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Everything posted by J.D.

  1. He asked Derrick's advice on how to play the game and Derrick told him pre-game to not hookup, to keep his head in the game, avoid a showmance unlike his previous season's obsession with Meg.... well, that didn't last long for James. LOL
  2. Nicole's the one who said "talk some sense into them." .... 3:26:56
  3. I agree 100%. To me, the reason Day hates Tiff so much is that she (Day) is trying to play Audrey's game this time around -- the game in bold above -- which was also Vanessa's game, and since Tiff is Vanessa's sister, that makes Tiff her enemy by default. Surely, Day has to know that Tiff will be smart enough to pick up on what Day is doing and so, of course, she wants her gone. That, plus Day knows the longer Tiff stays, the harder Day will have to work that angle since Tiff will probably being playing the same twisted game.
  4. Christine's biggest fault wasn't being stupid enough to believe that a good looking guy would actually be into her. Her biggest fault was disrespecting her husband and disgracing her marriage, and by embarrassing her family back home while flirting with Cody.
  5. What a let down! After reading multiple post about this big rant Frank allegedly went on, I went to the flashback to see it for myself and it was nothing more than him fake yelling about pizza while throwing out a smile in between to let them know he's only acting. Not that I want anybody to be in physical harms way; but still, this season has been so boring thus far, that I was looking forward to someone besides Day having an angry, irrational outburst. Turns out he was just play fighting. :/ Oh well,.... can't wait till all the throwaways are evicted and the game starts getting real.
  6. I'm loving the season too. It's a little slow right now because (1) nobody cared about Jozea so the week he was going everyone was laid back. (2) nobody cares about Victor (or Bronte or Tiff) so this week is also laid back. It's going to heat up down the road, though, when you they got 3 strong people on the block together. Imagine all the fireworks (pun intended) if the block consisted of Day, Frank and James. OMG. Drama....drama....drama.
  7. Day is smart, but her paranoia and angry attitude outweigh her ability to play this game. I wish she could get those things in check because she's the only female actually playing the game.
  8. I'm fine with tattoos, but Paul has way too many of them. They take up his whole chest.
  9. Now that everyone's had the chance to watch the entire season, I just have to ask this question since I obviously missed something. Most everyone seems so moved by that last scene with Poussey smiling toward the camera, and her whole backstory in general. I don't get it. What did I miss? She was probably my favorite character on the show and yet, that whole backstory, smiling toward the camera thing flew right over my head. I'm guessing it references something from a previous season ....????? I watched that episode twice and I still don't get what was so poignant about that scene. Can somebody fill me in?
  10. Have you seen him without his beard? I was going to post a link, but I'm new here so I'm not sure if it's allowed.
  11. He had a girlfriend yet he's peeking over the shower at these other girls? Total jerk move.
  12. I could have done without that crazy conversation from Paul just now. LOL ETA: What a 180. Now he's talking about something totally normal. I can't keep up with this guy. He shifts gears too fast for me.
  13. I would be bored out of my mind in the house. Is the backyard off limits during the night? I never see anyone out there in the wee hours. That's where I would be, if allowed. After being couped up in the house with a bunch of people plotting against one another (yes, I know that is the game...but still), I would welcome those quiet, solitary moments of sitting outside in the backyard while the rest of them are asleep. Thinking..... just thinking. Tom-A-toe, tom- AH-toe, peachy. Correction to my earlier post where I said, ".... girls have been trying to do that [create an all girl alliance] for many seasons ....." I guess I should have said "talking about" as opposed to "trying to." They do this every season but it never goes anywhere. Usually, one of the girls runs to the guys and tells them what's going on in the hopes it will gain their trust, but all the guys do is use the knowledge to their own advantage and cast the 'teller' aside for being an disloyal snitch. Either way, Frank's not blind to it. He and the guys were discussing the possibility of it just yesterday.
  14. He's a hottie without the beard. I think he should shave it because good looks (ahem...Paulie) seems to get people far in the game.
