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Everything posted by magicdog

  1. I think he’s about 3 or 4. More than likely he repeated what he heard from mommy and daddy as opposed to actually knowing the word.
  2. Well Bitcheroo used her position to get her kid on our show this morning - again! This time it was about how smart he is because he said the word “yacht”. She and the baby daddy sent cell phone vid of this grand achievement. I’m sorry but the only future that kid has is to have his nose firmly planted up someone’s ass - just like mommy.
  3. I found out one of the producers is quitting and just my luck she has a serious case of "senior-itis". She's been spending her last week just slacking off and making me insane waiting for scripts. She doesn't bother answering my questions anymore about when stuff will get done. OK, so you're quitting - that doesn't mean you do nothing you last week. If I did that the show would fall to pieces! So sorry Petunia13! You know what you could do to those bitches right? Send the poop!!! It might be fun to see them get grossed out while you look innocent of anything!
  4. Found this article in Forbes Magazine about Martin Kove. It seems he's been set up to be a regular for not only season 2, but season 3 as well! Also mentioned was a potential spinoff for the character of Kreese that was pitched to him before Cobra Kai came along: Interesting! I suppose the Kreese we saw in the finale wasn't Johnny's imagination after all! Now I'm even more curious as to what he'll be doing on the show.
  5. Not the first time I've heard this. It's usually chalked up to "Hollywood martial arts". To go into detail of the color of belts and what it takes to get a black one would just interfere with the action.
  6. I agree. I still think the change was a bit abrupt and from what I had seen, the CK kids (specifically Aisha and Hawk) seemed to be lacking in good sportsmanship. Even Johnny had that when he was their age. In Miguel's case, I think it's a combination of factors: the "no mercy" mantra, hormones, jealousy (caused by an amount of insecurity when he saw Sam with Robby), and alcohol. Remember also that from the beginning, his mom was against violence, which means his dad may have been a very violent person and she was worried he'd take after him. Up until episode 9, I really liked Miguel and thought he was the perfect balance of his boy next door self and being able to defend himself with confidence. I'm still hoping he'll take the right path eventually.
  7. I can totally see Sam, Robby and Dimitri as the counterpoint to Miguel, Hawk and Aisha. Although, Sam & Aisha made up, so I don't think the writers will continue tension between them. Miguel and Robby however........
  8. I would think she'd be the mother of a Miyagi Do student. It's Danny she knows after all! Found this trivia sheet on "Karate Kid" and it definitely sheds some light on the characters as we know them in Cobra Kai: That last one I believe is a reference to Kreese. Makes sense considering where they seem to be going next season. I also found a few review and reaction sites on YT. This one is a favorite of mine - seeing him react and comment while watching the show is interesting! This one is fun too, plus he does other reaction vids. This review is a podcast. She's done 4 episodes so far and episode 5 is on the way.
  9. Ralph Macchio in this interview hints that we could have plenty more KK alumni visiting Cobra Kai! According to him they're "campaigning" to be on the show (at 13:22)! Maybe Elizabeth Shue/Ali could happen after all!
  10. I was so annoyed yesterday. It was the anniversary of D-day. The 22 year old know it alls didn’t bother to include it in our morning show. At least our evening show included it.
  11. Found this by chance - it shows Billy Zabka and the actors who played his fellow Cobra Kais (minus Chad McQueen/Dutch) doing an ice bucket challenge from 2014: Nice to hear that Zabka keeps in close touch with his former co-stars. Makes me wonder if they'll make appearances eventually.
  12. The kids in the original film found the treasure and that was it. Can you make a series based on subsequent generations finding a treasure in their backyards? then again, before this show I wasn’t sure there were any stories left to tell about the KK universe, much less have them told well. I don’t know about everyone else but I find myself rewatching the series a lot. Sometimes I catch something I missed the first time, other times I look for the seeds of what will pan out in season 2.
  13. For many people they’ve found bug relief from an ancient concoction called “Vinegar of the four thieves “. Some sites sell the herb mixture and all you have to do is add the vinegar. Lucky for me, I live in an area in which mosquitos are rare.
  14. You don’t have to name who told you. Just be vague. I sympathize since I too have a sociopath for a boss who goes out of her way to make me miserable. Before she had any power over me it was tolerable. Then she began her campaign. She’s made many other of my coworkers quit due to her poisonous ways and when I find a better place to go (unless this monster is ousted) I’m out.
  15. You don’t have to accept the position if you don’t want to bother with her. At the very least see if you can wrangle a raise to make it worth your while. When end I first began as an AP at my station, our news show was about 2 hours in length plus an 11am show to write for. Then I became an editor and the AM show became longer (4hours) and I was also expected to edit a half hour entertainment format show that followed it. Eventually I went to HR and brought up that my duties had grown so much during my short tenure that I thought I was ready for a raise. He agreed and I got it! he also praised me for not demanding a raise just because a person at a rival station was getting that amount. Seems many people make that mistake. You have to prove you deserve it in a sensible manner.
