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Big Blue Plate

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Everything posted by Big Blue Plate

  1. My guess is there won't be a DNA test because 1) it's Genoa City 2) it's the Young and the Restless 3) Sharon will confess and everyone will proceed on that basis, esp. when it links back the nurse partner working with crazy Nick hating Dr. Anderson. And sticking my hand up a little for Chelsea, in her world Adam is dead, Nick, her friend (and eventual husband) is suffering, as much as the scripts and Josh Morrow's acting allow) so what purpose would it serve to say oh BTW, um, that's actually the work of Adam's little wonders. It does make some wonderful drama out there (potentially) should Adam return or be recast because presumably Chelsea and Nick will be coupled in some form (and realistically, Adam may be gone a long time, if not forever... the show seems fine without him) and Chelsea is actually pulling a kind of Sharon in not telling him... it seems justified to her and pointless. Actually, while Sharon is roundabout justified in no way was telling the truth pointless.
  2. OK so there's one thing worse than being a duplicitous asshole without any style... that's being Abby turned duplicitous asshole without any style. Nice sacrifice of you mother's side of the family, beeotch. That said good for Patty for shaking things up and I like the over dramatic editing when she did.
  3. I like MCE. I think she has a great sounding voice and I think she delivers a fairly natural performance. I liked her today with Nick.
  4. It's a bit crazy he's getting misty for her already. I believe he will in due course (assuming she doesn't bonk Billy again) but he should still be doing nothing but spitting nails. I remember back when John and Jill split post the Jack bonk.... Jill was still scheming to prevent the divorce at this point.... she hadn't gone all Joan Collins at Jabot yet. Rush, rush, rush....
  5. Sorry, I misread HeatLife. Yeah, it would be pretty bad if she picks up again with the Biscuit and then gets back with Jack. I can't see anybody pulling that off.
  6. ^ I think that's inevitable, HeatLifer. He was already misting down memory lane yesterday. He threw her out on impulse. It was horrific, what she did but he loves her more than he hates her. That's why the reaction is so strong.
  7. You're exactly right. And this is all he's got to work with until the change really takes place... so he has to sell that as is all he's got to sell. I think of the next few weeks as moving towards the end of the series... and spin off with a lot of the old characters begins in December. (I hope.) I cannot believe they will ignore the powerhouse that is Bergman and GT when they are onscreen. That said, maybe they go with Philly for awhile to stretch out the long hard battle back to each other. I have semi-wondered if they're setting up Phyllis to give up on winning him back, for a period of time... Although she seemed so determined to have him back when she gave Billy his marching orders yesterday that I find it hard to imagine her caving subsequently. It's hard to know where Pratt ends and the new team begins. If I was writing it, I wouldn't reunite them again... I'd write for awhile to make the characters realize the errors of their impulsive ways... and make the audience want them back together... beg them back together... hell, I might have one of them make a bad marriage for about a year to really really really drag it out... but I do believe whatever happens Mal only has Pratt to sell for sweeps and it being his first (maybe second?) sweeps at the helm, he needs a win (which I gather, ratings wise, he isn't actually getting much of these days.)
  8. That's bizarro since he's so prominent. Anyway, hot guy, natural actor, hope he does well and expect he will
  9. Think about how much would never have happened if Chris Egan didn't quit... oy... the man that got away...
  10. ^ I remember when they did that on Dallas. So confusing. So if yesterday was a damn fine episode I felt like today the director bellowed from the booth: In addition to this being a particularly weak script, even for a soap opera, please deliver the most awkward performance you possibly can. And so many of them did today... bar Bergman and GT (who I thought was a little off her game for her.) Natalie was a breath of bitchy fresh air. I kinda like her. The award for worst performance went to Eileen Davidson and her masterful performance of a fake fake laugh whilst delivering the line: That was quite a performance. Yes, indeedy, Ashleen.... by both of you. And kudos to Chloe who manages to be one of the most unlikable people in Genoa City, line by fucking line. And this is a city that is home to Victor Newman. (Third runner up to Stitch... poor Stitch, he can't even win the jerk competition.) Highlight: Jack catching Travis picking trash. Travis seemed like kind of a paranoid, smarmy fuck today. Exactly who is Travis working for? Because it doesn't seem to be Victor. I'm not sure it's anybody Which means Travis may not be Jack's long lost son but it's entirely possible he's the love child of M(ar)YOB Williams. If you squinted really hard and thought about the quality of talent on Passions, he and Abby laid the foundations for a Philadelphia Story type repartee. Or at least a Pittsburg Story, based on the writing and delivery. OK lets saw in half and say it's brain tumour that, once removed, means all the unhinged, none of the homicide.
