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  1. I liked Episode 2 more than Episode 1. I was looking forward to more of Riva, oh well. Can someone tell me what happened to Quiet Ann's cop girlfriend? I thought they set her up to be killed but it looks like she is alive?
  2. I really like the Volkswagen commercial with Joe Cocker's version of With A Little Help From my Friends as the couple are driving to Woodstock. They got the clothes and everything just right.
  3. It is concerning. I have a lot of friends in the service industry. They make good money but no benefits and bad hours. I also wonder about their long term financial security.
  4. Yes. Of all the recent stories that one surprised and saddened me.
  5. Sorry SSE. Just catching up with this. My Yankees are facing elimination tonight. I was rooting for the Cubbies.
  6. I loved that show Hotel. She looks the same.
  7. Those are cute. Pat DeMentri does the Cheap and Cheerful crafts on her FB page. She had a good autum craft idea on September 29 in case you want to check it out.
  8. I missed it. I still laugh when I hear King Tut.
  9. Many years ago my friend worked at the clubs in Manhattan and Great Gorge. It was a very professional atmosphere. The women were treated with respect and customers were not permitted to get out of line. Hefner was rarely there as he lived on the West Coast. Agree that he was not a handsome man.
  10. I DVR Perry Mason on MeTV. I have about 40 to watch because it is on twice a day. Now I see it is also recording episoses on Decades TV. I always notice the credits too. I see the names of Florence Bush and Jack Barron on a number of those old shows. They are better than most of what is on currently.
  11. @TexasTiffany. I see your point about that commercial. I have never seen it. The only show I will watch on HGTV is Rehab Addict. I like Nicole Curtis. She had some products on HSN or Evine.
  12. I think it came out that Bobby was with his assistant on and off for a while. I heard of him and Giada, probably a quickie. Heard about Giada and John Mayer too. Giada's marriage was strange. I saw an ad for BBF but I tend to not like contest shows. I really liked the chemistry between him and his assistants. They kept him in check. Stephanie does seem haughty but I liked her when she was on his shows before they got married. She spoke of her home State of Texas often. But she acted like a jerk when he was getting his Walk of Fame Star and she hired a plane to fly over him with a banner that read "CHEATER". They use to have an instagram for their cat "Tacocat". It was really cute and funny. Bobby lost him in the divorce. He gets a lot of coverage in our NY news.
  13. A lot to consider. We are thinking about Pennsylvania. Can't take heat.
  14. Yes, my girl does that also. She brings it to me and drops it at my feet. I throw it and she brings it back. Any toy that I pay for is ignored. My boy loves to bat around fortune cookies.
  15. Good point Fishy. That's why I always talk myself out of ordering.
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