them says "cheerleaders" I think.
  12. Props to Jenn, this looks like so much fun. I'd take her class if I didn't look like a hippo.
  13. Alright, I like this Miami girl too. Some of these girls make me nervous for the Rookies reauditioning. Meh, they say the same thing every year. They could take 36, but I'll bet we'll have a few sympahy spots too for the 'maybe' girls.
  14. There was an insider who said Kitty and written something down about Megan's weight and that she was on probation during Oxnard Training camp performance.
  15. I guess being on the team for longer gives vets a little slack, but it's not fair when rookies get cut and vets get slaps on the wrist with their obvious weight gains. (Not talking about just this year's vets)
  16. I REALLY hope she tries out and makes it. Obsessed with her style. She's on the shorter side so I hope we don't hear any of those "short and stocky" comments. How the hell do you expect them to change that? Anyhoo, my #girlcrush this year if she tries out.
  17. Stephanie and MK's choreo gets kind of boring lately, but I love the routines they've done for DCC. I think it's just the style. So many people in the studio try to dance hard instead of adding any kind of personal style to it. It just turns dancers into cookie-cutter robots. That's the one thing I'll say about Holly/Kashara and a few others - it's never a snoozefest when they're dancing, even if it may be over the top sometimes.
  18. Found this gem of practice run through for the Halloween Halftime. Really wish there were official videos of the special performances. I like being able to see the full view, not just closeups from the video board.
  19. Same. She looks decent with this particular choreography because it's very "prissy princess, look at me, ain't I cute?" She dances like a little sister trying to imitate big sister.
  20. I don't think it's worth trying to read into. It's a dance class. I doubt Holly or anyone cares how many of their teammates show up. These ladies have lives and are nearing auditions and have way too much on their plates I'm sure. I try not to "read into" a lot of things (as long as it's not blatantly obvious). Comments like that can be taken out of hand sometimes.
  21. Jenna and Holly flow well together.
  22. All of show group rarely perform together, and especially towards the end of the season it may be open to whoever is available. That's why they select 16+ for showgroup and have performances in groups smaller. ETA: I don't see Allie, unless you mean Maddie who is in showgroup.
  23. Jenn K isn't there. Erica is off to the far right of the group, to the side of Melissa.
  24. Possibly the last showgroup performance before auditions(?) Jenna and Melissa split point, with Lacey and Erica to the sides, so us #Ericaforpoint supporters may be disappointed next season. With Megan and Melissa gone that makes room for Jinelle and Holly somewhere in the mix too. Also, the announcer and his "Dallas COWBOY Cheerleaders", I can see Kelli clutching her pearls. How dare he!
  25. Maybe unpopular opinion, but when Victoria's time comes for auditions I think she should chop off her hair (Amy L or even Holly length). This just look like a mop she's trying to wring out to dry and it's distracting. She's got a long way to go with Pom/hip hop style dance too. She'll either be underwhelming at auditions or sail through with flying colors potntially due to biased judging. I just don't see her grasping their style yet while she's still dancing contemporary competitively too.
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