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Everything posted by trivianerd

  1. Brandon's cup holding to me seems not wrong, but not quite right either. a little too droopy in the wrist or something. I'll chalk it up to his version of an "action" shot
  2. No more than the Blossom or 7th Heaven VSE of the week, i'd guess. I think they call them PC - Plot contrivance.
  3. Triumph was also a car company that made cute sports cars, It went out of business in 1981, but a classic car is what you would splurge on. I thought Eddie’s speech about hearing a voice would have been thought to have been either Joe (more likely) or Linda (more recent) looking out for their brother. And was that a picture of Teddy Roosevelt behind Frank in his office? They have the same mustache.
  4. I took them booking a hotel as a function of Jack being a proud man (and stubborn too) that the family was his obligation and not Miguel’s. However long they ended up staying before Miguel and Rebecca started dating could be because they had just lost their breadwinner, and his friend and stand up guy Miguel would likely have insisted until Rebecca sorted it out, since he had a house and some room (not sure if his kids were older or ever stayed with him). IIRC, he and his ex-wife had small children when Jack and Rebecca were contemplating, so that would make them at least College age.
  5. My dad died when I was 24 and living across the country. He was in the hospital, but had been improving when I found out, but due to finances, I planned to go a week later and he died in that week. Though he was sick, because they said he was improving, it was still somewhat of a shock. Perhaps they feel the loss more deeply too because when he went back in, they for at least a moment, knew how foolish it was to go back for a dog and that was his death warrant, but seeing him come out and be at least on the surface, very little worse for the wear felt like he cheated death for good. All but Kevin likely grieved twice. My dad had some serious flaws that my head can acknowledge, in my heart he is loved like he had none. And I think the same is true for the Pearsons, and perhaps why all we see is the good. Even twenty years later, as daddy’s girl (coincidentally, the only girl of three) I experience grief on a small way i’d say weekly, so I relate to Kate. I have no idea the exact date and I’ve consciously never tried to find out. In fact, I think it might have been yesterday as I watched the episode. Like Randall, I celebrate his birthday, which is also in February, some years with cake and watching videos of him, sometimes just remembering the happy times. Back to the episode, I too was upset that a father would tell his kid that she was his #1. It’s possible when talking to his other kid, he says the same thing. That said, it’s probably true and though the other kid feels love, she probably knows it without saying. But still shitty of him because it’s possible in times of sibling fighting, she could throw that at her sister.
  6. Kars for Kids must be national. I've heard it in San Francisco on local radio.
  7. Just me or everyone?: Expecting Steve to break out singing "There are worse things I could do" ala Rizzo by the pillar.
  8. That London operator accent had me screaming "You're from Yonkers! Your last name is Bufamontese!" Classic rant from Monica from Friends shouting at HER answering machine at her friend Amanda's message (Jennifer Coolidge). Amanda put on the fakest British accent a la Madonna after moving to England. At least the operator was not dripping with smug.
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