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Everything posted by Chippings

  1. This page has been much neglected for nearly a month, but I wonder if regular Lifetime watchers saw "A Very Nutty Christmas" ? Was that as weird as I thought it was? Did not get it **at all**. The 'enchanted' nutcracker guy was about as appealing as Jerry Lewis at his nuttiest (sic) in his goofy movies of long ago, and Melissa Joan Hart's character not particularly likable either. The script seems hopeless and even better directing couldn't have saved it. You knew something had to 'make it all happy' at the end, but the actually alive military fellow who turned up in the last four minutes was no more appealing than his nutcracker avatar. Hope I'm not the only grinch on this subject.
  2. I'm used to being fibbed to in this show, but Hey - lived there since 2016 ?? That's a bit much, lie-wise. They were in my favorite part of London, but the treat for us was seeing Toby Brown again. I had come to love Richard very well, but Toby is equally lovable and I have missed him. (Haven't seen Toby in a couple of years; maybe they filmed this two years ago ??) I studied my map and could not figure where they were overlooking the large exhibition space that was leveled.
  3. Not a usual participant here, but I wanted to chime in about two I saw this weekend, comparing 'chemistry' between the principals. One was the older one A Very Merry Mix-Up (perfectly dreadful title), but the chemistry between Alicia Witt and [insert nice-looking fellow here] was absolutely charming. It had to do first with the script they had to work with, but they really made it work marvelously. I've watched it a few times in bits and pieces. Then, oh what a disappointment - I had seen Merritt Patterson (yes?) and Andrew Cooper before and I actually recorded Christmas at the Palace on Thursday, and whew -- was entirely let down. As someone wrote above, odd script, weird motivations &c - and I just got no chemistry between them. The writing was so largely to blame. I had loved him with Cindy Busby in (was it Royal Hearts)? -- but his character was such a poop here that he had nothing to work with. And hers (as noted above also) was entirely rude to him at the beginning, and never seemed much into the relationship after that Further, I had been a huge fan of hers in Royal Winter, which was a somewhat similar story. (Also the same bit about sneaky paparazzi / photographers &c) But despite the beautiful Romanian scenery and castle, it just never got off the ground for me. Incidentally, speaking of cliches, is there a single one in which the two principals don't bump into each other inadvertently and are surprised .. ? (It was a part of both of the above movies .. spilled coffee in one, no coffee in the other. I think coffee is involved in about 40 % of them.) Those complaints aside, these movies are my fall-back viewing these days, when I'm bored to pieces with HGTV.
  4. Ah, but you didn't have a camera crew and a producer with you ! Always a plus, we should try to consider this when traveling.
  5. So glad to see that I'm not the only one who really only cares about the catfish shows ! Thanx guys ! Like you also, so tired of "my grown kid is a total mess but I can't kick him out". Every Saturday I check drphil.com to see if there's a catfish show - if there is, I make a mental note .. if not, I mentally tune out til the following Saturday.
  6. I hope those who are interested in the show will read this -- pretty long but so many excellent details about the history of the show, how Mike Schur put it together originally, and the actors - both the pros and (Kristen and Ted D) and the people with much shorter resumes. There's a lot of insight about the production and it's philosophy (in every sense).
  7. Somebody wrote above, but I don't see it just now. Are those two dog crates for actual dogs that Paul and Karine had ? It's a walk-up apartment someplace, do the dogs just spend nearly 24/7 in the cages ? Why would they even get one dog, let along two ? If someone would explain that again, I'd appreciate it.
  8. I think Jon also said that when he has a salaried job, they take out a large percent toward his student loan; but the rent money from the rooms in his house, he gets to keep all of. But of course quitting the job as a money-saving strategy makes no sense -- less income is less income. Oh, Jon. He certainly didn't say anything about any entrepreneurial idea he has to make money without deductions. And does he not have to share the rental income with his Mum. Mum must've been delighted with this plan. And as someone said above, surely quitting the garbage job wasn't the only way to get the week (?) off for the wedding. I'd have to listen to his explanation of that part.
  9. Somebody may beat me to this, but my memory is that last week she said their conversation about his coming over was sort of vague, so she didn't know what kind of events they would be doing (yes, really) and so she had to bring outfits accordingly. Oops, here's 6 new replies. Bet you beat me to it ! I was right !
