Tony Williams
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Well, he was guaranteed the Blake country vote! And judging from certain members of my family; the Christian vote. Throw in the abundant cute family and victory was certain. He was not THE VOICE! On a different note. 4 for 18 means it is time for a Black Voice. Maybe those singers will actually sing R&B, Soul and Blues instead of trying to get in with Pop, Rock and Country. Doesn't seem to build a fan base.
Doesn't pay to get too invested in shows these days. I view them as a one season series and hope they have a decent ending.
Modern norms cannot be applied to the viking era. Kings and lords had multiple wives and concubines. Extramarital affairs were common. The norms of the era.
Goodbye my warrior queen. Valkyries should have appeared to take you to Valhalla. Ragnar should have greeted you upon arrival. You should have been escorted to your seat with the toasts of heroes ringing throughout the hall. SKOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
S17.E11: The Battles, Part 5; The Knockouts Premiere
Tony Williams replied to a topic in The Voice (US)
"Everyone's opinion on what is talent differs. What you may think is less talent singer I may think is the more talent one. It's all about our listening styles. I think that Taylor Swift has little talent as a singer but all her albums and singles sold tells me that not everyone thinks like I do." Well said! I agree ( Do not understand the Taylor hysteria)! My watch group and I feel Katie is head and shoulders above the other singers. Hopefully they won't tone her down and lose what makes her special. Truly different strokes for different folks. -
In a real Game of Thrones medieval world: Grey Worm avenges the murder of the queen who freed him. Justice for the queen he loved! But in a real Game of Thrones medieval world: Daenerys Targaryen flies her dragons to Kings Landing and has a dracarys festival. Missandei lives, Olenna Tyrell lives, Ellaria Sand lives, Yara’s fleet lives. Jon Snow goes to Kings Landing to seek help against the dead. Viserion and Rhaegal live! No dragon for the Night King. No hole in the wall. Knees bent all around!
You would be right if she was 26. She was dead on arrival the minute 46 popped out of her mouth.
She's a surgeon! She has been around a special OPS guy for years! She lost her child! Kind of dampens down the panic.
Magnus will kill Lagherta. Most likely from behind. She denied his claim.
"There's not much market for singing big ballads like Celine, Mariah and Whitney, you know?" And isn't that a shame. The world no longer has a desire for great love songs that move you, inspire you or make you feel like the singer has lived your life. No more killing us softly with a song. The richness and texture has gone out of music.
Mackenzie you were the best and most consistent singer in the competition. If you had "THE LOOK", you would have won this thing. Read an article once about how many legendary singers would not get an opportunity today. They lacked "THE LOOK"! I wish THE VOICE was truly about the voice. Thank you for singing so wonderfully.
Kerissa owns Zora's mess! She babied her and blocked every attempt at discipline. Zora is her creation. Jacob's actions are wrong, but he should move on. His wife does not respect him and I wager never has. She comes across as a social climber and not someone who truly believes in him (Even before his cheating).
A swat on the backside is not "hitting”! It would be refreshing to not see parents in stores begging and pleading with their children to behave.
The best vocalist did not win! But my group watches for the performances. We do not invest in the outcome. The winner will fade into never should have won limbo and another season will begin. I will be there watching the performances and marveling at the lack of appreciation for true vocal talent.