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Everything posted by mamadrama

  1. So Author B is totally on her way to becoming completely unhinged. In addition to her tantrum-throwing posts about Author A ("If you're going to be friends with anyone who gives A a hard time then you can get out of my life!") she has now started threatening and shaming her readers by playing Eyeore over her books sales ("I may as well give up writing. Nobody ever buys my books. I guess I really am a complete waste of space, a nothing...") The meltdown is coming soon, I can feel it. Interestingly enough, even though Author A is involved in a lawsuit (and the writer who's suing her has wracked up a HUGE amount from fellow writers on Go Fund Me-Author A is so horrible that people are literally donating money to see her go down), Author B is the one doing most of the posting about it. Every day there's at least 5 posts about how wonderful Author A is and how could anyone be so mean to her, how much Author A has changed her life, how horrible people are being, etc. This is her professional Facebook page. Readers can read that shit. I be checking in every few hours to see what new bullshittery she's spouting.
  2. Yes! That has totally happened to me. You meet someone and start idealizing them, and then you catch them picking their nose or something weird. Or later, after a few dates, you realize how awful they are. It reminds me of the FRIENDS episode where Phoebe meets the good-looking guy and they go out to dinner, only for her to learn that he writes "erotica for kids" and has a "PHD"-pretty big--- Amber probably looked as this man and all SHE saw and heard was: "television producer with an Oscar-nominated father, and a house by the ocean in Malibu." Which, granted, sounds good. Instead she got, well, you know. She got Baby Huey.
  3. So there was this big author event here in my state on Saturday. I didn't have plans to go because tables were $100 and I tend not to like those things anyway. (As you can see now, we writers are full of drama.) On Friday night, however, the event coordinator wrote and asked me if I wanted to come and set up for free. Before you think this was out of the goodness of her heart, she ended the message with, "And you can bring Stubby if you want to!" Let's face it, it wasn't really me getting the invitation but Stubbs. Still, what the hell? Why not? I have to give Stubby medicine every 3 hours anyway so I couldn't leave her at home. As soon as I got there, guess who's table was RIGHT next to mine? That's right, Author B's. Damn it. Luckily, she was a no show. Stubbs had a great time.
  4. Ha ha, this is all so true. We had some awkward moments at my wedding, but it was mostly things like a jet flying by overhead during our vows (outdoor wedding), me tripping over my train entering the reception, etc. Fighting about money, telling the groomsmen that you basically don't care what his vows were, and getting inebriated before the ceremony even starts is on a whole other level and IMO do a lot to cancel out some of the tender moments. I gotta admit, I don't want to see the nice stuff on this show, at least not where the the adults (sans Gary and Kristina) are concerned. I don't like any of these fools (except Gary and Kristina) very much so I say bring on the awkward stuff.
  5. Our cat now has more money than the rest of my family put together. She deserves it, though. We did a "thank you" video. Watch Stubby steal the show by playing with my daughter and then biting my lip.
  6. Mac: I just feel that everyone on this show has gotten to have their fairy tale wedding... Well, Mac, you're not an actual cast member. I mean, you are, but Cate and Maci were actual "stars" (and I say this through gritted teeth) of the show. You, on the other hand, were a starstruck fan who pursed a "C" level cast member of a D-listed reality show. They will portray you in whatever way they think is the most entertaining way. Them's the breaks. Dr. Drew asking Amber if NuMatt "tamed her." God Lord, people, quit putting ideas into her head that she's some sort of Katharine Hepburn boss lady.
  7. Well shit. I see that now. Ha ha, I obviously didn't read his post! And some people even earn more. I figure the're in the $5,000-10,000 range because they're about at the same celebrity-level as my friend. It kinda makes me sick.
  8. That's a sponsored post. He probably got anywhere from $5000-10,000 for doing it. I have a friend who has a huge Twitter and Instagram following and sponsors pay her to pimp stuff all the time. It makes me sick (and jealous-I want to be paid to wear jewelry and makeup).
