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Everything posted by tita

  1. "These are the Daves I know I know, these are the Daves I know..." Man, it was good to hear that song again. What a fun Game Time, Patrick! Well done. I especially loved the Benson trio at the end, for just a touch of absurdity.
  2. I always forget she's a Kiwi! Great interview, even for someone who hasn't seen the show yet.
  3. There's really little I like more than Dave's helpless cackle when he's gone completely round the bend. "You broke Dave" = awesome. Also, Tara's muttered "You're the worst, I hate your guts" makes me so very happy.
  4. My sincere condolences. Selfishly, I'm already excited for next year's "We are all DOMER" segments on EHG. :)
  5. Just a quick PSA for those who listen to EHG while exercising: Skip the canon submission unless you can run (or whatever) and sob at the same time. *snif!* Oh, Enlisted, why are you not uncancelled yet?!? And also: @Lisin, you may think you're preaching to the choir by wearing your "America is Scary" shirt in a hippy town, but that's nothing like wearing it in Canada. ;) I nearly dislocated my shoulder with all the high-fiving last time I wore it.
  6. I'mma need Sarah's "You're the worst" as my ringtone, please.
  7. My sister once gave me a gift in a fake tv gift box that she made. I thought it was so funny, I've kept it for years.
  8. My fella hasn't stopped making Linda's "psychic images are coming to me" noises at random intervals since we watched this episode.
  9. I'm on to my 9th listen of the day. No regrets!
  10. Speaking of things long ago abandoned, I miss the Spanish version of the "What Did We Learn..." song. I still sing "Que apprendimos en el programa, senor Craig?" every now and then. It makes me strangely wistful.
  11. Does anyone know why he started doing the whole "Not Like Any Other Late Night Show" thing a while back? It's not done as often as it once was (perhaps because he taped a whole batch of shows ages ago that are airing now), and it's not my personal fave, but it really stuck out when I first saw it. It seems like a strange bit to me, I guess because it's really obvious compared to Craig's usual sly humour. I don't really get the point he's trying to make with it, so I assume I missed something that explains it.
  12. Hear, hear! The hoof-y look is doing Joan/Lucy no favours. I take it as a cautionary tale: If Lucy Liu looks bad in these boots, imagine what they could do to a mere mortal! [ominous musical cue]
  13. I really enjoyed Seth on SNL and I like what I've seen so far of the Late Night show. He needs a little more experience with interviewing people (as opposed to moving awkwardly through talking points or reading questions off cards), but he's really genuine and engaged and smart. Has anyone been to see a taping of the show yet? I have tickets for a show in a few weeks, and I'd be ever so grateful if someone had anything in the way of advice. Thanks!
  14. Two of my very favourite moments in this episode. <3 I truly don't know why, but I'm a total sucker for this show. When I first saw it, I was very skeptical. I had seen a little of Buffy and almost none of Angel at that point, and I had pretty much decided I was just not a person who was going to be into Joss's stuff. Something about Firefly, though, really clicked for me. It's the world and the language and the humour of Firefly that drew me in; it's the family of Firefly that kept me coming back. Since then, I've watched all of Buffy and Angel and Dollhouse and Dr. Horrible (I'm a completist!), and Firefly is still my fave of the bunch.
  15. Oh, I can't believe I forgot to mention the theme to the It's Garry Shandling's Show (starts at about 0:35)! So random and charming and silly. "I'm almost half-way finished, how do you like it so far?"
  16. I agree with your husband, Lisin. If it doesn't have the correct theme song, it doesn't count. ;-)
  17. Best. Expositional. Theme. Ever? For my money, it's gotta be Clone High. I'll add my love to the already-mentioned themes for The O.C., Dexter, Arrested Development and Six Feet Under. Also love Parks & Rec, New Girl, Magnum P.I., Dallas, and the late, great Greatest American Hero. Editing to add that, even though there's nothing at all terrible about it (to me), I ALWAYS skip the Deadwood theme. It's just WAY too long. I wish The Mindy Project theme were skippable, but at least it's mercifully short.
  18. Why/how is the subtitle of this thread not "Treat Yo'self"? Donna is 100% the best.
  19. Seriously: Joss, resist that urge. Fitz is sweet and Scottish and doofy and smart and Scottish and I love the character. His interactions with Simmons are great, of course, but he's also really interesting with the rest of the team.
  20. I was intrigued by the decision to focus so much of the first episode on "George Harrison: Rebel Astronomist," as Dave put it. If I remember the story's conclusion correctly, although he was eventually proved right, Giordano Bruno was not a scientist of any kind and didn't have any reason or logic or science to back up his assertions about the universe. He just basically had a vision, and resolutely clung to it, and was eventually shown by science to be correct. Did the producers/writers/whoever just think the stories of Copernicus and Galileo were over-told? Why would they not have focused on the stories of how the scientific discoveries were made, rather than on the story of a mystic who had a strangely detailed dream? In other news, I was impressed that the episode featured NdGT in exactly zero kitschy StarSunMoon ties or vests. Anytime I see him in things where he's dressed himself, he's always wearing something from the 1995 novelty bin. Good job, COSMOS team!
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