  11. I absolutely love doppelgänger stories. I was on strike during Marco as thought the show so sucked so badly. I thought Marge was one of the best stories they ever did, in every respect. I was sorry they rushed to end it.
  12. So according to scenes for tomorrow, Phyllis is going to 'do the drop.' I assume this is not just to add to the dramatic tension but to either reveal the mole or to get caught. You don't think they're going to reunite Jack and Phyllis by forcing them to marry so they can't be compelled to testify agin each other? Nah. But this mole stuff is getting dump. One thing Y&R isn't good at is subtlety. I want them decide all Patty's troubles are due to brain tumour, operate, and have her just hanging around GC being a loon.
  13. Oh, Drinki is fun. I forgot. We need more Drinki. She gets kinda mouthy. And occasionally kills. Drinki fun.
  14. I never saw that scene where GT delivered: I do stupid crazy things ... and if you don't know that, who the hell did you fall in love with? She's a machine. Can you imagine the wretched MS trying to deliver any of this? Sadly, I can... I may wind up going all Patty if I can't make the visions stop.
  15. I think that was a damn fine episode. Bergman was terrific... I know I've accused the ham bone before but that was just solid and sincere and he and GT were just great at what they do. I love it... Jack regrets it already. And I'd say Phyllis gave Philly the unequivocal heave fucking ho. I loved that episode.
  16. When Victor is being an asshole about town, strutting around doing his big man routine, he still cracks me up when his parting shot is 'You have a nice day'. It's just delightfully ridiculous to me and generally about the only thing I like about the character.
  17. WTF with Mary-Paul Williams, Breach of the Peace? First he sets Patty off on nuclear settings and then he's screaming down the hall at the orderly to mop up. I know Dougie is a veteran and he's got a big one in his Gloria Vanderbilts and ... well, I guess all he's got is time on his side and a legendary side arm, but that doesn't excuse his acting choices. He's either crying or screaming.
  18. Come to think on it, Victor's family turning on him was original. Finally even Nikki and his kids realized there's a line you can't cross. And they acted. And he reacted. And it was a good run of good stuff. They could have built that. They could have built a legitimate family feud on that one that went for years. The Nikki branch splits with him for good, the Adam branch maybe doesn't, or the Adam branch plays the middle, or Victor marries a new wife - maybe his crazy prison doctor who has kids he can back... all kinds of angles. They made pretty good stories for years out the Jill and Kay feud over Phillip Chancellor.
  19. I'm not sentimental about Jack or Bergman, but if the show fucks Jack over one more time with the Lucy-Charlie-football routine I'd happily join an angry e-mob telling them to stop it come up with something original. 'Cause they're not just screwing Jack, they're screwing us too. However dividing lines break down over characters I can pretty much guarantee no one is rooting for Victor Newman. Ever. No matter what happens. Frankly, even if Jack wins this time I'd like to see them come up with something original. This war between what is supposed to be a megaconglomerate and a cosmetics company that has other things like a tech division is just stupid. And on top of it all, it's stupid that no one, successive creative team over creative team, has written well.
  20. Kids, if she isn't Mrs. Nicolas Newman by Christmas, she'll at least have her diamond. Chelsea's not going anywhere.
  21. Oh, I dunno... one of the other weird long standing Bill Bell favourites, as we all know, is having relations date right up to the moment of irretrievable ick. Sometimes I think that guy must have had a very interesting interior monologue going on.
  22. It would be interesting and way better if it was Travis and I kinda hope it is... it would certainly make sense of how they're going to extricate him and Victoria from this great love affair. But I thought what we could see of the guy in the shadows suggested he was a 70s porn star or something. Didn't sound like him, I thought the build was much bulkier and I am sure I recall a handlebar moustache, although I was working my voodoo doll kit with the show on in the background so sometimes its hard to separate reality from everything else going on in my world.
  23. There's another board I know of that has decided Mal Young too closely resembles Susan Flannery.
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