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Everything posted by Whyyouneedaname

  1. They have bred & sold a couple litters of these dogs just since I started following her on FB. I think they have their pet & had the working dogs as well.
  2. caught some re-runs on at lunch, the episode where Anna had bet Elizabeth she couldn't push herself up the ramp with no assistance. Trent clearly helped her, he was holding her chair so she wouldn't roll back, do I blame him, no. However, Elizabeth COULDN'T PUSH HERSELF UP THE RAMP WITH NO ASSISTANCE. I know Anna has had some issues, based on the show, & it makes me wonder if she feels like she's not treated the same as the others. I had a step parent, I don't get a warm fuzzy feeling about Amber, maybe I'm wrong........
  3. when Jen was telling him it was time to eat, she tell's him because I'm the mommy & I say so. It looks more like he's already going to the table when she turns around to follow him responding with "thank you" like she had really put her foot down lol. If you notice Will & Zoey are the only ones with their candy/baskets sitting on the table. She & Bill definitely need some parenting classes. They do not listen to her at all.
  4. The heparin shot is what Erin Bates has to do if I'm remembering correct. I too was confused about fertility medicine for a clotting issue.
  5. The whole idea of going to see the alligators was because they will live in an area where "there could be gators in our backyard, they have to be taught a proper amount of respect for them" fast forward about 2 minutes he tells Zoey, "they won't bite, well maybe just a little nibble" which is it Bill?
  6. I would imagine this would be how we sound when a bunch of us girls get together ;) being from Alabama I guess it just goes with the territory, lol. So I guess I'd have to give her a pass on that, there's so many other things that just drives me crazy, not having all those babies on the same feeding schedule being tops.
  7. I caught some of the previews of the shows that are upcoming, what I gathered is that mom & dad want to go into business for themselves and must have mortgaged the house.
  8. They breed and sell this type of dog, the one that went with the sheep was probably the one that was used to work the sheep. I think they have some as pets also.
  9. and in the previews they are discussing who needs fed and whose been fed?? Feed them all, 3-4 hours later feed them all again.
  10. Is it just me or do they still not have those babies on a schedule?!?! I mean they were feeding 2 babies, at the ball field the helper asked if she needed to finish feeding a baby? Gracious I can't imagine that.
  11. Same! I'm 4'11", knew early on my boys would be taller than me, they were & are. I got the upper hand rather quick, knew if I didn't they would never listen to anything I said, would never be able to take them anywhere by myself. They are very respectful adult men, and they respect me ;)
  12. Is he the one whose mom died giving birth? If so, I wonder how much that will play into how many kids they have? Josie is a notch above the other girls, she's gorgeous & Kelton acts like he adores her :)
  13. I can't imagine being the tag a longs on a vaca with 5 3 year olds, no matter if it is Hawaii.
  14. If I'm not mistaken she had updated her page last year when she was going through all this, from what I remember she had left her Dr's appointment and he had sent her to another doctor for a consultation on what to do. She said they pulled up to and she looks up at the name on the building and it was an abortion clinic, she wasn't aware that's where the appointment was. She described a gut wrenching moment at seeing that, up until that moment I don't think she had associated "reducing the number of fetuses" with abortion, that's how I took it anyway. Also on the first episode Eric said they wanted another baby but he didn't want anymore multiples, after the twins. I don't think they ever thought they would get pregnant with 6 babies.
  15. I had read on their FB page after the babies were born Courtney had some complications, last nights episode didn't show any of that. Also haven't heard if the little boy has had to have any intervention with his heart issue. I'm hooked :) guess we'll have to wait and see.
  16. On the previews for the new season, it looks like the episode in China, when Will is walking ahead of Jen & Bill , he looks so grown up. How old is he now?
  17. What's the deal with Poppa Brown giving so much of the "foreman" responsibility to Bird, is he just trying to cause conflict. I mean I could see trouble from a mile away with Bam, he's not taking orders from anybody much less a female. I may be missing something here, but why cant the girls go with mom to the dr, & he stay to help raise the barn. It's a wonder those nincampoops don't get killed ?
  18. I am embarrassed for some of the things Bird does, rolling around in dirt, burying herself, smearing mud all over herself....and she's a 20 year old young woman.
  19. Bear (what a freaking name) has got to be the biggest idiot ever, he acts like a 10 year old, running & jumping around, digging around like a wild animal. Then talking about "gurls" who in there right mind would ever have anything to do with him....smh.
  20. JD & Abbie: She captured the bachelor before the rapture.
  21. I think so too, I also thought he probably thought "she has had to share everything with 18 other people her whole life, this is HER gift & HERS only." Not that he would ever say that but I'm sure he has thought that.
  22. Oh no? I didn't know that, I watched their show last year, so sad.
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