  15. I think it would be a smart move for Day right up to the point when Frank realizes she's not giving him any information she allegedly learns from the other side. After that, Frank would wise up real quick to the all girl alliance since girls have been trying to do that for many seasons on Big Brother.
  16. I would love it if Day and Frank branched off to form their own alliances. They're both very strong-minded people so it would make for interesting Live Feeds. I know I stand alone here, but I think Frank is playing a good game. I know people don't seem to like him for things he said or did in his past, but I don't remember him much from his previous season. All I remember is the carrot suit he wore to Dan's funeral. My 2 cents on the possibility of Paulie taking Paul off the block: I think he should do it. Why? Because if they all want Vic out, then keeping Paul on the block isn't going to change anything Paul-wise THIS week. Paulie would put up Vic, the HG's would vote him out, and Paul would still be in the game. So, following that logic -- with Paul still in the game whether he's on the block or whether Paulie takes him down -- I think it would be good game play for Paulie to take Paul down because he could use that to convince Paul that it's "the others" who want Paul out and "not him." Paul's a goner ether way, but if Paulie takes him off the block, it might benefit Paulie down the road if he makes it to the finale. It might gain him an extra vote. Taking Bronte off the block would gain him nothing. She's too tight with the "girl power" stuff.
  17. Man, it looks like I need to binge watch Season 4 again this weekend. I didn't get nearly the level of depth out of the episodes that the rest of you seem to have gotten. That's what I get for multi-tasking. I need tune everything out and just focus on the show.
  18. I'm slower than the rest of you, but I just finished watching as well. My random thoughts: So sad about Poussey's death. She was my 2nd favorite character next to Sophia. :( Speaking of Sophia, I was really disappointed she was rarely in this season, but I understand. (I think). I believe Laverne Cox is filming Rocky Horror Picture Show. I'm hoping she'll be back full throttle next season. I could do without Piper altogether. I'm tired of her character. I didn't care for her Godfather-esque 'Don of the stinky panties' cartel. She just doesn't interest me. Lorna gets on my nerves, but I love Crazy Eyes and Lolly even though they're just as whacked. I'm totally confused about Healey. Is he a good guy? Is he a bad guy? His character's so complex. I know he had a horrible childhood, but he's hard to figure out as an adult. Just when I think he has compassion for the prisoners (like taking Lolly under his wing) he does something that makes me change my mind, and makes me think he's another creep. I feel sorry for Caputo. He can't seem to get a lucky break. I don't know which CO I dislike the most: Piscatella or Humphrey. Actually, none of the CO's are all that decent, except for that blond woman and poor Bayley. I can't wait to see Piscatella, Humphrey and Caputo's slimy girlfriend get what's coming to them. Funny, but you know you got a pretty corrupt staff when the rapists starts to look like a 'good guy.'
  19. Me too. I'm gonna hold my breath until they give us season 3. ;P I love this show-!!! I could see myself living in these character's neighborhood...maybe hanging out with Bud and Coyote since they're closer to my age: 28.
  20. I somewhat agree with this. It is definitely easier (in the short term) to stay than to uproot your life. But it's the long term people have to think about. There's so much more I'd like to say, but we're already walking on a thin line here, and any minute now I except a Mod to pop in and say we need to get back on track about the show. :)
  21. I agree. I think she stayed in the marriage out of convenience. To recap: It wasn't for love if we're to believe there wasn't any. It wasn't for financial support because she owned her own company. It wasn't for sex because we get the impression that, too, was lacking. It wasn't for the kids, at least once they were grown. So why stay -- for FORTY years no less -- if her marriage was such a sham? I can understand a marriage hitting a snag and wanting to tough it out for a while if both parties are willing to work on things, get counseling,...etc. But forty years is ridiculous! It's almost like saying, "Look, I put in forty years so I want a reward for that." Isn't everyone responsible for their own happiness?
  22. You talk as if Grace has no culpability. Somewhere during that forty year span she had to have seen there's something wrong. Why stay?
  23. Well, that sure would give the writers a lot more "meat" to work with. They could pen awkward family gatherings where Robert and Sol show up with their new relationships and Grace and Frankie playing referee.
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