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Aunt Catfish

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  1. Yeah, from a prison. And why is she wearing high heels?
  2. Damn! Can Timothy hear all that out in his trailer? Hope his siblings inside the house have hearing protection! I am traumatized just thinking about it!
  3. I'm trying to work up the gumption. There could be adult beverages involved! 😵
  4. The Midnight Sun is one of my personal faves. I love being able to stream the episodes uncut and with the credits. Okay, I'm old! Aren't the Vuolos obscuring the girl's faces because some jackwagon made stupid comments about Felicity? Could be wrong. And when did Jinger ever go trick or treating? Glad she's finding out what she was missing!
  5. I was expecting that too. Might have been fun. Nick showed a lot more personality. Nice to see. Molly's house "renovation" looks to me like they are just building an enormous new house. I will miss the retro charm of the old kitchen.
  6. R.I.P. Lura. We will miss you.
  7. It seems like sometimes she wears the ring and sometimes she doesn't. Her hair did look very nice. Alex could use some styling help with her clothes. Flattering things..she is a nice looking lady.
  8. Watched this morning's installment. My ears are still ringing (thanks Sunny). And who knew that there was such a thing as Potato Milk?
  9. I wouldn't give a damn if I never heard the word "umami" again! That and "literally", "moment", any cutesy shortened up version of a real word like dilush (dilution), and help me out here people! Please get the staff a Thesaurus immediately for the sake of viewer sanity! This has been a public service announcement! 😠
  10. Vanilla Ice Cream could be substituted, of course. Katie is a new mom. She will learn.
  11. I would imagine that Guy would be training his sons to manage the empire he has built. He owns restaurants. Do we know that his son has not been working in them and learning the business? I don't know the extent of his education and training, does anyone here? Sometimes it gets tiresome to see how critical and judgemental people are getting. Could any of us withstand social media scrutiny? I'm not trying to be preachy. Just setting my affairs in order. One aspect would be giving benefit of doubt and kindness to people I don't even know. May others do the same for me.
  12. I saw the episode on yesterday. Don't tear me a new one, but Hunter seemed more talkative and relaxed in front of the camera. I think it would be hard to be in his shoes. Always being compared to his father and being maligned for having "unfair advantages". Hunter does not have Guy's bombastic personality. He seems more laid back. I was just reading The Kitchen thread. Some were commenting on Alex's daughter Ava. She is just 14 or so. I really would not express any opinion on her since she is so young. I only wish her the best. Being a teenager is hard enough these days. I wish Hunter and his little brother the best as well. Hope they both find their groove. This has been a public service announcement.
  13. I agree with whoever said that Sunny could go back outside. She is just too freaking noisy. That Dead Velvet Cake was to die for! I would love to make one. Not sure who thought loading up the enchiladas with jalapeno peppers would appeal to children. Probably someone who never had kids. Katie's orange float looked good. That's all I've got.
  14. I agree. She looks like she is just over it. And she is not trying to hide it. Give me more of Mauricio and Stu!
  15. Lordy, that Mother Jefferson could be a piece of work couldn't she?
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