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Everything posted by hisbunkie

  1. You kidding me? I’d bet my life savings you don’t even have eggs in your fridge. No omelette for you.
  2. Lisa makes me embarrassed to be a human sharing the planet earth.
  3. Hola Peeps. I’m here with my wine and Skinnypop. Why are the women arguing with each other? They don’t owe each other anything. I’ve lost a lot of respect for Varuna. She should not have attacked or been disrespectful to the other woman.
  4. Hola Peeps. I’m here with wine and Skinnypop. My favorites.
  5. The minute Dorinda said she was having a difficult time with Tinsley because she wanted her to be better/her best and the life coach did not “encourage “(confront) her to ask herself why it was her concern that Tinsley be anything, I knew Dorita would not be doing well.
  6. No Darcy, women who put their children first do not look for men half around the world TWICE.
  7. Let’s see who has Darcy been friends with for “many years”.
  8. Geoffrey is the epitome of an abusive partner. My way or the highway and you’ll have to pay for not doing reading my mind.
  9. Totally agree. I want to see her tax returns, how much does she earn, how much does she pay in taxes. My issue isn’t in her getting a gov. “Loan”, mine is in her saying $18k “dropped” on her bank account. She had to have filed in order to get that money. And the Go Fund me $500k? The hypocrisy is what gets me. If she were a woman of color, she’d be in jail.
  10. Exactly! She also started a Go Fund Me Account . She raised $500k- that’s half a million dollars! You think she’ll be giving all her renters a share?
  11. I don't know about Texas but here in my state money can't just be deposited in someone's account without it being for a legitimate reason. They changed banking laws after 9/11. So money couldn't be laundered for terrorism. I’m always surprised and annoyed when “good people” show their willful ignorance regarding their own use and misuse of government benefits . I’m glad it was Whoopi who asked the Patriot Texan Hairdresser about the 18k loan that “dropped” in her bank. So in fact she she had to have filed for the benefit (yes, it’s a benefit just like “welfare”), she does not employ anyone-just collects rent, and she filed for unemployment benefits. So it appears she Is doing just fine feeding her kids.
  12. If I heard her correctly, what she said was that she did not know what the money was for when “it dropped” on her bank account. Is she trying to say she did not apply for it? It was just sent to her because she owns a business? This reminds me of The Greatly Celebrated Joe The Plummer, who was neither.*. *in case you’ve forgotten, he was neither “Joe” nor “plumber” but was greatly celebrated by the right. Ask MM about him.
  13. They don’t look like they have makeup on. It’s lash extensions and eyebrows . They have very clean faces.
  14. And a Court order from Family Court allowing the change in custody .
  15. Geoff has to have his way, always. He doesn’t believe in giving someone the option of thinking things through. It’s his way or the highway. Give me what I want or you get a npu ch in the mouth.
  16. She is not. I doubt that any Family Court Judge would allow a child to leave his homeland.
  17. The heart wants what the heart wants no matter what the brain is shown.
  18. How much money have you spent on him? And how long have you two had one sided communication? Have not spent a penny, have not reached out. I’m the kind of gal who just waits for her soulmate.
  19. She’s a hockey mom! She can see the US from her porch. I’ll just sit in the corner and not share for awhile.
  20. I just told MrBunkie if she shows up to meet David, Paul McCartney May come to get me one day. He needs to prepare.
  21. I cannot imagine Ash bEing able to leave Australia and come to the US with his son. What Court would allow him to leave with his son? What mom would agree to have her son leave the country? This is Australia, not a third world country. Things are pretty good in Australia, not like his son will have a Better life in the Us. Ash is full of it.
  22. Happy Mother’s Day my sweet peeps. So glad to have 5his time together.
  23. I don’t think she personally provides the services. She hires and sends people out to do the work. There is good money to be made in the concierge services business.
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