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Everything posted by sara1121

  1. Yeah, of course Felicity becoming a villain is very unlikely. It was a joke. And exactly why I said in parenthesis that I said it was unlikely. If you want to talk about facts (anyone please correct me if I'm wrong, because I'm honestly not fanatically fixated on one single scenario. ) : Black Canary: Fact. Reddit spoiler guy says 5.10 ends with a Canary Cry. Reddit guy has been right before. (Not 100% sure - promo fits with the Reddit guy doesn't it?) Fact. 5.11 Next episode Tina turns up. Oliver and other guys go on road trip. Fact. No other appropriate casting reports for females (apart from Talia) exist for the season thus far. Fact. Sides for Tina's casting include fighting. JH has tweets with Bamford and reports of stunt work. Fact. TVLine says Tina has an island of her own. Fact. Multiple mentions of finding a New Black Canary by Laurel in show and producers in media/social media. My opinion (NOT fact, but speculation based on facts): She's the new Black Canary. Oliver/Susan and Oliver/Tina Fact. Sides also feature flirting and kissing between Oliver and Tina Fact MG sent out tweet "Here's your occasional reminder that on Arrow and Legends we write FAKE SIDES because we know they're going to get leaked by casting sites." Fact. TVLine says: “SCPD Detective Tina Boland will form a connection with Oliver, seeing as ‘she has been through her own hell, her own sort of island.'” Fact. Oliver and Susan are currently involved in some form and will be "all in" at some point. Fact. Felicity will be drawing away from the team. From WM: “and that’s going to draw her away from the team and lead her to do some things that are pretty morally questionable.” Unknown? Carly Pope's current status with the show. Not sure if she has been seen filming recently. Unknown? Whether JH and SA had a chemistry test. My opinion (NOT fact, but speculation based on facts): Felicity is drawing away from the team. Oliver is currently with Susan, but she is also shady. Not sure if CP has been filming recently. She has short term written all over her. Oliver and Tina will have a connection. I think Oliver/Tina will at the very least share a flirtation and the writers intend to launch a trial balloon. No, I don't think they're going to declare their eternal love this season, nor do I think it is certain. But I think they're a least going to set it up and keep in play for the future (possibly season 6). It's not fixed in stone. MG says that the sides are fake. But that could just mean that exact scene is fake, but the general tone of the scene is what they're interested in ie. to show chemistry with Oliver. Doesn't have to mean they are going to film that exact scene for that show. Depends whether JH ever chem tested with SA Oliver/Felicity: Fact. Oliver killed Felicity's boyfriend. We see Oliver tell Felicity. We see Oliver get the team's hugs and attention in the wake of Billy's death. We see Oliver kissing Susan while Felicity cries alone by herself. We don't see Oliver checking on Felicity. Fact. 5x08 Oliver's dream world/hallucination he was married to Laurel. Smoak Technologies was the portal to the real world. Romantic Olicity scenes, but only in flashbacks to the past. Fact 5x09. The Olicity scene was a flashback to something that happened years ago. Fact. WM says they have some ideas for season 6. O/F are a "central core relationship and as writers you have that opportunity to explore it. And you can take it many different directions. We definitely have some ideas about where we’re headed in Season 6." Not known by me: Sorry I really don't follow the reports of private chats that MG has with jbuffyangel etc except if they are mentioned here because I personally find them to be vastly over optimistic interpretations of what actually does occur. YMMV My opinion (NOT fact, but speculation based on facts): Not much to point to anything good for O/F romantically at this stage.
  2. Do you mean this interview? http://www.blastr.com/2016-12-19/exclusive-arrow-showrunner-talks-flashpoint-future-olicity-and-season-six. She said core relationship not core couple which is a bit different to me. Digg and Oliver and Oliver and Thea also have central core relationships. To me she is saying that they have ideas not a whole Olicity storyline planned. Could be felicity as season 6 villain? That's a different direction! (Though I dont actually think that one is likely, for the record).
  3. To me, it absolutely felt like ship baiting. It's kind of cute but it's something that happened years ago. A throwaway scene to advance the episode storyline and perhaps throw a tiny bone to placate the shippers for a few more episodes. I agree. The flashbacks, to me, just say that in the past they liked each other. Which I already knew. Flashbacks don't tell me anything about the present. What the present is telling me is that there's very little chance that they'll be together again.
  4. For me 0% chance O/F will be together in Feb sweeps. 0.5% chance they ever get back together.
  5. 99.99% for Tina to be BC, 90% that she will be a love interest for Oliver.
  6. That could actually have potential but given the way the writers have made Oliver and Felicity act as if they arent even friends let alone once engaged, i think there's zero chance of Oliver being the one to bring her 'back to the light'. In order of likelihood: 1. Felicity gets back to the light on her own because its not like anyone has ever been there for her before. 2. Tina. 3. Curtis. 4-98 Anyone else in the arrow verse. 99. Diggle 100. Oliver
  7. Prediction. Felicity drawing away from the team=absolutely no one on the team even notices. And she'll do something something "evil" will be roundly condemned by everyone on the team and ostracised. No team hugs for Felicity if she dares to set a foot wrong. Manpain only must be forgiven. I'm really starting to think they are going to write EBR out at the end of the season.
  8. You seriously think there's even the slightest chance of a Feb sweeps reunion? I recall no positive spoilers at all for Olicity apart from some quote about magic. Yeah that sounds completely reliable. And the other spoiler is from jbuffyangel about people being really happy about a flashback? This is someone who thought 5x05 was going to be an amazing Olicity ep. So forgive me for not being all excited about what will be at most a 30 second flashback to something that happened 5 years ago. Many comments in the thread state that Felicity's role in 508 was disappointing. And, given what was seen on screen, what Marc Guggenheim and SA etc have been saying in interviews, at cons and on social media, the other comments were way more likely to happen than Oliver and Felicity getting back together within the next 3-4 episodes (or pretty much ever).
  9. I am 100% certain that they wanted to kill off O/F for good in 5x05 and the current plan is to never return there again. It's possible they may change their minds in the dim distant future, so I think there's still a slight chance of returning to it. But not this season and probably never again.
  10. I'm getting the impression more and more that it isn't ship stalling - it's ship killing. If you're ship stalling at least in interviews you give some sort of hopeful message to fans. But they are doing everything in their power to make it clear that Oliver and Felicity are over for good. To me it seems like the original plan was ship stalling - break them up for a while, but still intend for them to end up together eventually. But it feels like things changed in the last couple of episodes last season. I don't know if they changed their plans, or the higher ups changed their plans for them or whatever, but I think the idea changed from ship stall (standard TV pattern) to the new plan to completely kill Olicity forever in the next couple of eps, so that Oliver can be "free" to hook up with the new Black Canary. I really don't want it to be so, but I think 5x05 is going to be the Olicity death knell and I'll be surprised if their relationship is really ever a focus again after that (other than work associates).
  11. I'm 90% convinced that the authors are going to make Jules a villain in one of their future stories. I will give the authors this. I'm usually not a big fan of original characters in fanfic but I now care more about Jules than I do about this version of Oliver and Felicity. However I don't think I'll continue to read after this as it's a bit too depressing to keep reading that almost every thought about Jules, whether from Ellie or Oliver or particularly Felicity seems to be a negative one.
  12. I think this might be it? Chapter 4 of Your perfect eyes by mallory. (It's only visible if you are logged in at AO3.) http://archiveofourown.org/works/2269368/chapters/8228056
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