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Everything posted by Lily247

  1. Yea, seems like such a random name choice and will for sure keep people guessing his ethnicity. I guess they decided to go in the middle and choose a name from a completely different background. What language will the kid speak ? The parents cant even communicate with each other
  2. Work through issues? I would have been completely done w her after the lemonade incident. And i think a lot of people would feel the same. The more we saw of her, the more bizarre she got. She had this inability to soften up, and always talked in that loud, professional, "I need to hear myself talking" voice. I think him bailing out on her early would have humiliated her. Him being physically present with her during the duration of those 8 weeks was trying enough IMO. I thought his breakup with her was very kind and diplomatic.
  3. For his son, yes. His ex .... ehh. I got the impression that Ben was what some call "divorce raped." He mentioned that his ex got all his money or something like that. Hes so upbeat, I felt sorry for him watching him ration out his baloney sandwich and chips and taking buses. Ben cant afford a foreign fiancee and should look at least in the US. Akinyis family is beyond suspicious of him and will likely always view him as a wierd outsider. His kid is already 5, and hes been single for a few years, so yes, I think he deserves to go out and look for someone to make him happy. But not this.
  4. Looking at the final couples' get togethet, I was embarrassed at how the ladies attacked Matt like a bunch of vultures. Regardless of how bad of a husband he was. I thought him saying nothing or his noncommital responses followed by leaving with his beer was a classier approach than duking it out with them.
  5. I agree w all this. I also wish that Amber had waited a bit to gage Matt's interest level in Her before having sex with him and gushing abiut having his baby... . Deonna was smart in that she at least didnt jump into bed with Greg the minute they landed in Antigua or wherever. Because, after sex, women tend to get more attached (deonna is actually a bad example of this. I dont think she cares too much about sex). these women went on MAFS presumably because they have trouble with dating.
  6. I also think, that despite all the fakery on this show, something is ver clear: a lot of women dont understand men very well. You DONT give up the cookies on day 2 of meeting a guy, regardless what a piece of paper says he is to you. If he stays out every night...... he is just not into you. He doesn't want to tell you to your face that he wants to break up. Instead, he will ghost or avoid you. Give him space. Sometimes, just STFU.
  7. I think a producer sought him out, thought he would make good TV because he is super tall and an athlete, either from a dating app or his Facebook, and recruited him, and he thought "Ehh why not". He never took this experiment seriously and probably thought he would get to bang some chick a few times and move on. Which is exactly what he did. I don't see him auditioning to be on this show as he had no motivation to be married at this time anyways.
  8. Maybe this opinion is unpopular, but I think that Deavon DID give up a lot to move to S Korea. Despite not having much herself, she lived with her family and support system in a comfortable home. In SKorea, all she has is a language she cannot speak (and I don't imagine it will happen for a while), her in laws who are not enamored with her, a tiny cramped home, a husband who is useless ish ... has she thought about Drascillas future in S Korea ? Idk how it is over there, but she will stick out severely in a.classroom or plauground. At least in most major cities in the US we have a multicultural society, Idk how the attitudes there are towards foreigners, im assuming there are military families living on army bases but Drascilla would likely be integrated into Korean society.
  9. Agree with this; MANY people mistake social anxiety in adults for ASD
  10. Is it possible that she hooked up with ANOTHER South Korean guy and got pregnant? She did say she dated several others previously to Jihoon.
  11. Perhaps. But, not to knock LPNs, but many of them do look like convicted felons
  12. No parent is perfect. The people whom I hear nowadays blaming their parents for their childhoods often come from privilege backgrounds. Once a child grows up and becomes a fully fledged adult, they cant rely on the "I have emotional problems and it's my parents fault, so blame them not me", people eventually have to be accountable for themselves. For example, as a child, I never did chores. My mom cleaned everything, never asked me to help. She meant well and just thought I should focus on studying. As a young adult in my early 20s, for a long time I struggled with keeping my place clean. Should I have explained to my roommate. "I struggle still because its my moms fault. And it will always be my mom's fault!" 🤦‍♀️will Amber project these issues onto her own future kids? Will she not be able to handle school drop off and explain its because she has abandonment issues, moms fault ? I wouldn't even think to blame my mom for my episodes of messiness. Thats me being a lazy grownup!
  13. Low self esteem. She may appear to remind us how successful she is, and show how she takes herself very seriously, but in reality it looks like a cover for someone with confidence issues. I saw it when she played up her income (80K, which cant be true unless she strips during the summer). Also, I will make 2 wild guesses: that she has few female friends, and that isnt close with her twin sister.
  14. Exactly. If she wants to be in a relationship, she cant rely on "i was abandoned as a child" as a crutch to get special treatment.
