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Everything posted by enoughcats

  1. Because the Westmores are important to this show, the appearance of any earlier Westmore on the credits of Hush, Hush Sweet Charlotte and in the Vanity Fair article "the real story" is kind of interesting. http://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2017/04/feud-bette-davis-joan-crawford-hush-hush-sweet-charlotte-oscars except Vanity Fair got the wrong Westmore. Monte died in 1940. He was survived by his son Monty. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monte_Westmore Monty had Joan Crawford connection and was McKenzie Westmore's uncle https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monty_Westmore
  2. Yesterday afternoon we watched the library copy of Sweet Charlotte. Because of knowing JC's departure, I really zoned in on what I thought were reshoots with Olivia replacing JC. When Olivia de Havilland got out of that taxi, she was drop dead gorgeous. Absolutely radiant. Melanie Wilkes who? KZJ didn't take over the spot light the way OdH did, not by a long shot. The omission of Agnes Morehead's character, remembering she was nominated as Best Supporting Actress, well, it's his version of the feud. Seeing the movie and watching last night within eight hours of each other did not make me any fan of the choices made for TV. Heck, I know Houmas House and that was no Houmas House.
  3. I think the wiener dogs made Joan seem a bit more down to earth that Glamour!! With her fashion look, with my more modern expectations, I would have expected her to have afghan hounds (three of them) on perfectly spaced leashes. Except I looked up afghan hounds and they only appeared in a Spanish Stud book in 1954. http://galgoafgano.com/history.html I like the thought of the short clamouring little legs running to greet her coming home.
  4. At a time when people like me are tired of multiple murders each hour on mainstream TV, the alternative of old movies and their stars are looking much better. Ever since I watched a CSI marathon and had three nights worth of nightmares, I've cut back on murder TV. Then we started working our way through the Japanese cartoons and their charm. Somehow that lead to silent movies (it may have been the airplanes), and now into other silent movies and their stars. Some of the movies are such stretches of the imagination in their story line....but the characters are fairly often well drawn, even if the story lines are stretches. Just this weekend I was wondering what else Robert Aldrich did. I had gotten Ulzana's Raid from the library and the thing was just too clean....as in every body looked freshly washed with clothes straight from the dry cleaners. BUT I got a surprise in seeing that he did The Dirty Dozen between Baby Jane and Ulzanas. Once upon a time, the guy I was dating saw The Dirty Dozen. He loved it. He loved it so much that we went to see it every time it was at a theater within a hundred miles of our university. I must have seen it eight times and I grew to like it. So now it's time to introduce it to my husband, who has never seen it , but who will probably appreciate the characters in it. See, there's the 'character' word again. And maybe time to look for some more (to me) obscure Aldrich movies.
  5. In reading summaries of some JC movies in wikipedia, I kept running into the name of the NYT movie critic who seemed never to have anything good to say about Joan Crawford. So I looked him up on Wiki (lazy on my part, but it's a start), and found this Ouch. With his eagle eye and rapier wit aimed at her, no wonder she kept her weight down; it was one thing she could control.
  6. How do the producers handle medicines on the show? Zeke can't be the only one who takes daily prescription medicines. Is there a daily dispensing, where they all line up or ????????
  7. Truly strange casting of Diana would be one of her several Lady nieces, the daughters of her brother, by his assorted wives. Could get different ages out of one household.
  8. To put Mildred Pierce into context, this was twenty long hard working years after she appeared in her movies (mostly uncredited, and one (in 1925) when she was credited under her real name. Twenty years and to look Mildred Pierce good, and to have upper arms six years later to wear that very revealing evening gown when she was two and a half (or more) decades from being an ingenue. (I'm sure whoever designed that gown was proud of it. So we'll just say "Bless its heart.")
  9. There are three Joan Crawford movies on TCM Friday morning (4/14) starting with Goodbye, My Fancy 1951 Harriet Craig 1951 And Mildred Pierce 1945 (Oscar!!!)
