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  1. I have to go to a party now. Sorry if you weren't invited. Till next time.
  2. Is this a meeting of Alcoholics Unanimous?
  3. Another hatless Gino sighting!
  4. Don't tell me that this is going to turn into a swingers' party.
  5. "Next, we will describe our relationships via interpretive dance."
  6. The sandbox reminds Rob of when he didn't have an indoor toilet.
  7. "I never play with myself." Sure, Florian.
  8. This is a prank, right?
  9. I wonder if Julia has been smuggling a muffin to another country, if you know what I mean.
  10. I'm tired of hearing from the sex therapists, this better be The Last Report!
  11. Till next time. Don't let your cookie fall out!
  12. Wow, TLC really goes all out on the catering.
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