  15. I wouldnt take all that she says about her mom FWIW. For all we know, Ambers mom could have disappeared for a few weeks, days, months, years, I dont think she ever mentioned how long. Its a very millenial thing to blame your parents for all the issues one may have.
  16. Beth often gets on her soapbox during Unfiltered against the male participants (Keith, Matt). And she absolutely does come off as nuts to me... if a man flipped a table, in such a manner, the backlash would be horrible. However, she wasnt really called out on it. She reminds me of my toddler niece. She talked over the Nascar guy with absolutely no self awareness, told Jamie on national TV that he is boring in bed (before his comments to her) and was absolutely shocked (shocked!) That he dared to comment negatively on her own sexuality. Who knows if she is into 1 night stands, but she definitely has few inhibitions and is cool with stripping naked on TV. Also, the hair comment, it was her tone of voice when she said it, that I found grating.
  17. The problem with guys like that are, that they tend to orbit a girl that they like, giving friendly vibes, and the girl senses those friendly vibes and is sexually turned off. The guy then is FRIENDZONED and the girl uses him for male attention/validation. Cue:Raven and Amber.
  18. Honestly, I dont think Elizabeth would require emotional connection for sex. I think she just couldn't keep up with his sex drive (eww) OR like she said, the sex is boring for her and its not worth her effort. Plus, I think Jamie is trying to bang her as much as possible before their inevitable divorce. Dont the experts ask candidates about their sex drives ? "I need it daily/3 times a week" is not compatible with "once every 2 months maybe" (Cough Deonna and Greg)
  19. Nope, it could never be salvaged after her comment insulting his sexual technique. That was crossing a serious line. I just cant stand Beth and her stupid attitude, the dumbgirl way of talking that she has, and how she shits on the male participants on the show while being the biggest assh*le herself. She reeks of entitlement in the worst way. Jamie wasnt clued in yet on their wedding night when she got naked in front of the crew, who were possibly male, that maybe Beth is batshit crazy. She reminds me of an old pal of mine from my early 20s who was the same crazy, and all the guys had one night stands with her and blocked her number afterwards. "OMG look.... my hair.... is INSANE...." who talks like that ??????
  20. Ive also noticed his style of speaking and it kind of doesnt seem.to match him and his upbringing (suburban middle to upper middle class) at all, but I assumed he must have picked it up from basketball teammates.
  21. Idk about TV shows, but most people around the world have seen American films. I always wondered why regular families on TV and in movies seem to live in HUGE houses on tree lined, manicured streets, with kitchens the size of a preschool classrooms.
  22. I agree. She reminds me of a woman I once knew who was 36 and has 5 kids from 4 different baby daddies, kids #3 and #4 are half Asian (that baby daddy was Vietnamese) the rest are blonde blue eyed
  23. Maybe I am alone in this thinking. I know Jihoon is nice and all. But I thought it was kinda....wierd.... that Deaven has Drascilla sleeping in the middle. Because to Drascilla, he is not her dad (at least at that point) nor was he someone Drascilla knew well in person. I would not want my 3 year old daughter to sleep next to a guy I was dating/engaged whatever. She could have put Drascilla on the side of the bed and some pillows on the floor in case she rolled off. From the matter of fact way Deavan was speaking about it, I got the feeling that Drascilla has slept in the middle of the bed with many of her boyfriends. I know this is a HORRIBLE reference to make, but it made me remember a detail of the Casey Anthony case. Where one of her former boyfriends took the stand and said that he, Casey, and Caylee had slept in the same bed but he emphasized that Casey slept in the middle and Caylee on the side. As a side note, I HATE the drugged up way Deaven talks. She is pretty (when she doesnt smile) but there seems to be absolutely no substance in her, like she always seems to have a stank attitude and is never happy. I think Jihoon was captivated by her looks and the fact that she is Western but idk how long that will last
  24. Tiffany reeks of low self esteem, hence marrying this guy and getting pregnant pronto. South Africa, while gorgeous, is not really a country that people are immigrating to at the moment, I have met several S Africans who left because of the constant threat of robberies and violence that they faced. One of them was legally blind with a blind cane and said he stood no chance in S Africa. Did she know she was pregnant this time around ? Funny, I thought she gets her period throughout her pregnancies. 😆 Its sad to me that instead of doing self improvement in her life, if not for herself than for her son. She is probably obese and could have tried losing some weight to at least minimize risk of health problems down the road like diabetes. I also roll my eyes every time she complains about how she is freaking out because of how dangerous her neighborhood will be, or that her formerly addict fiance was at a casino, blablabla, or that he's got no job. .. No one held a gun to her head and said "marry this idiot!" In fact. She went to VERY great lengths to be with said idiot !
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