  10. I did a search for tiki gods and more specifically Pele. Pele generally has nothing much, just the crescent thing that come from the shoulder tops forward over the head. The rest are heavily carved with almost nothing that I could see quickly to distinguish one from the next. Had I been drinking, I couldn't have told you the difference between them and some Mayan carvings. Had the guys managed to think about it for more than 15 minutes, they might not have gotten fixated on what the gods were the gods of, and gotten more of an inspiration from the carvings. Looking at the figure of Pele (or at least other statues of Pele), the attention grabbing feature are the huge conical breasts (they'll put your eyes out, kid), and I can't imagine that even other statues of Pele could have been inspirational. A hard challenge, made harder by the contestants being tired and maybe sensory deprived.
  11. Zeke has been posting photos of himself and Hanna Shapiro. (See some of them on the link). the link also mentions him being in People in an article. With months post show, he is making lemonade, I hope. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-4406418/Survivor-s-Zeke-Smith-reveals-transgender.html
  12. Points for knowing that. Problem would be explaining that without sounding condescending to the judges (who may have slept through vulcanology 101.)
  13. They aren't doing Lange's eyes right either - that's the main difference. Crawford had bigger, darker and more expressive eyes. They should be making up Lange's eyes more IMO. It's the smaller eyes that make her look older. The wig is terrible, and I wonder if it's intentionally terrible. I know wigs can be lifeless, but that doesn't try to look like silky hair. Seeing how bad it is, I wonder if the lack of expressiveness on the face with it was intentional?
  14. Not that she had ever seen a real long term, successful working marriage in real life. Her Mother left her Father after the birth of the heir and there was a messy custody fight (Diana and her brother, the heir, lived with her for a while until they moved back to the family pile. http://articles.latimes.com/2004/jun/04/local/me-kydd4 Her Father remarried not in his social class, either, but the daughter of Barbara Cartland, the megamillion selling romance novelist who always wore pink. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries/culture-obituaries/books-obituaries/1366803/Dame-Barbara-Cartland.html
  15. I liked the tat stencils, I didn't like the twisted forest face. I really can't keep the non-Cig guys straight. Too many mustaches earlier on, and now so much clutter on the models' heads. The two guys missed the message, and Cig really took advantage of being inspired by his wood carved god. (Emily, OTOH, got nothing of inspiration from her god statue. As to hearing, closed captions are my friend.
  16. I really didn't like Logan's, esp. the water that wasn't. Tyler's face was pretty bad, but he DID us stencils which I don't think we've seen in quite a while
  17. If that was half as exhausting for them as it was for us..... From a distance Emily deserved to stay. The cowl/botanical garden/amusement part was my choice to leave. First time I've disagreed with the judges in quite a while.
  18. I shut my eyes and listened to the so-called southern accents. That part of the episode could have been called battle of the faux south accents. It sounded like a casting call somewhere up north for 'southern talkers' none of whom had ever lived in the same place. Not that we aren't used to it. (It's not just us ( me:nine years in NOLA and born and reared in Virginia) because the family I lived with in college in Bavaria refused to listen to Deutsche Fernsehen if the actors spoke with Prussian accents.) Maybe they could have let Joan Crawford go back to her Texas roots. Thank you for the great read. I'm embarassed to admit that I'd only heard of maybe three of the gimics.
  19. Well, when Sam and Callen went after the two guys at the end of Parallel Resistors, the bar patrons thought it was part of the "act." Same here maybe? It's a California-performance art thing?
  20. In the Hurrell picture book there are some glamorous shots of Bette, and she said page 250 Here is the photo from page 251 of the Hurrell book. Breathtaking, in the best way.
  21. How many years was Mamacita with JC and what year did Mamacita say sod it,
  22. And I really hate that Hagsploitation was the name given to this episode rather than psycho-biddy, Grande Dame Guignol or even hag horror. OK, so nobody can pronounce Grande Dame Guignol, but somehow it seems kinder. I wish he had handed out printed cardboard hatchets, which would have implied both cheapness and would have been funnier (to me, at least). I agree with Crawford being at the center, but it seems like Crawford in a Noh mask, so that we see only a fraction of what might have been.
  23. How about that Feud, and don't cast Charles OR Diana. Just make it about their feuding personal staffs and friends. There's plenty there, without ever having either of them on stage.
  24. A couple of scenes from the original Straight-Jacket Recognize the wallpaper? And recognize the dress?
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