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Everything posted by Sofinn

  1. I must be the only one, but I don't have any problem with Maggies accent. Since I don't know what your accents really sound like, I just buy whatever they're selling. It's the hair that bothers me.. Poking in the eyes and stuff. Negan has skinny arms. Maybe thats why he usually keeps that leatherjacket on. That Aaron's boyfriend is such a red shirt. But as it's been said, they have Jesus to fill up the boyfriend role. Orrrr, my prediction is that Aaron dies and the boyfriend kills himself. JUST GET ROSITA OUT I still hate her.
  2. I don't really care how and why. It's z nation, things happen. Weird things. Hah. Goes to the same category as how Addie manages to keep her hair so shiny and red. As said above, THIS is how you make season finale. They all might be dead, or not. Still not annoyed like I was with TWD. Hope this comes back soon.
  3. I do wish we would see a softer side of Negan. He was almost normal human being with Judith. That way he would be more complex and less cartoonish. Maybe all he needs is a baby and he will turn into a big cute cuddly bear. Yeah. I still hate Rosita. Always have, probably always will. And dear god please let Daryl in shower, I cant watch him anymore! Has it been explained why he has big A on his shirt?
  4. So is Negan basically trying to make a new mini-Negan, since Sherry was taking a pregnancy test? I didn't realize that she and Dwight were a thing (can't even remember what happened last season, lol) and thought that they were some distant friends. And thought it was nice of him to say "maybe next month" or something like that. Also I was sure that Daryl was gonna stay mute the whole frikkin episode. But of course he had some deep thoughts in him, behind those greasy bangs. I cant understand why I still lust NR.
  5. I'm so glad that my country finally isn't behind on this show. Got to watch first episode ever with subtitles. But I was still kinda bored. All this Negan talking and being rude a.hole isn't what I signed up for. Too much violence. I was spoiled but forgot that for a while. When Abe died, I was like "yeea Glenn made it" and then.. oh well.
  6. Im kind of sorry for 10K, but sure do hope that he's the one to "break" the Murphys power. Also that woman doctor seems to have some kind of free will. For now. Also if some blue dude would bite my kid in ZA, I wouldn't just stare at him go, but maybe that's just me.
  7. Nicky's eyemakeup is really bad, it's really distracting. And whats up with Red's weird eyeliner lines that go nowhere? Anyways. I have started/continued to dislike many characters, some without a obvious reason. Like that burned short haired woman who fixed the radio. Can't stand her. Then there's Piper. And yoga lady. Meth heads.. list goes on. Besides all this complaining, I enjoyed this season much more than the previous one. Poussey will be sorely missed.
  8. I really don't care about the cliffhanger. Shoot him, don't shoot him. Daya started to annoy me this season, so I don't care what she does. I think the gun pulling thing was just to impress Maria. Samira Wiley was my woman crush this season and Poussey was my favourite. But she was too happy with the possible job offer and Soso, so I kinda figured that she was a goner. Now I can get back to my normal life! Finally!
  9. It tells something that it took me +2 weeks to watch this episode. I mean, I watched it at once but wasn't bothered to watch it earlier. And it took some wine. One thing that bothered me the most. Alicias hair! So perfectly done.. right after Chris tried to "kill" her. Yeah. No.
  10. I actually liked this episode a bit. Maybe I'm getting soft. But got annoyed by all the horror movie cliches "oh I'm a mopey teenager and gonna wander off" "I'll just check that scary thing really close to the edge" common sense, people!
  11. Woops, I did! But well, I guess nothing really changes on the episodes so Im guessing Jenelle still uses the word dude all the time and Kail doesnt care about anything. No harm done.
  12. Leah seemed more lively on this episode. She wasnt nodding and was actually showing emotions. Nice change, though I dont know if shes still on the pills. I like Chelsea but my time is limited so I just skip her segments and watch trainwrecks. Jenelle.. does she know any other words than dude? Kail, she has a really pushy voice and it annoys me. Bye Javi, not gonna miss you and seems like Kail wont either. Glad he's been safe though.
  13. They're in the middle of apocalypse and the kid wants to take his dead mother along? Okay great. Whole lot of angsty stuff, this is like walking dead meets bold & beautiful. Still coming back, because I dont have a life.
  14. White t-shirt, really Rick? How optimistic of you. Loved how Ricks demeanor changed when he found out about Michonne. Andy Lincoln is damn fine actor. Those saviors do like to speak. Negan should give motivational speaches. Creepy af but way too long. Negans actor is the first actor I have seen on other shows and I was surprised to actually recognize someone. Yay. Dont like cliffhangers, hope it was Rosita. Something about her annoys me.
  15. Jenelle is like a fun big sister to Jace, except she's not so fun anymore with all that yelling and new dads every season. I feel sorry for the kids. I wish Nathan would get custody of Kaiser, he's the lesser of two evils and maybe that new girlfriend will balance him out.
  16. Oh I missed that. Damn I could use subtitles on this show.
  17. When Eugene got shot, I got happy. They dont have a doctor anymore, one down, two to go (Rosita & Abraham, I sort of dislike them!) but then they just cut it to where Eugene was in bed patched up. Even got antibiotics and all. Who's the doctor now? Also I'm in love with Norman Reedus again, great. If we lose Daryl, I won't riot cause I'm normal, grown up woman but I will sulk for a while.
  18. Didn't Denise give the wolf meds and try to save him from infection? It was because Morgan asked to, but still she was in it too.
  19. I have to watch this show (and many others) online without subtitles because my country is so behind on shows, so I miss some of the dialogue on the way. Did Carol say to Maggie "you should be someone else" As in Maggie should be a mom or what..? Also I wish Norman Reedus would speak a bit clearer. Oh well. Did Daryl shower?! I never liked Rosita, so the whole break up was boring. Loved Eugenes awkward cookie talk though. And his shirt. And I agree with others, what the hell Maggie, just go home!
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