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MJ Frog

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  1. I agree. Something that comes across really well in the book is that there are many ways in which either culture can be both better and worse than the other. There's a sort of funny scene where after just having thought to himself how touchy the Japanese are and how he really has to watch his step with them, Blackthorne freaks out at Mariko about how casual the Japanese are about same-sex relations. She is caught completely by surprise by what she sees as an irrational outburst and an incomprehensibly cruel point of view.
  2. Yes. This. I'm glad I'm not the only one picking up on the vibe that Susannah is very much in love and Kat seems to return some of those feelings. And Kat does seem to have feelings for a lot of people. Except Elliot, who is just a security blanket. You're never gonna be the one, dude, not in the way you want. Move on. Unless it turns out Kat is poly, which would be a real twist.
  3. Nah. I think many of us are grown up enough not to take differing opinions over a TV show personally. I understand all of your arguments, and I might have felt the same under other circumstances, but for whatever reason the ending just landed differently for me. Your mileage, as they say, may vary.
  4. I think I have separation anxiety. I put off seeing the finale for a couple days, and it's not the first time I've done that with a show I really like. This series was a bold, interesting, and very worthy addition to the Superman mythos. By having him end up as a mortal with a human heart, one who did really, finally, die, they took things in a completely new direction. I thought surely they were going to find a way to restore his heart, but instead they ended things in a way that was very much in keeping with what the show had been all along. Was that end sequence cheesy? Yeah, probably. But it was also absolutely beautiful. Two of my favorite small moments. When John Henry rifled through what looked like a box of cables only to be disappointed, my immediate thought was, "I feel you, buddy. I've got a box just like that in my closet." Secondly, I found myself oddly moved when Doomsday held out his hand to signal that this was enough, that it had to end. That whole sequence, and Clark's apparent pity for someone who was once like him, had a real weight to it. I will always appreciate a group of people -- actors, writers, directors -- trying hard to make something good. Well done, and thank you.
  5. Well of course a show about Superman isn't going to end up with a bullet in the head for Luthor, nor am I suggesting it should. I merely maintain that if there were such a person in our world, unbound by the needs of a dramatic series, a bullet in the head would have averted a lot of suffering and death. But this is Superman and Lois, and they will have to find another way.
  6. I have plenty of empathy, but it stops just short of people who murder and hurt other people. Even if Luthor managed to have a nice relationship with his daughter, that doesn't undo what he's done, nor does it negate the fact that he remains a clear and present danger. I stand by my statement that for the good of humanity he should be removed from the population, with death being the best, and safest, method for doing so.
  7. Well, darn it, that was lovely. Everybody is doing such good work on this show and I am even more sorry it's ending than when I started the season. Especially after an episode like that.
  8. "There has to be a price!" Short memory, buddy. You tried to kill her husband and succeeded in killing her father. And this warm fuzzy between Elizabeth and Lex is nice and everything, but even if they had reconciled he'd still be a murdering psychopath who should be in prison or, better yet, six feet under.
  9. Wow, that was a heck of an opener. I'm really sorry to see that this is the last season of what has been one of the best television depictions of Superman. Looking forward to seeing how they handle this storyline. It's too bad they are so opposed to murder because I don't see a problem here that couldn't have been solved by a bullet to Luthor's brain, for which there was ample opportunity. Where's John Wick when you need him.
  10. Man, that ending had me laughing my weezy laugh for several minutes afterward -- and I don't mean that as criticism of the show. However, the idea that Hal could be sure the president was dead even before the vice president knew does strain credulity. So I would like to propose an alternate possibility, that perhaps Hal merely assumed the president was dead, without realizing he was later revived and merely incapacitated. The scenario with the secret service and the vice president would have likely played out the same way if the president was in a medically induced coma, for instance.
  11. Thanks! I maintain that it shouldn't have been that involved, though. It took me several clicks to get there when it should have taken no clicks. There are a number of shows that are right at the top of the page when you go to Prime, but not the one they've spent the most money on.
  12. I don't know if this has been anyone else's experience, but I have had to go to outside sources to even see what day this is starting back up again. I can't find any information at all on Prime itself. Which seems not super bright to me.
  13. Welp. No more sausage for me.
  14. Somebody out there needs to make this happen.
  15. Wow. THAT was a look, Rhaenyra. For all the pissing and moaning about who should or shouldn't have a dragon, do these people not realize the matter was never in their hands to begin with? The dragons choose who their riders are. They always have. Any notion of control is an illusion.
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