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Everything posted by AmericanAmigo

  1. I am sorry that Anna is having a hard time. I wouldn't wish her situation on anyone but if my husband stepped out I would not be on tv saying I am praying and waiting to see what God has in mind for my life. More like what does Josh have in mind. It's bad but she is healthy and has healthy children. That's why this cult is so distructive. Whatever she decides is best for her family has to be ok for her but putting everything on blast is just unseemly. The molestation issues are a whole other aspect that seems to be completely ingnored.
  2. This show is so boring and really is trash tv. Of course the babies are cute. Their parents should think they are the cutest babies in the world. If anyone in that family ever gardens or really leans to cook I will eat my hat. The men could learn to cook also. They eat. The adult children are playing the hand they were dealt but it's an awful show, terrible food, such fake dialogue and crappy acting.
  3. I thought I saw a clip of Anna asking Joy what qualities she was looking for in a man. It just seemed so inappropriate.
  4. They just need more choices. The Duggar children are human beings not props on a set.
  5. People I know think that are so lovely too and a wonderful example. And these people vote...
  6. I finally half watched this show last night. Very boring. They are really just like any TV personalities trying to stay on the air. I think I am watching just for subtle signs that maybe one of them will leave someday to be their own person. I love my children but never expected them to follow everything I did or believed, just be good people in their own right. The older ones courting will really not be that interesting for very long, in my opinion.
  7. Hi all. I always read the TWOP Duggar fourm but never posted due to the heavy handed moderators. I do post at Freejinger. I am so glad to see the names I was familiar with from TWOP and I hope more of you come here :). You are great. I try watching the show but almost every time I seriously fall asleep and I am not even trying to. Lol
  8. So glad I found your site from TWOP. I love Lucy
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