  9. Part 2... So I have to do an update on my "thanks". When I got onto my GFM account earlier and saw what some of you all had done, I was truly touched. I've always thought of the TEEN MOM folks on here as kind of "my people" but when I saw the donations, it really got to me. I mean, there was this kind of mixture of gratitude, embarrassment, and relief. (If you've ever had a need like this and others have helped, you'll know what I mean.) My husband actually had a breakdown this afternoon as we tried to figure out how to pay the bills we've missed and as we wondered what we'd do if anything else happened to Stubbs in the next few weeks (spoiler: we're down to the bare bones in the bank account, we wouldn't have been able to take her in to anyone and that would have killed US). So the help really gave us a "Stubby padding" and the relief was kind of overwhelming. The fact that now we could get her care if we needed to, as well as cover some of the bills that are still coming in from her surgeries, was awesome. I really didn't know how I could feel any better...And then I signed back in this evening. One of my readers, a woman I don't even know and have never interacted with, sent me $1,000. I am going to say this with complete love, but who the hell does that? That's more than our mortgage. I'm not being sarcastic at all, but it REALLY takes a special kind of person. Like, I didn't know that I knew that kind of people. My whole family is in complete shock. I gotta tell you all, I cried for the third time today. (Second time was when I cried like a baby reading this article about a letter found in a glove compartment. I'm not usually into click bait slop but this one hit hard.) Maybe that wasn't a lot to her but, to us, it was kind of everything. You guys gave me a glimmer of "this might just all be okay" and I was already high on that feeling. And this, well...my faith in humanity has been restored, which is kind of ironic considering I am on the TM board. You all made my day much brighter. I am not good at thank yous. Words never feel adequate for the gratitude I feel. But thank you. I honestly feel like a different person. PS- Seriously. Like a baby. http://news.spotlightstories.co/hidden-note-car-glove-box/?utm_source=fb_ads&utm_campaign=con-hidden-note-car-glove-box-13148188-352874213&utm_medium=facebook
  10. You GUYS! I don't know your "real" names, but I suspect that some of the donations that showed up today are from you all. You have no idea how much this helps. My daughter got pneumonia a few weeks ago and it's had a hard time leaving. It seemed to go away for about 3 days but then came back on one night with a fever of 104 degrees. She had to be hospitalized. She's basically down to just an ear infection now, but she's still miserable. We had to pay $250 upfront to admit her to the hospital (insurance copay) and it just about wiped us out. In the scheme of her being ill, money and a kitten shouldn't matter but they do. Actually, she's one of the main reasons why I keep fighting for Stubbs. My daughter refuses to let anything happen to her and she's the one who begged us to intervene from the beginning. She's also the one who wants to be either "a vet or a member of the Paw Patrol" when she grows up. :-) So thank you. It helps, it REALLY does.
  11. This is Stubby's Go Fund Me. I am sharing the link because the most recent surgery from yesterday morning is setting us back. A lot. We've spent almost $1300 so far. People have been awesome about donating but she has a lot of needs and will most likely require one more surgery. (I am still getting bills from the other visits. Not quite paid up yet.) From then on, though, it should just be basic maintenance. We're not real sure how the brain damage is going to continue to affect her bowels but we're hopeful. https://www.gofundme.com/mrstubbs
  12. Thank you. :-) I am pretty sensitive to SIDS/infant death things. I consumed myself in infant death research in that first year. Some of us wind up doing that; others don't want to know anything at all.
  13. While I agree with your overall sentiment, this is one episode of DISAPPEARED that left out a LOT of information. I've done quite a bit of research about this case and belong to a true crime community where we discuss it. The musician that she was dancing with played into the story a lot more than the episode made it look. Some of the evidence that he was involved is fairly compelling, or at least more plausible than this episode made it look. After going through all the information and even talking to the family in a podcast I was on, I can definitely see how people believe he was involved. Now, do I believe he did anything? No. I think she most likely fell overboard and died.
  14. Stubby and I did a photo shoot tonight. You know, for the "fans"... :-) Seriously, though. I don't care if she's brain damaged or blind or costing me more than my regular bills at this point. (I wrote a cold check today for $19 to cover part of the vet bill-the medicine. I am going to set up at an outdoor market tomorrow to try to earn the money to put into my account.) She's still a sweet kitten and I think she deserves a chance. I'll keep fighting as long as she's up for it.
