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Everything posted by simplyme

  1. Maybe we should just agree that none of these houseguests is frolicking with kittens, farting rainbows, and petting unicorns. Whose actions you find most two-faced and objectionable appears to be highly subjective.
  2. There's no real HPV test for men, and most people who have it are asymptomatic. It's highly contagious and can take up to two years for a person's immune system to clear it. It's associated with most cervical cancers and a large number of throat and other cancers. There are vaccines, but they're only six (I think??) years oldish, and you can only get them from ages 11-26 (female) or 11-21 (male). So... Condoms. Don't be a Zaulie. This offtopic post brought to you by the Committee of Big Brother Watchers for Sex Ed.* And now I will drop it. :) *Currently consists of SimplyMe.
  3. Amber Rose is at least intelligent. I can't see DWTS's core audience warming to her, but she's no Snooki.
  4. I know I'm weird, but I find James much more attractive than some of the other guys in the house based purely on physical looks (Plastic Paulie did nothing for me.), and if you add in personality... Okay, I wouldn't date any of them, but he's probably the least likely to get punched in the nuts. I also think Natalie is attractive, but not head-turning. Maybe it's because I'm not a guy. Should I point out Victor's Mardi Gras bead throwing nomination?
  5. These people are morons. If you can't understand the whys and hows of using condoms, you shouldn't be having sex.
  6. I have trouble picturing this, but if he ever is on DWTS, I will be glued to my tv screen.
  7. Or Paul actually was lying to her and she sensed that from familiarity with his body movements, speech, etc. It's not something you do consciously, but some people are good at that and have honed it as a skill. If you work with the public or are a very social person, it can come in handy. Either way, it was a good justification for getting rid of the bigger threat instead of letting him hang around.
  8. As someone with a spider phobia, I often fight the urge to smack female HGs in the eye to try to kill me some fake eyelashes. They creep me out.
  9. Oh, it's much more fun if they have to try to spell the names. I'd bet Corey can't spell Bridgette, Da'Vonne OR Zakiyah. Hell, can any of them?
  10. This was both amusing and dead on target, though you may now have ruined Vic's lectures for me. I'm going to hear the Charlie Brown adult voice instead. I found it interesting how offended Victor was that Nicole told people he'd asked her out. "Have you seen me?" Yes, Vic. You don't wear a shirt. We've all seen you. In fact, I'm pretty sure I recall you removing that shirt to try to manipulate and get close to Nicole the first week or so, but she didn't bite. *eyeroll* Anyways, he obviously ditched that plan and is now deeply offended that anyone would consider him and Nicole as dating equals. I don't care for Nicole, but that's quite an ego there, Vic.
  11. Paulie manhandled Julie Chen. I doubt they're rigging anything for that moron unless they want the show canceled. Anyone else he might have been fine. I'm not really horrified at the thought of anyone going so long as F2 doesn't end up as Nicole and Corey. All the plotting and flipping is fun to watch. :) I mean, yeah, I'd rather ogle Victor than Corey, but it's not like I'm attached to any of these people or sock puppets, or whatever they are.
  12. But remember how much Nat really loved Paul, the guy she thought of as her little brother. Above all, Natalie is strategic. She just hides it.
  13. Hard to say. Right now, James is supposedly leaning Corey. I wouldn't be surprised though if they get rid of Victor to split up the Victor/Paul vote and because Victor is deemed a bigger threat than the giant void that is Corey. (Sadly for me. I find him to be somewhat amusing eye candy at times and would prefer him on my screen to Corey. Strategy-wise, though, it could be the right move for James/Nat.) The possible silver lining is that Victor probably has a better shot at besting Paulie in a competition to re-enter the house than many other HGs.
  14. Because when I watched Survivor before, what I always said to myself was, "Self, what Survivor really needs is more 20-somethings with dreams of acting. Just not enough of those on this show."
  15. Maybe they're afraid that if people see them being too strategic, strong players will get worried about being targeted and they'll be too predictable. However, if it appears to be personally motivated, then strong players won't necessarily see a reason to believe they're the next target. A mixture of appearing strategic to the right people at the right time and looking like a harebrained idiot motivated by personal slights but willing to apologize when necessary can, when played right, get a person far. Done wrong, they just look like an idiot and build ill will towards themselves. Personally, I would have targeted Corey and Nicole first, but I also have more and different info than Natalie et al.
  16. Glenn, Tiffany, Josea and Bronte were in the first battle back competition that Victor won.
  17. So in pondering the evictees through next week, is Frank the only one evicted so far who missed or will miss a chance at re-entering the house (excluding the RT ticket stunt)? Or did I forget someone?
  18. Well, we can hope to God it's a mental competition for jury buy back. Since we're talking veggies, let me just add, "Please asparagus Paulie's return!" Thank you. *ducks the tomatoes and flees*
  19. Bloody hell. Yinz stop it before I resort to vast quantities of cheap liquor to calm the eye tic.
  20. That thought is enough to make me want to bake cookies, wave flags, wear a patriotic unitard, and set off fireworks.
  21. As a retired librarian cornered one too many times by gushing believers in The Secret, I hate that book. Fear not! There's also a video version. Gag. I'd bet more than Paulie. Then again, I tried to put Provincetown in RI earlier today, so take my opinion with the grain of salt it deserves. :P
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