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Everything posted by simplyme

  1. Is Jana Kramer actually that well known that country music fans will vote to keep her in while she builds a wider fan base? Because I've never heard of her. Also, she has Viennese Waltz week one (can be difficult and often comes across as booooring) and Gleb doesn't really have an established fan base.
  2. So Vic/Paul targeted the wrong person. This makes them as "poor" a player as Natalie, right? (Although they actually had all the info and could have seen this coming, unlike Nat and the jbb.)
  3. I'd say, well, then we can proably point to more than 50 way, way more egregious examples of TPTB doing things that could possibly have changed the outcome more than Julie asking Nat this line of questioning and shrug and move on, but maybe that's just me.
  4. Did Paul's pants catch on fire after he said he wouldn't have done it either?
  5. Well, you know women only come in two flavors. Evil bitch and doormat fuckbuddy. *eyeroll*
  6. What I really need is a tiny violin to play at times like these. Alas, those violin lessons I took in 5th grade were during my play time, so I had to decide what my priorities were...
  7. I'm still back trying to process that Nicole knows what a "geographic tongue" is (I don't) but can't name the 50 states. It might take me a while to start trying to process actual noms.
  8. I would totally be trying to get that punishment if I were stuck in a house with Paul. 24 hours of peace and quiet? Divine.
  9. I don't think he's as dumb as he pretends, though, either. You certainly shouldn't judge intelligence solely by one's verbal idiosyncrasies. Those tend to be generational and geographical. My father sometimes talks like a rube, but give him any sort of IQ, math, or spatial relations test and his scores are off the charts. (He was the kid who never did homework but worked in the school library and took a library book home with him when he skipped school.) I've been known to have brain freezes on very basic words. I once asked my college roommate to "Pass me a *pause* thing... um... eating utensil with tines!" She stared at me and then said, "You mean a... fork? "Yes! Fork!" "You can come up with utensil and tines but not fork?" "Yes. Now gimme the damn fork." She used to crack up when I'd blank and talk around words. :P Corey has shown an ability to lay low and think logically. I'm not convinced he's actually an idiot. I mean, I'm not ready to sign him up for MENSA, but I think I underestimated him for too long. I still want him to lose, for goats everywhere.
  10. While it might be entertaining and awesome to watch Corey turn on Nicole for Victor and Paul, it would be dumb. I'm pretty sure Corey knows that his best chance to win is to go to F3 with James and Nicole and then an F2 with James. Of course, pretty sure isn't 100%, because sometimes HGs are idiots.
  11. *smacks you silly for using literally that way* Stop taking English lessons from the BB houseguests! Where's @kathybgd? She'll back me on this.
  12. Name it James and start plotting some revenge. ;) I don't think Corey is as unaware as he pretends. He homes right in on whoever is in power and tries to become their bro, and he's a big enabler of doucheyness while being sure not to be the Big Douche. It's one reason I don't want him to win.
  13. But then he might have to wash his American flag tank! Don't give me such hope.
  14. I think we all know there is what we should do if we were perfect human beings, and then there is what we actually do if we're the somewhat flawed human beings who have been trapped in a house with the same people for so long that oh my god i'm going insane! I expect the slightly flawed person might occasionally behave imperfectly. ;)
  15. Make sure to opine on her body in the most demeaning ways possible in it. *eyeroll*
  16. And Rick Perry is dancing to "God Blessed Texas." Let the pandering begin!
  17. With Rodney. RODNEY! There's a guy I wouldn't want to get closer than 20 feet to without wearing a full suit of armor and possibly being armed with a stun gun.
  18. Yeah. :( There was a lawsuit against Survivor that might have settled it, but it got settled out of court. @Nashville of the amazing memory and details knows more about that than I do, I believe. I just don't want Corey to win. Gaaaaargh. Or James. I don't like any of the choices, but those two are my big no buenos.
  19. I'm under the impression that the BB contract saying "we can rig whatever we want" doesn't matter if that gets challenged in a court of law under US Code 47. Saying they can doesn't necessarily mean they can. It does, however, prevent any participant from claiming they didn't know shenanigans could occur. That's a separate issue from whether or not they're okay under the law. Hoping that makes sense to people. Again, I'd compare this to the NFL's broadcast copyright statement: "This telecast is copyrighted by the NFL for the private use of our audience. Any other use of this telecast or any pictures, descriptions, or accounts of the game without the NFL's consent is prohibited." Obviously, this is not true. You can talk about a game with friends and fair use still applies. A company saying something in a contract or elsewhere does not change law. I mean, I could sign a contract agreeing to be paid 50 cents an hour. Just because the contract says it's okay and I signed it doesn't make it actually legal if I then decided to sue. They'd lose. (That's actually one reason why the Buffalo Jills cheerleaders no longer exist. The company that ran them wasn't paying the women legal minimum wage. Oops.) I'm not saying they don't rig things. I'm just saying whether or not they are covered under that law has not been legally determined, and it won't be unless BB or a similar show goes to court. At the moment, I suspect they take certain steps to avoid this (ie, pre-planning what competitions will be held when). On an unrelated note... I'm really tired of James and Natalie and their relationship. Ever have a best friend in, say, junior high that dated and broke up with the same guy/girl a few times and for months that was all they talked about? That's about where I am with this. Omygawd, I don't care. Move on, people!
  20. It was a whole bunch of comments like these (all said during his reality show, because it was what I could find to quote on short notice :P): On taking all of his dates to the same restaurant: “It might be the same place, might be the same table but it’s a different girl." On his 11 victories at the [London] Olympics (5 gold, 3 silver and 3 bronze): “I don’t even remember what I got at the Olympics." “Going out, trying to look for a date, I don’t really have to do that. They come to me." Granted, those can be interpreted multiple ways, and it WAS a reality show. I'll simply say my opinion accumulated over time based on seeing things he said and did. If a woman talked about dating men the way he has, or tried to wear a $25k grill on her teeth on the medal stand in the London Olympics, or did any number of things he has, she'd have been absolutely crucified, not considered the human equivalent of a golden retriever. I did say scumbag was too harsh. I don't think the guy's evil. But yes, as others pointed out, he certainly was marketed in a way that read as arrogant, entitled dick in some ways to some of us. (Also, he comes across very poorly in interviews. Wow.) Please note: I do think he is disciplined, talented, and hard-working at swimming. I'm sure he probably has a number of good traits, as humans tend not to be moral black and white. That's why I also pointed out that I'm waiting to see how he does on DWTS, and that people I've disliked before have won my votes. I'm certainly aware that my perception is not necessarily reality. :)
  21. *spanks the monkey* Ahem. Sorry. That editing monkey just did a really bad job, and I... well, I have no taste.
  22. Er, I posted the relevant law. It has nothing to do with game show vs entertainment classification (there's no such thing). It has to do with whether they offer a prize (yes) and whether it is a competition of chance, intellectual skill, or intellectual knowledge. Survivor has been sued in the past for running afoul of this, but it was settled out of court so there has been no precedent set yet for whether shows like this actually need to comply. So, cliffs note version: It's undetermined what they can legally do. Relevant law: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/47/509
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