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Kara Suan showed her leadership and class in this episode. when she arrived in the first episode everyone fawned over her like she invented chocolate. She could rest on her laurels and take the accolades but she emotionally stood up for Anna and keeping the workroom positive and place for creativity to grow. She showed great character and I’m impressed! it’s no accident that people are piling on the most emotional member of the group. They see weakness and are ready to exploit it. Kanye has always been inconsistent and his taste level is …. questionable. Korto is just unpleasant
I had no idea young Carolyn was Carolyn until she was called by name. She looks nothing like present day Carolyn. As a poster above noted, the noses are nothing alike. But as I say, “This is Hollywood!” and all theater requires a suspension of disbelief so sure, Eve was able to recognize Carolyn from the old film. But what is the current status/purpose of The 12? Aside from Carolyn and Konstantine, everyone else seems to have faded into pedestrian lives. They don’t keep in touch so where’s the power source of The 12? Is Mr. Pink Suit in Cuba the same guy living in Carolina’s family cabin? What were young Carolyn and present day Carolyn doing in that house looking at the same note? Who hid the note and why? That combo scene between 1979 and today, breaking into the same house, seemed so …. Confusing. Going back a few episodes, when Carolyn approached the Russians and her new handler addressed her as “Traitor” my first thought was that originally she was Russian (Soviet) and had turned traitor to pretend to be British and that was the meaning of the insult. I’m still holding that thought as a possibility. So who does Carolyn work for? Is she alone The 12? What is the current purpose of The 12? Is it still to disrupt? Did young Carolyn ever believe in the tenants of The 12 or did she use their passion for some other purpose? And what a crew! They hardly seem like the group to assemble to disrupt global …Economies? Political structures? What was the deal young Carolyn was going to offer to Konstantine on the dock before they were interrupted? I guess when I come here and start drafting comments I come up with questions and reasons to watch. I’m not interested in a spin-off (famous last words😄) so I hope we get some resolution in the end.
This season is not doing it for me. I don’t know if it’s the directing, editing, or what. I’m confused and caring less and less about Eve, the title character! Villanelle and Carolyn continue to be compelling characters and I love them together but what are they doing? Do I care? If the show had started like this I would be out after the second episode. But it didn’t so I’m in to the bitter end. Eve will finally die, right? That’s the title of the show after all. Damn, I wish Phoebe Waller-Bridge would have come back to finish the series.
Andy spent WAY TOO MUCH TIME on Daisy and Gary. A little bit of them is fun and spices up the show but too much (like here) was stupid. Ashley stayed away? I think she’s a sad person and this is further proof of that. I think she mostly redeemed herself by the final episode. She figured out that to succeed and earn Daisy’s respect she had to WORK. This industry requires people to work hard at unglamorous jobs in the hot sun, with little sleep, while living in cramped quarters. It’s for a short time period, but so is Boot Camp. And Boot Camp is transformational so I don’t discount the frayed emotions of any crew member. What were Gabriella’s issues? She seems to be a gentle soul who has worked in rough industries and has learned to cope, but not entirely successfully. Marcos has said she reminds him of his old girlfriend and that bad connection may be all it is, bad chemistry. He was wrong when he failed to fire his meal after Gabby told him the guests were seated and those two never recovered. If anyone has to choose between a highly talented chef and a second stew, the chef will always win. She crumpled under the pressure and had to go. I thought she seemed mostly relaxed at the reunion and she looked gorgeous! She’s with Wes now and they both deserve someone nice. I really like how Gary can take so much teasing about himself and his penis. He shows his good nature over and over. He stood up for Ashley while correctly addressing her immature desperation. I thought he was very fair. I liked him more than last season and I liked him more and more as the season progressed. The crew member that most impressed me was Tom. He really took the time since he departed the boat to reflect and consider his actions and words. He learned from his time on the Parsifal and we could see it on the reunion. I think he could have reminded everyone that after a night of calm waters the winds picked up dramatically in a short time. I think it was 25 minutes from a quiet night to bells going off. Not that it makes his failed watch okay, but I think it puts his situation into context. And Glen said Tom’s response led to his firing so I wonder if he might have been able to redeem himself?.Explaining, owning, and apologizing would have gone a long way to helping himself. Then he sat around gossiping about Ashley in front of Glenn instead of polishing, shining, mopping or whatever needed to be done to show his worth. But, I think he’s learned and will provide value going forward. Good for Tom!!
I loved this season! I loved these hard working, hard partying, good natured, nice people working to create beautiful experiences for their guests! Damn, compare and contrast with the screeching, bitching, beautiful women who contribute nothing to the universe but conflict. Give me Below Deck any day!! This season was so nice with so much laughter and good feelings. I laughed out loud ever single week at the silliness of these guys. The three guys in the cabin were so much fun to watch have fun themselves. You could tell they all really liked each other. Marcos had the hardest job on the whole ship IMO. His department was responsible for at least 1/3 of the guest's enjoyment of their charter. Day after day he pushed himself to produce excellent meals and I think he succeeded every charter. He definitely has my respect. It seems most of the good chefs impress me (Bru Crew Kevin might be a good chef, and it's debatable, can go to hell and I'm fine) and Marcos deserves his place of honor. I think he emerged from this season a seasoned chef (see what I did there?). He improved as a chef and as a person. I think he found a happiness in his friendships that he didn't even know he was missing. Gary is the glue that holds this crew together. He is Mr. Fun. He is blessed with a personality that can lighten any dark or dimming mood. It's easy to point out his weaker spots but his strengths are big enough to make up for his weaknesses. He genuine and vulnerable. When Gary carried Daisy to her bed I "got it", I saw why so many guys are attracted to her. She was drunk, holding her water bottle for dear life, and laughing. She messaged FUN! She looked like any sexy times would be filled with laughter and fun and that's attractive! She's also a competent department head and that might be intimidating to some guys. Professionally she grew during this season as well. She didn't want to assume the mantle of her authority and speak to Gabriella after the Villa debacle to providing clear and direct expectations for Ashley allowing her to see success. Please Bravo Lords, I beg of you to bring back Daisy, Glenn, Gary, and Colin. They are providing the best entertainment on the Bravo network from my perspective.
