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Everything posted by J.D.

  1. Paul's playing a good but dangerous game. I have no idea which side he's REALLY on. He's playing them both so well.
  2. I like Paul but he's definitely being used. The 'cool kids' couldn't care less about him.
  3. Day talking about how she stuck her neck out for Tiff by voting out Bronte. *BUZZZZ* LIE! Day's vote for Bronte was to put the screws to Frank. Then, Day talking about Tiff crying and laying her head on Day's lap while Day stroked her hair to comfort her. *BUZZZZ* LIE! I watched that scene as it unfolded. Tiff didn't want to talk and Day sat down beside her and took advantage of Tiff's emotional state and Day pulled Tiff's head over on to her lap. I cannot stand Day---!!!!!
  4. Can't Paul see that even though he's talking nobody's listening to him? He's background noise while Paulie and Day have a conversation back and forth.
  5. Trying to toggle between Tiff talking to Corey and Frank trying to persuade Paulie. UGGGHHH.... either nothing on the feeds or too much to keep up with.
  6. I can't believe I'm cheering on FRANK right now, but he's working Paulie hard and I'm loving it.
  7. Paul, stop talking! That's side's the enemy. UGGGHHH. Oh Paul, you're confusing me. I can't keep up with you AND drink. You must stop flip-flopping. My head is spinning.
  8. If Tiff put Day up, Frank and Bridgette would def vote out Day. Since Michelle ratted Nicole out to Day right in front of Day and Day knows Nicole wants her out because she was lying to save her ass -- they MIGHT be able to sway Nicole's vote to get out Day before Day has a chance to come after her. And since Corey wants to keep things peaceful between him and Nicole, Corey MIGHT go along with voting out Day if Nicole asks him to and if word gets back to Corey that Day was bummed when he won veto because she wanted Corey out. James is probably persuadable because we hardly see me socializing with Day and that gang anymore. He talks enough with them to not appear as if he flipped, but he doesn't attach himself to them like he once did. Paul is persuadable as well. I'm wringing my hands in anticipation. Hey, I can dream can't I? --- LOL
  9. Agreed! I loved Zak in the beginning. Anymore, I can't stand her Mean Girls childishness. I can't wait till she's in the hot seat and has to grovel to someone she doesn't want to grovel to,.... like Natalie, Bridgette, Paul or Tiff. I'mma laugh my ass off.
  10. Paulie's coaching Natalie so I'm assuming that means she's playing.
  11. Does Day ever cook? Seems like every time I see her waiting to eat, she's waiting on someone else to finish cooking.
  12. I can't believe these people are so hateful towards Tiff saying she's crazy, she's out of her mind, she's not loyal, she's playing both sides, she's wanting to 'throw everything out there' and blow up their game -- when they've done nothing but ignore her and all get real quiet and so obviously get up and walk out of the room whenever she enters. She owes them nothing, IMO.
  13. I'm so over Zak. I wish the floor would open up and swallow her. She's spewing another batch of lies to Tiff.
  14. I would love it if she put up Day, but she won't. I'm so over Day after the way she mercilessly laughed in Tiff's face during that 2 hour rant starting at 2:30 am early this morning. Paulie's getting on my last nerve too, but she won't put him up and even if she did, they wouldn't evict him. Day may not be so lucky if she was up.
  15. I hope she puts Nicole up if only because I can't stand her whining.
  16. I was hoping Bronte's 'big reveal' was that she's been faking her squeaky voice and that from here on out she decided she's going to talk in her normal, non-squeaky voice. Bummer. :/
  17. Frank's nana's probably at home hoping he doesn't get evicted because she's 'safe' while he's in the BB house. Ew.
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