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Everything posted by OhOkayWhat

  1. Or you have a bunch of very traumatized characters with more issues than the Time magazine. I doubt the NK woke and moved his undead army after 8000 years only to wait another 8000 years in front of the Wall. Besides all the Tyrion family issues he is not a military man. That's it. Redemption sometimes is a struggle. Also Mad King's daughter is coming. And Jaime knows that. It's not the first time Cersei underestimate danger. Does she talk to him? Yes. Does she trust him? We don't know. Needs him to find info and details of his crimes. He gambled, he lost. That's it. Arya's big issues are still there. Some of them bigger than before. LF just used them. Bran is barely there. He is lost in his own world and struggling with all that. I hope we get him back. In brief, every single thing mentioned make narrative sense. And we can find the reasons on screen
  2. I wrote something more specific than "divide and profit" : Fake alliance with Bolton + Tricking Cersei + Lannister vs Bolton + Bolton vs Stannis + Use of Vale knights = Winterfell To explain myself better: to trick everyone to be able to move the Vale troops to take Winterfell.
  3. Yes. Also he did not count on some members of the Night Watch killing Jon and Jon leaving the Night Watch too.
  4. Fake alliance with Bolton + Tricking Cersei + Lannister vs Bolton + Bolton vs Stannis + Use of Vale knights = Winterfell
  5. That's what Petyr says. Nothing more. Again, that's what he says. The whole point is to keep her unaware of any real plan.
  6. I have read lots of criticism about that plot and not even once I have read 1 single specific point that render the whole plot inconsistent. I will say it again: characters making mistakes =/= writing mistakes. People make mistakes the whole time. And sometimes they are big.
  7. True. That's one of the reason why the whole "if we had 10 seasons then..." ideas don't make a lot of sense. And there are lots and lots of criticism that makes precisely that, one of their main points Disagree. We don't know how writers really see things. We know what we see on screen. Magazine interviews, behind of scenes material, comic-con answers, etc it's mostly publicity material.
  8. The outlines are just a previous version of the narrative. The final decision about it is whatever we see on screen.
  9. That's exactly why that relationship is complex. It's goes beyond the trust issues. It's also about if keeping Littlefinger near is useful or not. The Show shows us things on screen. Whatever we think the show "wants us" to think is in the mind of the audience. We don't know what they really think. Interviews are mostly advertisement material.
  10. Disagree. That was exactly one of the points of that plot. That was not a point of the plot. The opposite was.
  11. I did not mean that when I wrote about of use of symbolical elements in the show. A example to explain myself: Twyin and the deer in season 1.
  12. It seems the 90% is not about GRRM ending, it's 90% of whatever D&D had originally planned. What if whatever D&D had originally planned was only 90% GRRM ending? Then it's more than 10% the final difference between the ASOIAF ending and the GOT ending In my opinion, I think the books are mostly irrelevant because still the 2 fundamental problems remains: 1- We have not any book ending yet. 2- This is art. "The same ending" (phrase used in the interviews) can mean anything.
  13. It's not that I don't believe them on that. It's that I believe only they know what they mean when they say "the same".
  14. "Same" is not "=" . "Same" is a very open word. This is art.
  15. There is not so much use of symbolical elements in the narrative of the show.
  16. I don't remember D&D giving any number. And that's exactly my point. We don't know that. And therefore that makes the books, more or less, irrelevant at this point.
  17. There are 2 fundamental problems with that. 1- We have not any book ending right now. At all. 2- This is art. "The same" can mean anything. 90% the same 10% different? Maybe 80% and 20%? And if that is the case, what D&D will include in that 20%, what in that 80%? Therefore, even the books are kinda irrelevant to guess the endgames in the show.
  18. People should stop using an outline from the past millennium to predict the show. And I will go further, because we are waaaay beyond ADWD, and because "it will be the same" (about Book and Show endings) can mean anything in the minds of D&D, we should stop using the books like something super relevant to the Show!Endgames.
  19. Instead of looking for clues in something that we can barely call a spoiler/leak, we should try to calm down and wait until we get a teaser trailer.
  20. I think she's tempted for power, because she feels like power=safety.
  21. True. We are so desperate for any spoiler/leak that we cling to anything that barely resembles that.
  22. This. It's almost irrelevant for them if the character dies or not at this point. It's about the friendship among the cast and crew and the personality of the people in the set. I'll say it again people, we are losing perspective. Maybe the actors are fans, but they are not fans the same way we are, the way they see the whole thing is necessarily very different.
  23. But what you said does not contradict what I said. What I am saying (and you are saying) is we do not know the reasons why they include this or why they removed that. So, I think, we agree on that. And yes, I agree that the no inclusion of something in a prophecy is not proof of this not happening in the future.
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