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Everything posted by Gudzilla

  1. I almost shed a tear when I noticed the opening credits replaced Ivy with Emma.
  2. Hey Emma, now you know why models don't spin, kick, and flail their hands around. I'm just happy we had zero mention of the most perfect family ever today.
  3. On the next episode of "Clerk of the Courts": Clerk 1: What do you have there ? Clerk 2: Marriage license application. Clerk 1: Who for ? Clerk 2: Liam Spencer and Steffy Forrester-Spencer-Spencer-Spencer-Spencer. Clerk 1: Those 2 assholes again ? Just throw it on top of those annulment papers I never bothered to file. I heard that this time Steffy is going to come down the aisle on a unicycle juggling 2 chainsaws and Kelly.
  4. Dear Writers, STOP IT ! IT'S NOT WORKING ! I WILL NEVER BUY INTO 'STEFFY THE SAINT' WHO CAN DO NO WRONG ! STFU STEFFY !! LIAM CAN SUCK IT TOO !! Sorry, I had to hit the release anger button for my own sanity. As far as Wyatt waiting too long, maybe if the morons didn't plan a wedding a week after the annulment he wouldn't have had to interrupt it. For any Game of Thrones fans: If Joffrey and Ramsay had a love child it would not be as vile as Steffy.
  5. I was disappointed that a halo didn't appear over Steffy's head today.
  6. SWITCH DAYS ALREADY !!! Everyone's been wearing the same wardrobe so long the clothes are in danger of becoming self aware* and turning on their masters. I may not know art but that painting is butt ugly, I prefer the horse painting. *self aware, unlike the people wearing them.
  7. So did Justin's conscience go back to sleep ? Thanks to the parking lot scenes I have a new favorite character..... "Aimlessly Wandering Security Guard"!
  8. I have to admit TK made me laugh with his delivery of the line "Stop hugging his father". Will Steffy tell Liam that Bill made her sign the annulment papers, or will she continue to act like it was a noble sacrifice ? I'm mad that 'we wuz robbed' of the scene where Justin put on lipstick and kissed a pillow. :(
  9. Liam didn't get an award for Most Head Injuries, or was that part of the stunt award ?
  10. Wow a 2 minute baby scare, I guess they really should be together. Liam should've stuck with Amber. At least I'll be able to sleep knowing that the starving children of the world will have their scarf needs taken care of.
  11. When Ridge was listing Steffy's "attributes" he said she was "funny".... Funny ? .......... Intentionally funny ? ......... When ?
  12. This made me laugh a little too much. So since she can't be pregnant on the show, I guess the story will be Rick leaves her because she got fat like Donna. It looks like he's playing Shemar Moore's father, so does that mean Shemar's character and Maya are siblings ? ;)
  13. I'd go with Sky for Bill. Yes the Littlest Detective left it after the re-enactment. Of that doesn't explain why a man who just got out of the hospital for a gunshot wound continues to leave the gun by the front door.
  14. I'm surprised that so many people are upset about Negan still being alive. I thought the last few episodes made it clear that Simon & his friends were responsible for all the horrible stuff the Saviors did. ;) Rick if you want to know how to deal with someone who loves speechifying, ask Arya Stark.
  15. That led to my favorite line of the episode, "Donkeys had a good run."
  16. Next week it will be revealed that Simon killed Glenn and Abe while wearing a Negan costume. In the series finale Rick and Negan become lumberjacks.
  17. Any recap that describes the sound of an air horn is A-OK in my book.
  18. The last two who tried were given the tire iron and the electrical panel. ;)
  19. At least Negan didn't wreck the Impala.
  20. I'm not so sure, Loading Dock Guy didn't finish RJ when he had the chance. ;) Lt Hot Dog getting a promotion made me think and I could only come up with 1 crime he actually solved*, are there any others ? Thanks Thomas for flying across the country to ask Sally if she did it. Wyatt should have taken a pic of Justin with his feet on the desk. I will always be amused by the thought of $Bill Spencer Dancing with the Stars. * He kind of solved the Deacon shooting at Quinn case. This puts him ahead of the Montemayor detectives.
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