  15. I was so disappointed with these performances. They all had bad moments and half of them went flat more than once (some seemed to enjoy it so much that they just stayed). Kaleb- I'm not into current country songs (there are very few radio-country singers that I like; most of my current favorites are indies who don't get airplay). While I think he did as well as he could with the material, I was underwhelmed. Thomas Rhett does nothing for me. In fact, I think him (and the people like him) and his kinds of songs are kind of one of the problems in the genre right now. Country music means a lot to me; I am hella opinionated about it. Alexa “Stop and Stare” by OneRepublic- Yikes! What the hell happened here? My son had to leave the room from secondhand embarrassment. I actually like Alex. This was all over the place and she canNOT hit her major notes or make them stick. DR-“All On My Mind” by Anderson East- Yay! Some East Nashville music! I respect anyone who looks beyond country mainstream for inspiration. I've been middle of the road about him all along. I haven't disliked him but I haven't loved him, either. Thought his performance was a good one, though. Maybe one of the best of the night. Dylan “Mary Jane’s Last Dance” by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers- Who? Seriously, I almost never remember what he sang. He leaves no impression on me. I had to look him up to remind myself of what he sung and once I saw the song I remembered my original impression: not good. Also, dude needs to calm down on the crowd pandering. Tish “At Last” by Etta James- It was just okay. She has a nice voice, though she's one of the ones who went flat a few times, but there was nothing great about this performance that sets it apart from the hundreds of others I've heard. I felt like it was a safe, boring choice. Reid “Long Cool Woman (In a Black Dress)” by The Hollies- I liked his voice tonight. He's another one that doesn't stand out to me very much but this time he was one of the few that I don't have any major complaints about, so there's that. I did like his range. Jackie V Jackie Verna – “Once” by Maren Morris.- So a few seconds into the song my husband came in, startled, and then turned and left. I will never forget that look on his face. I did NOT think this was good. So, so flat in so many places. I don't get Adam's love for her. She's had a few "okay" moments for me throughout the competition but I really don't get the accolades. Besides, Maren's songs take a lot of power and you pretty much have to stay at full decibel when you're singing them. Jackie doesn't have that kind of voice. If she stuck with things that fit her range and abilities, she'd sound MUCH better. Drew “Wild Horses” by The Rolling Stones- I must be the only one who thought this was the best performance of the night. It was slow and soft and there wasn't anything spectacular about it but I didn't cringe one single time. It was the only performance that my entire family could agree on. Mia “Either Way” by Chris Stapleton- Oh. Oh Mia. What happened? Did she completely run out of steam? I was rooting for her. I loved her style. I feel like, in this song anyway, that she was REALLY struggling. And it showed. Too bad-she's still one of my favorites but that was not good. Rayshun “I’m Going Down” by Rose Royce- I didn't care for the vocals at all but I thought the performance was a fun one. I liked watching him, though I wouldn't buy this single (or even listen to it again). I am still shocked as hell that he got fan vote. Re: the Pryor comments. I like his voice. I enjoy his voice more than any other contestant's and he's one of the few that I'd go out and watch live. However, I agree that he messed up the Dolly song the night before (and you just don't do that-you ALWAYS take Dolly's music seriously) and he DOES seem to be a one-way monkey. When he first auditioned I couldn't believe that he wasn't already famous: his voice was great, he had good stage presence, etc. As the competition goes on, however, its becoming more apparent to me as to WHY he isn't already famous. He has no range. Every song sounds completely the same. With that being said, I still like his voice.
  16. Or she was going to do it all along anyway and she didn't show it, or she has personal friends/assistants/etc, that she discusses these things with and THEY influenced her, or she looked at the other teams and who they may have moving forward and decided that Terrance wouldn't do so well up against them...
  17. Stubby is back from the doctor. She had a minor procedure on her bowels and was sent home with medication for the week. The bad news is that the vet thinks she may have suffered from brain damage. She doesn't react to stimuli that she should react to, she has trouble with some basic motor skills, and she has VERY limited eyesight. Doc thinks she moves by sound and scent, not vision. :-( The GOOD news is that Stubby is already perking up and looking a little better! She wasn't pleased at having so many things stuck up her butt today.
  18. OMG, she looked horrible in that reunion. I'd say that she looked like a drag queen except I REALLY don't want to offend all the good looking drag queens out there.
  19. Same old song and dance, different asshole for a partner.
  20. She's been crying all night. We're trying to find an emergency vet to take her. She's really swollen and her anus is kind of sticking out in a way that it hasn't before. I am worried about prolapse. She had a lot of diarrhea earlier.
  21. For attention, that's it. They're not reaching out to her for actual help, they want a celebrity to validate them for some reason. It's kind of sad.
  22. Stubby is sick. :-( She had diaarhea earlier, her anus is bloated, she's been crying, and my other cats keep trying to clean her little bottom. I am going to have to take her to the vet tomorrow. Honest to God, I don't know with what money. I feel so badly for her. We're keeping her separate from the others and we're not letting her eat, just in case. If anything happens to my little kitty... :-(