My husband was in the room when I finally watched this episode tonight and while I loved the wedding, save the garish fake flowers, he commented, “Those aren’t vows” and he was right. They declared their love for each other and told us why they love each other but they made no promises, no vows. My father used to perform weddings as a Justice of the Peace and he said that technically all you need to do is ask the couple if they want to be married, receive affirmative responses from both parties, and then declare them married. So vows aren’t necessary but Glenn mentioned vows so it started a discussion in our home.
I’m not watching that series either. Captain Sandy (CS) can pound sand. I’ve got nothing against Bugsy but CS’s treatment of Hannah and Kiko was so unprofessional that I don’t trust her as a leader. I haven’t watched DownUnder yet but Glen and Lee are two completely different kinds of leaders but leaders they are, in stark contrast to CS. I just realized you are talking about Malia, not Bugsy. Malia was a snake. She repulses me. I can’t watch and increase their chances of returning.
I think Marco is too tired to put in the effort to woo anyone. Plus Gary jumps into first place with all the ladies. Gary is eager and unless you’re ready to work hard, you’ll never put-charm Gary. Aside from Daisy, Kelsie, Ashley, and Scarlett are too young for Marcos and he reacted strongly and negatively to Gabriella. That was a bad match. He once said that he had secretly slept with every female on a previous boat but I can’t imagine how he did that. I think he’s enjoying the Marcos, Gary, Colin roommate vibe. That’s a fun room.
Adding to the positive attributes of Gary that make him attractive to the ladies: If he likes you he shows it. So many guys play it cool but not Gary! By acting interested he not only captures the lady‘s attention, he cuts off the other guys before they’ve considered making a move. He makes a public and obvious effort. When Scarlett came on board he hadn’t even seen her and he popped out of bed like a Jack In The Box to carry her suitcase. Again, he hadn’t even laid eyes on her but positioned himself in front of her as helpful, considerate, and a gentleman. He is fun and funny. He tried to take a nap at the Villa vacation Gabriella ruined and he had to be woken up because without Gary, it wasn’t really a fun party. Hanging with Gary means you’re always in the middle of a fun time. Gary doesn’t push for sex. Last year he was always asking the girl he liked (have I already forgotten her name??) for a cuddle. Now sometimes a cuddle will lead to more, but I think he’s often satisfied with less than “the full meal deal” keeping things light and fun. I definitely would have been attracted to Gary in my single years. Not as a long term prospect but for a couple of weeks? Yes!
I don’t think you recall correctly. Unlike the sweet and genteel Melanie, Scarlett survived. She wasn’t destroyed by the war or losing her husband and her final words were were of strength and survival, “After all, tomorrow’s another day” (I hope that’s a correct quote, it was from memory)
I wonder if the Bravo folks that bungled the N word debacle in the last BD season is frantically trying to figure out what to do about the (attempted?) rape of Gary before airing further episodes.
S03.E10: Villa Today, Gone Tomorrow
lcarolynl replied to TexasGal's topic in Below Deck Sailing Yacht
Me too! 🙂 -
S03.E10: Villa Today, Gone Tomorrow
lcarolynl replied to TexasGal's topic in Below Deck Sailing Yacht
I disagree here, Ashley is a predator. In the first episode she separates Gary from the herd and pushes hard for a kiss. She puts her hands on his face, leans in asks “What’s one little kiss?” and as someone who received these unwelcome advances, they feel predatory. Gary reluctantly obliged and got back to the group. Since the beginning she’s continued to pursue him and she’s openly hostile to anyone who stands in the way of Gary: Tom, Gabby, even Daisy. She’s not your garden variety good time girl. She’s extra. And she’s extra nasty. I’m not into the body or slut shaming but I’ve seen some of her pics and … yikes! I didn’t buy for a minute that Gary didn’t remember the night in the guest suite, he came back to the room that night to tell Colin and Marcos. They certainly remembered! But even in his confessional he said they didn't have sex so maybe he just disputes that part…? -
S03.E10: Villa Today, Gone Tomorrow
lcarolynl replied to TexasGal's topic in Below Deck Sailing Yacht
😂😂Yes! Gary started laughing and calling himself a baaad boy. Cut to commercial. When they came back more hilarity: Ashley says she wants Gary to do her. Gary says “Go on then” which I read that he wasn’t going to do her but she could do him, which also had me laughing. He’s saying they’re not having sex, she says they already are, he’s inside her, and suddenly Gary’s marching down the hallway to tell Colin and Marcos all about his “massage” I’ve listened to three podcasts recapping this episode and I start laughing whenever they get to this part of the episode. It’s a gift to me. Gary is supremely uninterested in Ashley as anything more than an available place to put it and she keeps pursuing him! Why???