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Lady Edith

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  1. I live in the same part of Ohio as the Rods. This area is full of Baptist and KJV-proclaiming churches. Why are they choosing to drive all the way to Mansfield to attend church? There must be something or someONE there who has become the Rods latest mark.
  2. What is this “Plexus Pink Squad” stuff? I thought they were the “Sparkling Jewels for Jaysauce” or some shit. …and those earrings are hideous.
  3. I agree with @mythoughtis. I find it odd that with the scantily clad women, alcoholic drinks, “herbal supplementation”, gambling and other pursuits that typically get Jill on her high horse, she said nothing. I was so hoping for a diatribe!
  4. Goldfinger is apparently from 6:30-8 Vegas time. IF Jill goes, she will make an appearance, scarf some hors d’ouvres and beat feet back to her basement room at Excalibur. I do not see her staying for the whole thing. So taking into account the time difference, I believe we should start seeing pics starting around 11 p.m. Eastern. Just my guess.
  5. I have secondhand embarrassment for Sammers. Not only is Jill’s outfit entirely inappropriate for the event, you can see EVERY SINGLE LITTLE THING. This is the polar opposite of “modest”. Yet, somehow, she was able to add a modesty layer underneath. Lord Daniel of the Laundromat, the mind wobbles! She looks like a $2 hooker on New Year’s Eve!
  6. I wonder if Plexus would be interested in knowing that they employ someone (or, rather, many people) who routinely and publicly breaks each of these codes of ethics?
  7. Where does she get this stuff???? Jill has not taken any criticism, constructive or not, unless it came from a pastor, the Bible, or Dave (but even that is debatable). And even then, Jill finds a way around having to accept it.
  8. I’m around 35-40 minutes from the Rodriguii. Too close. I have even shopped in their area at a specialty store I like to frequent. Haven’t run into them yet, thank Daniel. I don’t know what I would do if I did.
  9. So Jill and the older kids went on a bike ride. And Nurie went, too. At eleventy seven months pregnant. In all fairness, bike riding can be done safely by pregnant women WITH PRECAUTIONS. But knowing these people and their propensity towards not following basic safety rules, I’m picturing Nurie riding along in her long-ass skirt and sandals, stopping every once in a while to untangle herself from the spokes. Honestly, there are some beautiful hiking and biking trails in Ohio. She would have been much safer taking a nice, leisurely stroll along one of the many paved trails than riding a bike and risking a serious fall.
  10. So with the Amish, they are taught how to do things, trades, from childhood. If they were to leave the church, they may have an 8th grade education but they would know how to build, work with wood, raise and breed animals, farm, sew, etc. they would have something to fall back on. The Rods, on the other hand, have zero marketable skills and even less than an 8th grade education. The Amish would have a better shot.
  11. Jill, you are an insulting idiot. You used A biblical quote that is in direct reference to Mary, Jesus’ mother, to describe Ma Turtleneck and your mother-in-law. This is not just stupid, it’s highly insulting to those of us whose religious beliefs emphasize Mary’s role in Jesus’ life and the early formation of Christianity. Your mother did not birth the messiah and neither did your MIL. Learn to actually understand what you are quoting.
  12. Fuck you, Jill. You are the worst of the worst. You constantly judge others and taught your “blessings” to do the same. And you, of all people, have no right to accuse others of “cherry picking” verses to fit their agenda when you do the same!!!! You are abusive, have no empathy for ANYONE and lie and manipulate others to support your lifestyle. And there are other MUCH OLDER sects of Christianity that you consistently turn your nose up to because they don’t follow your and your cult’s version of Jaysauce. Turn your phone camera around and look at yourself, Jill. You are vile.
  13. Timmy’s post really cracks me up. It’s one HUGE contradiction. Love everyone, except the blue-haired single mom with tattoos. Follow God in your own way…as long as you read ONLY the KJV Bible and follow MY version of Jesauce. Don’t press your beliefs onto others, yet let’s God-bother everyone (yay, soul winning!). Don’t worry about modesty, yet I’m gonna make sure my little wifey wears dresses and baggy pants when it’s immodest to wear skirts. And slut shame any female who doesn’t follow suit. Timmy, are you even reading your own drivel?
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