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mme ginger

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Everything posted by mme ginger

  1. Nah, she says she's at the office boasting to her co-workers that she already got her pay, while they are losers waiting for payday. I'm sure she's very popular at work. I'm so sick of her - I'm starting to feel like I want to punch her when she comes on; I definitely mute the idiot. SOOO agree with both sentiments: Boasting, you jerk? I'm sure all your co-workers hate you, Dulce. And secondly, WHO CARES? Not that big a deal! Between this commercial and the other one, with the woman who finally feels like she can trust her bank, this really seems like a business geared to people who aren't very financially savvy or knowledgeable about business in general. I mean, what does it mean to be able to finally trust your bank*? What do you think they're doing - stealing your money from your account and having lavish parties on yachts in the South of France? But that woman is infinitely less obnoxious than Boasting Idiot Woman. It almost seems like Chime is a step up from payday-loan stores. *And I get it that banks are greedy corporate overlords who live on the 9th ring of hell - that other ad for Chime, with the man and woman in the coffee shop... every time he says: "Those are maintenance fees - but I don't know what they're maintaining", I always answer out loud: Their profit margin, you moron, they're maintaining their profit margin!
  2. I hate these ads, too! First of all, that woman you mention looks like a giant loser dork playing the air guitar... But what really pisses me off is that somehow the women all come off as old-fashioned and more scared of the scarey new-fangled smart phones. “I like my flip phone!” “Consumer Cellular will answer our questions, which is good because people our age don’t know how to use these things!” What really fries me is the women all just want to talk on their flip phones; it’s the men who are the Texty-McTextersons (and, yeah, UGH) even if sometimes reluctantly. It really seems to reinforce tired old stereotypes. So, yeah, I won’t ever be using their service either! Take that, Consumer Cellular!
  3. I just posted this in the Earworm forum. I’m super over hearing them. Hoping once the Oscars are over, it stops.
  4. This may be an unpopular opinion, but advertisers can stop using Queen in ads now. They were a good group, but not that amazing, so let it go already. Please!
  5. I missed that ep! I’m sad! Though I’m sure I’ll catch it in reruns!
  6. Thanks, I figured as much, which is why I haven’t bothered to watch it - and almost didn’t bother to tape it. But I figured I’d still find some fun moments...
  7. I am not happy about those ridiculous Tennessee Wraith Chasers coming to the Travel Channel. Don’t be horning in on my Ghost Adventures dudes! Aside from the fact that I think they’re idiotic, as Harry The Hat put it on Cheers: “I don’t like someone else plucking my pigeons!” (Which isn’t exactly an apt analogy but it conveys my protective feeling for the Ghost Dudes). Anyway, I’ve been watching the last few weeks, even watched the Extra Pulses last night (the Zalud house) which I never normally do. This time around I could actually read the extra content bubbles and even the (usually inane) tweets. I taped the two-hour Hell in Texas or whatever it was special but haven’t watched it yet. Anyone?
  8. No, I like Palak and I felt that she was really unduly complaining in this episode. From the first, when the twist was thrown (“make it a sandwich”), I was yelling, “Make it a patty! Make it a patty!” It was a pretty obvious thing to do. I’ve made a couple of vegetarian/bean/lentil patties over the years - only a couple - but that was the obvious move to me. Maybe they made her act whiny and annoying? I wouldn’t doubt it! Lol...
  9. I have liked Amy right along but found that story about her son a bit hard to swallow. Although I’m sure if she’d told the judges her son caught a shark before he was three, they would’ve clapped and cheered in glee. As long as mommies talk about their kids! Make it personal!
  10. I just finished watching this ep. I find it so sad that people are suspicious of someone who has a decent vocabulary. I mean sincerely, people automatically believe people to be pretentious because they display some knowledge? It really seems to confirm every awful stereotype of Americans. Jess’s use of “piquant” passed without hardly a thought from me, except “Oh, what a good word!” As for her pronouncing it wrong, which I didn’t pick up on - I don’t pay complete attention to this show! - I’ll give it to her as a reading vocabulary thing. She pronounced it the way you might think most Americans would. I mean, I’m pretty skeptical many Americans would use the French pronounciation. ? Definitely a good number would know, but probably not most. I’m also leery of calling women names, especially with something as altered as a tv show, so I believe that Giada is judged extremely harshly on these types of sites. I loved Giada when she started but I definitely have lost a lot of tolerance for her*. I certainly had no desire to subsidize her trips to Italy and never watched any of those shows, and, yes, she comes off quite pretentious on her newer shows. But while she appeared to overreact to Hamilton, I’m withholding judgment, because I think she gets a bad edit. But I was annoyed that no one called her on her undercooked pasta! Although, when Manny called Bobby on his broken sauce, it did occur to me that calling these people on these faults - given their relative positions - I could see how this would be very frightening! *And I never liked her awful aunt, who seems to be so popular with people, but who I always found so pretentious and condescending to Americans.