  23. I can't even stand to listen to NuMatt's voice. It's so condescending and anal sounding. Just weird.
  24. I was, for the most part, completely underwhelmed tonight. Even the people I usually like felt kind of "meh" to me. My husband blamed it on the band. Drew: "Man in the Mirror" by Michael Jackson- His voice sounded good but, overall, I just felt like it was very karaoke. Jackie V.: "Tim McGraw" by Taylor Swift- Oh Lord. I'm a HUGE country music fan but there are other songs that would have showcased her voice better. Hell, there are other Taylor Swift songs that would have done it. This is a nice, sweet, if kind of boring coming-of-age songs. Adding a bunch of vocal acrobatics to it do not necessarily make it more interesting. Mia: "Baby, I Love You" by Aretha Franklin- Again, her voice sounded good and she did a decent job on the song but I was just bored throughout it. Rayshun: "Overjoyed" by Stevie Wonder- Yikes. Reid: "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" by U2- This is another one that sounded a little karaoke to me. This is a BIG song with some great moments. You REALLY need to be able to sell some of the big lines in this song ("I believe in the kingdom come", for one) but some of them just got lost. When this first started out, my husband said, "I feel like I'm watching a U2 cover band." Sharane: "Never Enough" by Loren Allred- For some reason I didn't even remember this performance. I had to look it up to remind myself. It was good. That's all I have to say about that. Team Alicia Britton: "Some Kind of Wonderful" by Grand Funk Railroad- Maybe a little cheesy and karaoke at points but, overall, I am surprised at how much I enjoyed watching it. It was fun. One of the few performances my son didn't want me to ff through. Christiana: "Hey Ya" by Outkast- A few weeks ago my husband introduced me to THIS guy who did "Hey Ya" acoustic. He blew it out of the water. I couldn't get that performance out of my mind while watching this one. Jackie F.: "Never Tear Us Apart" by INXS- I barely remembered her going in to this tonight but I loved this performance! Good energy and fun vocals, even when she lost it a few times. Johnny: "América América" by Nino Bravo- I like Johnny. I like the fact that he sang in Spanish. I kept hearing Simon Cowell saying "cruise ship crooner", though. Kelsea: "You Know I'm No Good" by Amy Winehouse- I have no complaints about this one. Terrence: "How Come U Don't Call Me Anymore?" by Prince- This is a completely personal preference, but I just don't "get" Terrance. There have been some artists who've been acquired tastes for me. He may be one of those. I'm not really into that falsetto thing, or the Steely Dan sound, and Terrance is kind of the same way for me. I can appreciate his control and his range, but it's just not something that sets well on my ears. Team Kelly Alexa: "It Hurts so Bad" by Susan Tedeschi- Eh, it was okay. She didn't have as much control of the song as she needed, but I still enjoyed it. Brynn: "Unstoppable" by Sia- Normally I'd be rolling my eyes and cringing at all the "shouting" that she does when she reaches those big notes but, in a night that I mostly found "meh", I reset my bar. REALLY enjoyed this one. Girlfriend can sing. D.R.: "Home" by Marc Broussard- Another one that I liked. I'd vote him through (though I didn't because we don't have cell phones in my house-I know, it's weird). Dylan: "Come Pick Me Up" by Ryan Adams- Oh. OH. No, no, no. Kaleb: "You Don't Even Know Who I Am" by Patty Loveless-Patty is my girl and this song one of my favorites. (I did my own cover of it.) Loved this one. Tish: "Nothing Left for You" by Sam Smith- Wow. Okay, that was pretty great. Team Blake Austin: "Ain't That a Kick in the Head" by Dean Martin- See above comment about the cruise ship. Gary: "Finesse" by Bruno Mars- Okay. It was okay. No complaints. Kyla: "How Great Thou Art" by Whitney Houston- Oh honey. If you're going to do this song then you have got to commit! You have one big chance to make an impact and, IMO, she missed it. I actually thought she got lost. If there's ever a song in which you should be allowed to just go for it, it's this one. She picked it up another line later but, for me, it was too late. Pryor: "I was Wrong" by Chris Stapleton- I love this dude's voice. Every time I hear him, I am drunk in a honky tonk. (Not really.) However, I agree about the dynamics. If he'd start out at a 4 or 5 and then gradually work his way up to the 11 that he seems to enjoy, it would be MUCH more impressive. As is, it just wears me out halfway through the song. Spensha: "I Still Believe in You" by Vince Gill- Aw, Vince! Nice to seem him represented. This is not a favorite song of mine, however, and I couldn't get past that as I listened to her. It was pretty, she did well, but I was bored in the same way that the song has always bored me. He has a very good catalog. This is not one I'd choose. WILKES: "Brother" by NEEDTOBREATHE- He rocked it out for me. He seemed nervous, but I dug it. That is all. I really feel like song choice was a big problem for many of them. Some of the ones they chose (Jackie, I'm looking at YOU) were just...odd.
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