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Everything posted by mamadrama

  1. @magemaudposted a screenshot of it over in the live chat. It was about Ed. Yep, that's the one.
  2. I REALLY wanted him to get involved with this because he's much better at snarking than I am.
  3. I seriously got really upset earlier when I remembered that LAL and Other Way were on hiatus until October...and then I realized it was already going into the second week of September. Where has time gone?
  4. I basically base the town in the series on my town and some of the weirdest stuff isn't even fiction. Like, yes, 2 years ago we really did discover that our landfill was taking money under the table for the illegal dumping of radioactive waste...next door to our high/middle school complex. And that despite the fact that our town is one you've never heard of and only has around 5,000 people we've somehow produced an Oscar winning actor, current Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader, HUGE country music singer who just got written up in Rolling Stone, famous country music band, Backstreet Boy, Olympic figure skater, 90 Day Fiance cast member, AND one of the most popular unsolved disappearances of the past 20 years. I think it's the radio active waste. Stacey and Darcey are sad. How have they managed to turn THIS much crazy into something so boring? Why would Darcey's daughter want to move to LA 2 years before graduation? I'd rather ride that out with my friends.
  5. Aw, thank you. Witches series=funny. Camera series=spooky. That's my books in a nutshell. ☺️ I gotta restart this episode from the beginning. I actually forgot it was on tonight.
  6. David honestly thinks that people love his coat. And that he has fans.
  7. I clearly didn't think this through when I used my real name for my Twitter handle.
  8. People from my town are now tweeting and FBing me about this...I had a book on the NYT Bestsellers list 6 years ago but THIS impresses people. And I was afraid I'd already peaked...
  9. 23.18 minute mark when Ed stomps away from the table. Not only did Ed read my tweet, he said my whole damn name.
  10. I think part of it for David is the chase. That's why he's "dated" so many people. Once Lana DID show up he was probably over it (unlike her who was over it from the beginning). David thinks he'll be vindicated when we all see that Lana's real. Nope. At that point it becomes even more obvious that she could care less.
  11. My kids are so proud of my tweet making the show. Even after he got home!
  12. None of us have said that getting violent is okay. I don't like Larissa but you can be both an asshole and a victim at the same time.
  13. I don't really get it myself, and it's kind of silly. He's huge in Fantasy Football (to the point where even players contact him and big networks have brought him on air during the draft). Started out as a fun hobby for him to learn more about American football and then somehow exploded.
  14. It's not even a solely British thing. I've been using it my whole life. My British husband has not. It's just a regular adverb whose definition is exactly what you'd think it meant when you look at the root word.
  15. Tonight's the night Ed reads my tweet. My kids laugh every time the commercial comes on.
  16. Yeah, I figured they only video taped some of it, probably the beginning and end. We know they were there for a few hours.
  17. They can't in Show World. In Show World they're flat broke (except for this mysterious savings that's JUST enough for plane tickets) and Pole doesn't work. But that's not reality. In reality they ARE making money and most likely are not even paying for their own travel expenses. And that's where I am right now. It's getting harder and harder to watch this because the longer they pretend that these guys aren't on a popular TV show the more ridiculous their storylines get. My husband has a pretty solid fan base in his niche. He's constantly being sent t-shirts, mugs, etc from other podcasters, bloggers, etc so that he'll mention them. He also does SM ads. What some of these people pay him is crazy. He can earn more in a 10-second pitch than he brings home in a month from his University teaching position-and he only has a tiny fraction of the number of followers that some of the 90 Day people do.
  18. Colt is an expert shit stirrer and gaslighter. It's never okay to assault your spouse but there were times when he actively pushed Larissa knowing that she was volatile. Like the time she was being fairly quiet and subdued and he said, "I don't love you anymore." When she didn't react he smirked and raised his voice and said. "I'm going to DIVORCE you." I think he enjoys it when women get angry and riled up. He screws with their heads. IMO it's because Debbie controls him so he's getting his power back by trying to exert power over women.
  19. It's getting harder to suspend my disbelief. I'm getting frustrated with filming & cast shenanigans: - there is no reason why Paul can't get a job. Many places here, including temp agencies for local factories, hire convicted felons. MY guess is that the whole job storyline is bullshit-the reason he's not getting one is because he doesn't think he needs one. They're probably making more through 90 Day stuff (like cameos) than Paul thinks he can do anywhere else. He can't say that, though, because we're supposed to pretend there is no show. - TLC is paying for their flight back to Brazil, but of course they can't mention that because in Show World the show doesn't exist. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that the timing of the trip coincides with Karine's illness. That may be why they're paying them to go back. - the poop water plant was partly punishment for Karine Ubering. Pole is playing the part of White Savior, rescuing the poor little jungle girl from poverty. He doesn't HAVE to provide her with a good house, nice things, a reliable vehicle etc because since she's from a shack in the Amazon she should be grateful for whatever scrap he throws her. - people keep wondering why SHE doesn't get a job. Aside from the language barrier and health issues at time of filming do we REALLY think Paul would let her work? - Andrei was worried enough to leave but felt safe enough talking about his former job on camera? And I refuse to believe that Family Libby didn't already know (though they're still jackasses). They're bringing on the drama in hopes of a spinoff. - I actually DO think the Syngin/Tania stuff is real. She's demanding and he's wishy washy. At least they don't have a kid... - Libby trying to drum up suspense with her will she/won't she crap by pretending that they're not already married. - IMO Coltee was never interested in Jess. He was always dating Vanessa; Jess was a decoy to net him more show time. He's just as much of an attention seeking whore as the rest of them. - how long were Aseulu and Kalani at the therapist's office? It went from mid afternoon to dark. - I'm neither TeamKalani or TeamAseulu. He's an overgrown child and she's a shrew. He tells her to stay out of his family's business yet his family is demanding money amd speaking badly of her family to Kalani which IS her business. She should not have gone to his sisters and fought with them, but there's a whole list of stupid crap that he's done as well so he's not innocent. I fully expect that her going to see his sisters was producer driven. I also think that "where's my money" is, in part, about the apperance fee Sharp promised them. IMO they said they'd pay them $1,000 which is why Mama Aseulu was upset at the $100 offering. This is great advertisement for packing condoms and spermicide for vacation. How weird is it that despite how awful she is, Angela* and Mykul are probably one of the few "real" couples with genuine affection. HEA is going to have do go the way of TEEN MOM and break the 4th wall. It's getting too hard to pretend the cameos, appearances, cameras, and social media exposure don't exist. * this in no way implies that I like her or think the relationship is healthy.
  20. Really? She's paying money to have someone put her hair in a tight bun and was afraid an hour wouldn't be long enough?
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