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Everything posted by Radicalred

  1. Also -- and I know this from painful experience -- the medical term for miscarriage is "spontaneous abortion". I lost my first child at almost 7 months and I'll never forget the anger I felt when, a few days later, the nurse said "We were scrambling once we realized you started to abort".
  2. Ryan is going to get himself in a world of hurtin' if he decides to open a store. He can't fight or he'll catch a real charge, so what's he going to do when someone doesn't pay him back? Debate them to death? He's setting himself up to get robbed and possibly get his ass kicked.
  3. She's Zac's wife and because he was so popular last season, A&E used her to keep the ratings up. It's not working because she's insufferable. Who leaves their nursing baby to run off to jail for money? What did she think was going to happen when she left little Ryker's Island? Didn't she realize she wasn't going to be able to nurse him while she was in there?
  4. It was a "maximum prison". She never said "maximum security". Maybe it was a "maximum luxury prison"?
  5. Think about it. Ryker Baker. Eh???? I'm older than you guys, so the first think I thought when I heard the name was 'Third Reich' -- as in Hitler's Nazis.
  6. Monalisa is just a chronic complainer who will never be happy with anything because she's not happy with herself. Did she think she was going to The Ritz for 60 days? If her old body can't take it, maybe she should leave? She's way too old to have that "eff the police" attitude, and maybe her old body hurts from carrying that big chip around on her shoulder? If she's so appalled with the shower, maybe she could get off her old, complaining ass and clean it? Isn't this the episode where Assholeigh pulls her pants down for the other inmates? Come on. They had to know her past at the Playboy mansion or they wouldn't be asking to see her ass. I don't remember the other inmates asking Barbra, Tami or any of the other female participants to show them their asses. Give me a break.
  7. She's had "numerous" DWIs/DUIs and some kind of arrest for drugs. I'm sure she spent time in jail before but she was probably so drunk she doesn't remember.
  8. Me neither, but then again she's really pursuing a career in modeling and acting, so there's that too.
  9. No, GenL, not a typo from you. It was just odd that Sheri kept saying "I was a CO in a maximum prison". What's a maximum prison? Filled to maximum capacity? Did she mean maximum security? I just have my doubts about her actual work experience.
  10. Sheri wasn't a "maximum security CO". She was a CO in a "maximum prison". I think she was a cleaning lady in the visiting room of a prison and that's as close as she ever got to being in law enforcement. She knows nothing about the inner workings or the hierarchy of jail.
  11. That bullshit story about her daughter being an honor student -- give me a break. Her daughter is a drug addict who was committing violent crimes with loaded weapons to feed her habit. She was no babe in the woods. Maybe if Monalisa wasn't walking around with a chip on her shoulder, blaming everyone except the person responsible, her daughter would have learned to take ownership for her own screw ups.
  12. A lot of people, me included, skewered Zac for leaving his baby. But honestly, I don't get the warm fuzzies from Ashleigh. I have a feeling she got pregnant on purpose to either hang onto Zac or prevent him from following through with the show. When he did it anyway she figured, "Screw you. Now YOU can stay with the baby while I go away and you'll see how it feels." She just annoys the hell out of me. And what's with her baring her ass for the other inmates? Does she miss the mansion that much?
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