  16. Well my edit partner got the ax today! Totally unexpected! She even left a half hour early (assuming she wasn’t escorted out of the building). Don’t know specifics and she was too upset to chat right now.
  17. Officially no, but for Johnny to arrive during mid-morning, the car burning would have had to take place less than an hour before.
  18. I was rewatching and noticed a continuity error: In "Molting", Johnny's car is trashed by Louie and his goons; Johnny then jumps on a motorcycle and drives to Danny's place to have it out with him (not knowing that Danny had no idea what Louie was planning to do). The car was trashed in the evening after dinner (sometime between 7 and 8pm) and it's dark outside. By the next episode, "Different But Same", it's early morning when Johnny arrives and the family is getting ready for breakfast!! I am not familiar with the L.A. area, but I don't think Reseda is 7-8 hours driving distance away from Encino Hills.
  19. Jan always seemed to have the most issues of all the kids didn’t she? FTR, Coca played Carol’s Aunt Jenny. You know it was never mentioned how she became so rich or knew so many celebs of the day (she was invited to a party on Ari’s yacht after all !
  20. Before this, I was able to act civil towards her during interactions (she would cheerfully say good morning to me when crossing paths and I would just as sweetly reply). She probably wants me to act up in front of a crowd so she can use it against me, but I haven't given her the satisfaction. What she does is brings me into these meetings knowing I have no one to defend me or stop her. I'm tempted to tell her if she tries to pull me into antoher meeting that I'll have to insist my lawyer will have to conference call on my phone. Maybe that will get her off my back. In related news, Bitcheroo has been making plenty more of my co-workers miserable. I just found out one of our reporters is so miserable due to her behavior, she wants out of her contract ASAP! She's still contracted with us until December, but the poor thing doesn't think she can hold out that long! Bitcheroo is poison and management is letting it happen. I also found out the producer with an attitude (who left news to work in Production Department) is still a problem for her new coworkers. She keeps acting like the show is "hers" when it isn't and acts all superior. My contact in that department told me she's on thin ice and could get the boot from their supervisor (who isn't Bitcheroo as it's another department). Girl with the attitude probably thinks her ol' pal, Bitcheroo will save her, but since it's another department, she can't. At least she'll get some karmic payback but I can only hope Bitcheroo will get hers VERY soon! Why in the world is this woman employed considering she'd been destroying morale all over the newsroom and can't even do the job she has right? That is not how one runs a newsroom!
  21. I had heard and I was thrilled to see him in the season 1 finale! It’s also awesome he is willing to revisit the character. I am am curious if he really is Kreese or an hallucination of Johnny’s. Johnny had said Kreese was dead when he went to the commission to get reinstated for the tournament. IIRC, in KK3, Silver had been the one to announce Kreese’s death. Of course it’s possible Silver was lying to let Kreese take time to recoup after his disgrace. Johnny didn’t know Silver (or Mike Barns) and it’s possible he heard about the death in passing from people in his friend circle.
  22. Beat the snot out of her behind the school. That's how you dealt with bullies back then. Unfortunately, that's not an option for me now.
  23. I happened to catch "The Americanization of Machiko" this week and boy was this episode loaded with virtue signaling! What bugged me most was the ending. Sam and Machiko marry in his local church but his mother threatens to boycott (part of her anger towards Machiko seemed to stem from her anger over the suicide of her own daughter). Then somehow, after having been angry, resentful and just plain mean to Machiko throughout the episode, she agrees to come to the wedding - dressed in a KIMONO! Really? I can accept she has a change of heart since Machiko is her daughter in law, but to go and dress up in full Japanese traditional attire? Uh....no! I thought that final scene was cloying and just plain ridiculous!
  24. I'm sad to hear about Clint Walker too! He was one of the last TV cowboys of that era.
  25. I think it's too late to appear neutral. She knows I'm frazzled and she has all the marbles. I talked to my lawyer for the third time and once again, all I have legally is a bitch of a boss who leaves me with only two options - stay and take her abuse or leave. Everytime these disciplinary meetings occur, she has everyone on her side, while I am literally alone. She had the nerve to bring in our new news director who only met me once (started 2 weeks ago) and doesn't really know me as a consistent friendly conscientious worker and apparently buys into her lies and brown nosing ways. HR sides with her, even my immediate supervisor left me to twist in the wind. Despite there being nothing but gossip from her nameless snitches, I'm apparently guilty of whatever they accuse me of and I can't even take her on legally. I want satisfaction! She needs to go down but I don't know how to do it. The following day, the news director saw me and asked how my birthday went. How do you think it went jackass????? It was all I could do not to tell him I was crying at home because the one day that is my own was ruined (for the second year in a row) by this wicked witch who has free rein to hurt anyone she wants. This doesn't surprise me since she acts like an 8th grade mean girl. You would think she would have better things to do - of course most everyone there (that isn't part of her mean girl circle) knows she's a raging incompetent yet she doesn't get fired. If this were 8th grade I'd know how to deal with her.
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