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Everything posted by Gudzilla

  1. Not sure what you're getting at.......... But if you type it with a British accent you can say it as much as you like and no one complains. ;) This is why I've always thought Brooke was better off alone. I was going to say I wish Liam had turned out to be Thorne's kid, but then he'd just be dead.
  2. "Still not the worst place I've been".... Jaime must have been under the dome.
  3. Will $Bill be dumb enough to tell Liam the truth ? Will Liam even remember $Bill pulled this same "she's dying" routine on him.* Will Douglas be texting and driving by the end of the month ? *Actually Thomas should remember this too.
  4. Good one ! I'm so excited.... I think we might get a new portrait !
  5. To paraphrase Zeus " RELEASE THE JAIME! "
  6. If Brooke breaks up with Bill over this I'd have to call bullshit on it. To me the whole reason Bill loves Brooke is because she allows him to be the unrepentant asshole he's always been. So if she can ignore all the crap he's pulled on her family, why would she break up over this ? .............. Oh right it's the lying not the act that counts. Bill's (typical) behavior here is the reason I never had a dog in the Bill/Ridge ( both assholes) fight although I find Bill more entertaining.
  7. I know it's a typo, but it's now my favorite typo. ;) I'm OK with Katie and Wyatt, it's not like anyone wants them anyway.
  8. Line of the night goes to Jaime (after hearing about them pushing the car/Mansdale into a volcano.).. "Of course they did." Any time the team recaps to each other what they've been doing it's pure genius.
  9. Really? We're gonna have Brooke and $Bill talk about distracted driving ? Drunk driving is OK then ? Ridge needed the hydration for his tears.
  10. Bill strokes that building more than he does his new bride.
  11. My love only grows. https://www.vox.com/culture/2017/7/6/15905042/zoo-cbs-season-3-review-hybrids-wow-just-wow
  12. Brain surgery by an amateur with a power drill. The whole pig and lollipop routine. and the line " That's not a rhinoceros " I don't have the words to express my love for this show.
  13. Eric: Who can I trust now ? How about Thorne ? Felicia ? Kristen ? LDG ? Any of the dozens of people who actually did not know, but no Eric will trust the proven psycho. Ivy is kind of good looking.
  14. I have to give a couple of STFU's. First to Steffy, STFU forever and always. Second (and probably UO) to Brooke for the 3rd degree in front of Lt. Hotdog, I'd find it more acceptable if she hadn't lied to this same cop about her current husbands drunk driving accident.
  16. Yes I was disappointed that he didn't use his other move and convince Katie to model some swimwear. I thought there was something very different about Nicole's face today, then I realized she was smiling.
  17. So much. No crazy eyes to be found:( How did a whole episode go by without Jaime killing someone ?
  18. Did Rick just have his own "NOT GONNA HAPPEN!" moment ? Oh Rick watch the master.
  19. To Katie (While he's being arrested): "You live in that big house... Are you seeing anybody ?" Oh Deacon don't ever change.
  20. I've been a little slow sometimes in figuring out a woman was no longer interested in me. But usually when they push me off a cliff I get the message.
  21. He did tell ray not to pull the glass out.
  22. I have the sinking feeling Ivy's days on this show are numbered. I would love it if TobinAlbers Mr. Montemayor's revenge theory were true.
  23. I thought Liam's "let's talk politics" icebreaker was pretty funny.
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