  11. OMG, right? At what point did that pasta get saved from the giant, sticky mess it was into something that tasted good, per Tyler? I’d also like to see a Steven/Sharon final, but since it won’t be that, I’d kind of like to see Hazel, not Asaf, but I guess Asaf will be it. Oh well...
  12. Boy, how I miss Anne’s excellent cooking show, too... I can’t dislike her. I think she’s tough because she’s pretty competitive and pretty serious about cooking well, but she really is being wasted.
  13. Agreed on bing annoyed ny the twists. I was a little annoyed when Valerie was giving Alex props for being the only one who didn’t make a “rice cereal” sun. In my head, the girls were secretly rebelling, saying under their collective breath, “Screw you, I’m going to do the easiest thing for these stupid late twists you insist on!”
  14. Really? I find that pretty lame. If you’re kid picks up on stuff, then explain it to them in an age-appropriate way. I imagine most youngsters don’t get the double-entendres. It IS double, after all. And very light... complaining is ridiculous. Hopefully they’ll find some patsy other than Tyler next year. They obviously have to cycle through their network people. If he’s going along with the complainers, he’s a loser.
  15. Yeah, I can’t get too upset about the sausage jokes. I mean, come on - of course! ?Also, I think Titi is from ShaTIma and also “titi” is a child’s way of saying “aunt” in Spanish - my niece used to call me Titi when she was little. So I don’t think it’s a breast thing. ?(And isn’t that ‘tatas’ anyway?)I do like both Sharon and Steven - I thought Hazel would be the Red team person, but now I’m not sure. I wonder if they can come up with a way to break up Steven and Sharon and have them compete against each other? Although Lacey may be a dark horse! And I realize that’s much more than anyone’s ever thought about this ridiculous show!
  16. The show used to coach and teach more - I don’t know why they got away from that! There’s still an element of people discovering that they actually do have an aptitude for this cooking thing that I like to watch, and is why I keep watching. Poor Sylvia did seem flummoxed by having two things that could have constituted a separate entry to use as either a side or in a burger. That’s a big step for a novice at anything, being able to conceptualize something. My question is: would those with shrimp or crab have had the option of making a shrimp or crab “burger”? Or did it have to be a beef burger as a base? Surprised Lily went!
  17. The pastor who always looked amazed with every wrong answer he gave (which was almost every answer he gave!) drove me nuts and I was glad he didn’t win. (Rachel didn’t bother me and Jennifer doesn’t much yet either.) I knew Custis... I’ll take that little victory, please, because: I’m usually screaming and cursing at the tv because overall contestants are horrible when it comes to the fine arts, any of them! It just infuriates me. That being said, I couldn’t get this for anything! I’m going to put it down to I’m sick. ? And this was a while ago so probably irrelevant at this point, but I was catching up on the week this morning: Gerard said Alex had Gallicized his name, i.e., “frenchified” it. Apparently he didn’t appreciate it. And Alex did French up Adrienne’s name as well - let it alone, old man, let it alone! I’m surprised Alex didn’t go 3-for-3 and pronounce Rachel’s name like that movie they were always going to see in Seinfeld: Rochelle, Rochelle! Also, in addition to Gerard’s slowness, Adrienne had this habit of leaning waaay over to her right when answering a question, then, as she was choosing the next question, lurching back over to the left like a pitcher going into a wind-up in slow-motion... The two of them were kind of excruciating for me!
  18. When they first showed Josh’s dress, I was really impressed by it. I loved the way he placed the different colors and how striking the stitching looked. But then later on, that was all that walked down the runway! What I thought was a half-finished dress was his completed project! Ooh-boy, tack-KAY! I didn’t like Stanley’s much at all. I didn’t see the goldfish but laughed when I read it here and knew immediately what you all meant! I got the influence but, first of all, a little boring. Secondly, i thought the hem length was hideous. The color was horrible for his model. I like those colors but when he was constructing, I was trying to think who his model was and if those colors would flatter her. Turns out, no, not at all! And then I really thought he should have differentiated that jacket somehow to make it stand out more, because it just looked like shapeless volume to me. I didn’t see jacket. Maybe a different color ”lining”? Someone mentioned upthread about noticing skin problems, etc more and I agree. I’m going to have to retake this off HD, if that’s the problem. It’s gwtting tough! Re poor Alyssa’s styling problems, to make it worse, did you notice how quickly they cut away from her when she was walking on the runway? She had a gruesome walk! I cringed!!
  19. I was especially annoyed because this is the second week in a row that this kid had NO idea how to satisfy the twist requirement and did the lamest, least thing he could... This week he throws a piece of lemon on the bars - last week he asked one of the girls what she was doing and just copied her! I wish he’d stop getting rewarded for this! Re Duff saying boys have gone home 3 weeks in a row - haven’t only boys won the whole season previously?
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