I told you not to buy that expensive stroller!
Expected that to happen but still. :(
If this episode was supposed to make us suddenly like Santos sorry but it didn’t work. She has been way too unpleasant and cocky and grating the first six hours to become likable so fast. Especially because again she just rushes into something. There really wasn’t any evidence the father was molesting his daughter.
Huh. Just finished binging this and really disliked the final episode. Way too many unexplained things happening like the (second!) car crash. Come on now. The guy is in two separate rollover crashes in 1-2 days and gets stabbed in the back with a giant knife and just walks away like it’s nothing? He’s a complete sociopath, I hate that the show seems to be trying to have him as some kind of anti-hero that we root for.
What was wrong with it? I liked the Jesus ad and I’m an atheist. A positive message is a good thing as well as being an obvious middle-finger towards a certain orange individual.