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Something you do not know because you didn't watch Discovery, for which you should thank the gods: The writers are talentless hacks. So yeah, that doesn't make sense, but pretty much nothing on Discovery makes sense. So par for the course. Sadly the Strange New World writers are now beholden to what Discovery established.
Queens really aren't that rare. Female pirate captains were rare yes, but they did exist (and some were crazy successfull), so a female cartel leader could also exist, as the rare exception. It's not like we are talking about all cartels becoming female-led all of a sudden. If Camilla was a young woman I would even agree with you, but she is older and already had an adult son. All these sexist gangsters still love and respect their mothers and the matriarach of the family usually has quite a bit of invluence in mexican society, as far as I know. So I can totally see a matriarch reigning the cartel.
A quick google search tells me the opposite: "When the Court approves the motion, both the arrest and conviction(s) are sealed and both the State and Federal prohibitions against being able to purchase a firearm are removed." I actually would have been shocked if it was any other way. So yes Ruth could have owned a gun legally, and as the owner of a casino, a cash-business, would have had any reason to. She should have had at least one in her car. The pharma-lady said the Byrds didn't know and Camila seems to have bought it. Which seems contrived, but whatever...
I'm not against Ruth dying and the Byrds getting away with everything in principle. That is the worst ending possible from a morality-standpoint, but those can be done really well. This just wasn't. At multiple points this season was really contrived and just didn't quite work. I mean we heard the shot. Jona shot his ass dead. Serves him right for coming to the Byrds to gloat instead of actually getting that evidence to the authorities. Though if he had, nothing would have come off it anyway. So Ruth had Ben's ashes. That doesn't proof the Byrds killed him, if anything it points to Ruth. Obsessive Ex kills her boyfriend because he wants to leave her and keeps his ashes so he has to be with her forever. The story practivally writes itself. I don't see why not. Women usually like to work more from the shadows through men because it's less dangerous, but they are certainly capable, when put in the postiion. There were respected queens, female pirate captains, etc. throughout history. Yeah his speech at the ending was dumb: "I mean who doesn't have a filled cookie jar, what's with that?" To which I ask: Who actually fills up these cookie jars? I've only ever seen them used for decoration and never actually filled. Or Ruth. It's not like she'd mind or could defend herself...
The judge was specifically not corrupt, but a political aquaintance. So it wasn't in the bag.
So Marty really only figured out now that it was Kamilla all along? Man, he has gotten a lot dumber than he used to be.
Deviations from the predestined path created those universes. Until those decisions those universes didn't exist. That's one of the basic multiversal theories, that decision create new universes. Edit: Maybe Tara Strong can explain it to you: They are using "timeline" and "multiverse" interchangeably in the clip. But pay attention to the "Danger: Multiverse" screen at 1:15.
There is no indication of what you are saying in the show. Instead it was spelled out multiple times that the TVA prunes all deviations and that there is only one timeline. You are just making stuff up by saying it was a multiverse. Yes. Though on the plus side, he only killed murderers. That's not as bad as torturing thousands of innocents for weeks, I think. But I guess you could argue the morality here. Well at least that is what we were told. But he should be in prison regardless.
Maybe if somebody had actually held her accountable. But instead she got a speech from Monica Rambeau about how stunning and brave she was, for torturing a whole town for weeks, to the point that they wanted death, instead of having to continue in that nightmare. Wanda tortured thousands of people for weeks and then just flew away. Not even trying to make it up to them. We saw how economically depressed that town was. She is the Scarlet Witch and can make matter from nothing. Would it have been too much to ask to leave them a pile of gold or vibranium in at least an attempt to make amends and pay reparations? Not to mention the years she should have spent in prison for her crimes. That is a deeply selfish person who doesn't consider others for a second and is just going through the motions of "being good", because she thinks that's what she should be. So it's absolutely consistent characterisation that she'll walk over corpses if that is what she has to do to get what she wants.
They had developed a warp-bomb. That is a planet killer and not in the sense of "oh it will be nuclear winter for a few hundret years and then life might recover", no in the sense of "the planet gets ripped in apart". It literally can't get any worse. We don't really know how old he is. He might be 70 or 80. He looks like a 50 year old to us, but there is no telling what that means with the medical technology in Star Trek.
I advise you to watch Loki again. Kang the Conqueror He who Remains decided to destroy all other universes because otherwise they would inevitably go to war with each other. It was not about them being too different. It's just that divergences create new universes. There was exactly one sacred timeline/universe. I don't get how there could be any misunderstand about that.
The TVA always purged all other universes. There was only one universe. That was the whole point of the TVA.
Yes, when one of my favourite franchises came back after years of nothing I was so super spitefull. I hated them so much for bringing it back! How could they?! It's not like I was super excited about it and it just turned out to be a huge pile of dogshit or anything. Discovery and Picard have just been trash. It is how it is. Lower Decks is good. The first episode of Strange New Worlds was good. But I won't get my hopes up for that one yet. Bad writing. The timeline was never broken. This always happened. It just doesn't make sense. I think a huge problem was that they gave Patrick Stewart way too much creative control. In season one he wanted to be an action hero and in season two he wanted to inject all his family drama. Both things that don't really fit Picard that much. On Tuesday night I saw the new Doctor Strange movie and it is astounding how he totally can play a character just like he did 22 years ago. I never doubted that that was Prof X who I was seeing. Picard on the other hand, I would have never recognised, if they didn't say his name 99 times an episode. I took it, since this is a stable time loop, that the real Borg collective is still in the Delta quadrant and all of that always happened. Borgati just made her own collective. It also seems like she only has one ship. It was the only Borg ship in the shield wall. If she had a fleet she probably wouldn't have needed to ask the Federation for help. Not that the show explained any of this. The writers forgot (never knew) about them. And about Qs son, who Q was supposed to watch over for all eternity, according to a judgment by the continuum... He said he was giving her a field commission. Not sure if that changes anything or not. He also never said a rank. She just sat down in the captains chair. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Interesting. I guess they never made that really clear on the show. It came off like Vulcans are like a lot of animals on earth. That they have a mating season and aren't really that interested in sex outside of it. But that was never specifically stated, it is true. So anything goes and the current writers are in charge of what is canon. That's a weird way of putting it. Why would it be bad? Just because humans are so horny everybody in the galaxy has to be? Also I would have assumed it staggers, so that not all Vulcans have the same 7 year cycle. Only mating every 7 years could have absolutely worked, especially with a species that lives so long as Vulcans do. It would have made sense as an evolutionary adaptation to prevent overpopulation.
I always gave that a pass for Spock in the celvin timeline, since he is half human. So he might be perma-horny like a human male and get the pon farr on top, but I really don't think his vulcan wife should be into sex most of the time. Btw. how does that work? Do the males go into pon farr and the females just lie there and think of queen and country or does something in them get triggered as well?