  10. On another topic but speaking of producer shenanigans, I just looked up on a map the trip from Jon's home (Weston Super Mare) to Cornwall, where they were driving for the wedding and festivities, and there's no blooming reason in the world to be going through the damn middle of London to get there ! (Oh there's the London Eye again!) Ridiculous. It's a general south/west shot, but London is due east. It's enough to see people's hair grow and pimples come & go, and time be all fuzzy, but this is a simple thing to check. Honestly producers, these people can get into enough trouble without your either (1) forcing them to drive three hours out of their way, or (2) editing in a car argument that happened months before. (So much else to chime in about up there, this is a very thoughtful page. Later.)
  11. From Hazel's profile, the words "ACTress" "Bisexual and proud of it" - those are more words in a row than have come out of her mouth since we've known her. And, more attitudinal than we've seen, as well. If she is ACTing as a soulless shell, she is doing a good job. Otherwise, this is the right Hazel, yes ?
  12. I tried to tune in (altho I haven't seen it before) because I enjoy a good catfish story. But I only got there in time to see 18 commercials, and the panel pouring platitudes on the poor lady. ("Love each other" "Forgive" "These girls love you.") Does it seem as if Dr Phil has passed on his catfish victims to this lot? I could judge better if I'd seen the beginning story and the explanation ("Aha!!") .. Which must have all been very rushed. I lasted about 3 minutes into the next episode and they were piling on in a sanctimonious fashion. Won't be back. I hope this doesn't last. It seems a waste of everybody's time.
  13. You know, y'all, they have stirred us up this week with the (we hope) break-up of Jesse and Darcey -- and so far just a little bit has happened. But I am betting the farm that, like last week when the big preview was Pole running into the clinic, we will actually see it in the last eleven minutes of the show. I am pacing myself. It's going to be so nice to actually see her holler ("Get out of my LIfe!!") (not a spoiler - they showed it already, yes.) But it's a long time off, I'm thinking.
  14. Oh heavens, you've sent me off to watch another side-site. I shudder to think. This sounds really awful. But, I think, thank you ..
  15. Do y'all ever wonder, as I did during last night's show, what the producers on-site are thinking as these train wrecks evolve? Does nobody in the Brazil crew want to say to Karine "You don't have to do this, girl, it will work out really badly for you -- Get back on Brazil-Cupid whatever and find somebody else"? .. Or, ditto to whoever is chaperoning poor little Hazel through this mess? She knows her way onto the web site and how to work it - Wouldn't anybody with a conscience see how things are and want to save these poor people? I just wonder if they have any pangs of conscience at all. Or, if they just go back to their developing rooms (or whatever) and chortle "Wow, that's some great TV!" I wondered, too, when Jesse keeps walking away and then (with minimal sincerity) declaring as he returns (again) "But I love her with all my heart" -- Does his contract require a certain number of episodes and he can't walk out? Or maybe he thinks continuing coverage will be good for his Life Coaching / modeling business? As if. And about any moral standards at all, several comments today about the criminal records of such a high proportion of these participants (Jon, Pole, Angela, and Darcey) make us wonder: What is the network's policy on that, exactly. Maybe they figure it's like 'Catfish' -- a series of good object lessons. High moral tone aside -- Yet, here we are again. So ashamed.
  16. I think every living one of us stopped for a moment at the Rice-a-Roni section of the store this weekend, I counted twelve (12) flavors (sorry, friend in Canada!), including Cilantro & Lime. I'm betting that one wasn't available when we were in college. On show-topic .. at this point in the week it's tough to come up with something that hasn't been analyzed already, but maybe this: I thought Tarik's brother Dean called, or texted, to say he was "in the bar downstairs", but then I was surprised that when they walked to meet him, they went along a long arcade past a lot of things, obviously not the lobby area of the hotel, and the place he was was obviously not a bar. I just like to see some Continuity here. We know the producers jiggle stuff around and we're used to it; but that did jar me. That's about it for the next 26 hours .. except, poor Ximena ! "He came to Colombia to see me.." Hope he pays dearly for that.
  17. Oh my gosh ! I haven't been to this specific forum in months, so interesting that I checked it out just now. It had to do with moving the marijuana around in ways that didn't fit with the legal stuff in California, I suppose? I didn't see what he was charged with earlier. So (more spoilering) who supports Anfisa for one year and ten months?
  18. Wow, thank you, Poetic .. That's hugely interesting, and the chances I (anyway) would have come across it on my own are nil. Yuck. He asked for it, I guess, but he got plenty more than he had imagined.
