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  1. So even if Anya had gotten her crudo up, (and if it was good) it wouldn't have mattered. Tom was nice enough to not yell out "this is terrible" on the final thing she got up. Bailey's voice drives me nuts. But I guess she can cook. I though the lamb looked a bit undercooked for my taste. And her "house made crackers"? Meaning something I brought from home.
  2. The 3 hour long fight scene with Paulie had me switching to something else to watch several times. I'm not a big fan of fights (I know, why am I watching this show?) Glad Duffy had the opportunity to shoot they guy in the family jewels before dispatching him. I found Reacher riding off on a motorcycle mildly amusing. So no more hitchhiking and greyhounds for him?
  3. After I saw the chefs playing around "ice skating" on the surface, I was impressed to see the judges make it to their table with no mishaps (some in heels no less)! Why was Katianna asking her prep-neighbor (I'm terrible with names) for a bit of Pernod? Didn't SHE buy it? And after I said last week that agrodolche was this year's aguachile, I take it back. Aguachile is this year's aguachile. (And I'm making it for dinner tomorrow, already planned LOL)
  4. Also from Below the Vines (can't think of her as anything other than Daisy) and The Sounds. I really enjoyed the series, and even just checked out some tour books for New Zealand! Such beautiful scenery.
  5. Just watched; my thoughts. The guy who made the "turnip taco" against Sarah (can't remember his name, in any case he lost). How on earth do you make a "taco" out of a piece of turnip less than two inches wide? Charlie Palmer is *really* tall (esp standing next to Nancy) So Guy spins the wheels, starting at the left (protein). But the wild card ingredient (far right) always stops first (he even mentioned that in the last battle) and the protein is always last. I guess it makes sense dramatically to have the "star of the show" come up last. But they must futz with the wheels to make the last one spun come up first. Tiffany has to get a new catch phrase. I'm pretty sure I've heard her say "When you've got a plan I've got a pen" every freakin' week.
  6. Just noting the coincidence of the name of this episode and the death of George Forman two days ago.
  7. Yeah, me too. With Dominique we got to know her; all we've seen of Teresa in real life is a drugged out hostage.
  8. Is "agrodolce" this year's aguachile ? I swear I've heard it more than once already
  9. My son was really into Minecraft when he was in high school (computer geek, now a software engineer). Note: he is now 29. I guess Minecraft is trying to make itself relevant again, as I don't think it was quite the thing it was 15 years ago.
  10. You're more generous than I am. They are both used as thickener. Not botanically related. Cornstarch is also used as a thickener.
  11. In the shrimp and okra battle, I swear I heard Justin say that file (as in the powder often used in gumbo) comes from the okra plant. No Justin, it does not. It comes from the Sassafras tree. And he was so confident in saying that!
  12. I hate those too. You're hurting the guy! I think it's that they don't need a newspaper since they get all their "news" from Sling
  13. you guys have much better memories than I do. I was like "who the hell is Roscoe?" Even after I looked her up I still don't remember, LOL.
  14. There's a (radio) ad on around me for Air France. It has a woman narrating who has a milk-fed midwestern (i.e. absolutely standard American English) accent who keeps pronouncing it as Air Fraahhnce. It just sounds so off. Why not pronounce it the way 99% of Americans pronounce it?
  15. especially if they wait awhile
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