  19. The good news is, I never have to see that child again in my life. But it's okay, the extra $150 over budget, because the water is included .. Ahh - there we are! While I'm up and ranting here .. the statement "Well you can't expect a child to understand budget" was so much malarkey. You sit down with a piece of paper, and write your net monthly income and your anticipated expenses -- whatever info you used to come up with your budget to begin with. And show the kid where it goes. Mutter mutter. And, as is often the case, not a word was said about where the child's school was. Near? Far? Was she going to a public school, which would depend on where you rented, or a private school already chosen in a specific place? Oh never mind -- little Sweetheart feels like a princess, so what else matters. Argh.
  20. Worse yet, with a cameraman in the room ! How can that even happen ? And how can she show her face in public ever again.
  21. I totally don't get this format of theirs. They spend a fortune sending producers over there / wherever, hiring sound people and cinematographers, and they must have hours of film they don't show, but instead keep doubling back. How many times have we seen, for example, Rachel standing in Paddington Station looking "alone"? Just use more of the film you have, people. Or maybe they are re-showing things a gazillion times for those of us who left the room for a second to get another bottle of wine and might have missed something? Hard to figure.
  22. Ditto ditto ditto. Couldn't stand her -- cheerfully shrugging off a 90 minute commute, each way -- She wouldn't see her baby in the daylight for days on end !! And was she planning on doing any homework? Her vision of sitting idly in sidewalk cafes was completely unreal. I was surprised she ultimately did go for the Versailles location. Maybe it was all (as we say here so often) producer driven, but she seemed entirely sincere about her stupidness.
  23. Oh oh ! Can I be the first one to answer that ?? "I hate [thing] with the heat of a thousand nuns" was an absolute favorite phrase of mine that I used to see (and use) back on Television Without Pity -- It isn't new, but it's utterly great, and may it live forever .. (It comes in handy in conversation too .. Feel free ! )
  24. It was mentioned above that it was sort of pathetic that Jon was living with his Mum - but they did mention that he had done that (after presumably living on his own) to save money towards his future (?} with his American sweetie. Nobody has mentioned also that he had, possibly with the help of his Mum and sister, made up a whole nursery for Lucy with crib, changing table, toys &c. Which showed the right attitude - about as far as you can get from catfishing ! I agree with whoever said that he seems a teeny bit slow in the way he reacts and speaks. Which is fine - not everybody needs to be a Rhodes scholar. But I'm remembering too that the criminal offenses / fighting occurred with he was at "Unie" (university, yes?) Not just anybody can go to University in England, I think, so that is actually puzzling. A later football injury to the head, maybe? Thinking out loud. As you were, everybody.
  25. So many inexplicable reactions - or non-reactions - in this final (?!) episode. For one, Nicole's mother flips out when she hears they are not going to have the wedding (which they can't afford) and instead are putting the money they do have into a store .. which could (remotely) be a way to actually make a living and support themselves. On the surface, and if it were two people with a grain of sense, that would seem a pretty good choice. Why did she flip out ? I heard Nicole say she didn't want her mother to see "the store" until it was more ready, because she knew her mother would complain that it didn't look ready. Got that. But she could have told Azan he needed to at least show them the outside, or a copy of the lease, or plans for how it was going to look. No .. just Zippo - and "I'm mad 'cuz you don't trust Azan." Then I was (ha ha) waiting for Azan to tell his sister, when they canceled the wedding yet again, "I feel terrible for all the money you put out on this. Tell me how much you have spent. I am going to get a job [or, open a store] and I will pay you back all of it, 5 drachmas a week (or whatever) until it is all paid back." Just an idea .. Or, did nobody hear me yelling at the screen.. "Will you ask them does EITHER of you know ANYTHING about make-up??" "Will you ask them: Why make-up?" She did say that Nicole hardly wears any. Does Azan have any experience? The story was his earlier job had been in a restaurant, or hotel ? That ain't make-up. This all defies logic and the way ordinary people think. There's a play called "The Foreigner" -- In it there is a rather dim young fellow who is having a hard time answering his mother about what he wants for breakfast, and she says "These aren't hard questions, Ellard!" It came to mind tonight.. Finally the producer certainly dropped a ball when instead of asking these sensible kinds of question, he just kept asking "Do you really want to marry her?" in the same exact words over and again. Thank you. Done venting. I needed that.
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