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Lady J

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Posts posted by Lady J

  1. 8 hours ago, Jeanius said:

    I am going to try Aldi's now. I have a lot of choices where I am. The local chain is excellent. Prices a bit high but not that bad, especially if you shop the sale items and try and stock up. We also have Giant Eagle, which bought out Tops years ago. I really don't like it - and I think prices are high. We also have Whole Foods, Trader Joes, and Aldi's. Aldi's is a bit farther for me to drive, but I am looking to trim my food bill a bit. Oh, and we have Costco. I used to make fun of Costco, but I started shopping there with my mother-in-law, and I was converted. They have some cool stuff. Back when I had three kids at home, it made more sense. I have a tendency to take stocking up too far (i.e. we don't want to become a hoarder, now, do we?) so I haven't shopped there in over a year. Plus it was a whole "ordeal." I had to gird my loins, so to speak, before going there. I would come home with mountains of paper towels, tissues, snack foods, nuts, dried fruits, oh my all kinds of stuff. 

    I used to live in Rochester, NY, home of Wegmans. I believe it often wins Top Grocery Chain, maybe for it's size category, on a national level. That's a whole other post!!

    I love, love Wegmans ! I don't have one in my town, but they are all around me, and it's worth the trip once in a while. They have such a variety of foods, if I had one in my town ,I would be 300 lbs. LOL.

  2. 2 hours ago, Booney said:

    After a fabulous 10 day “Booneymoon,” we arrived home tonight. Our flight out of Basel, Switzerland was delayed and, as a result, we had a mad dash at London’s Heathrow Airport to make our connecting flight. We just made it, but were told our luggage probably wouldn’t. But it did - life is good!

    We had an amazing time. River cruises are a wonderful way to travel. We would do another one in a heartbeat. Our last full day was yesterday, and we spent it in Colmar, a small city of 66,000 in the Alsace region of France. It’s called “the prettiest city in the world” and I can see why - it was gorgeous. So many photo ops, so little time. Here are just a few of the sights.







    We missed our kitties and were happy to see them when we got home. Now I need a couple of days to settle back into my regular routine!

    We're the kitties glad to see you, or did you get the cold shoulder ? LOL.

  3. 4 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

    Where do I begin - 

    Because she's an entitled, sneering little wench that gives off a huge mean girl vibe?  ymmv

    May I add a no talent who rode her mom's coat tails. I remember when they did the red carpets , her main contribution was " back to you mom ".

  4. 47 minutes ago, lovemesomejoolery said:

    Yeah, the only House Hunters I'll watch are the ones that are not in the states - except the beach home one - House Hunters International.  But I do get a little ticked off when the Ugly American starts complaining about the size of the kitchen or the lack of a large bathroom.....it's more fun when the person is excited about embracing the culture of the country they are moving to.

    I hate watch House Hunters, and bitch at the buyers throughout the show. Ever so often there is a couple or person with realistic expectations that are excited to find a house, then it is fun to watch.

  5. On 8/15/2017 at 7:29 AM, Josette said:

    If you've been watching the Unabomber series on ID, you'll need to tune in to Discovery for the rest of it starting tonight.

    I never watch true crime shows, but I have been watching the Unabomber show and I find it interesting.

  6. 7 minutes ago, PearlClutcher said:

    I trained Mr. Clutcher on getting rid of this habit.  When he didn't put something away, it would be lying on his side of the bed.  A toolbox that was left in a traffic spot by the entrance was disassembled on his pillow and where he lies, tool by tool.  There must have been about 50 pieces - grease and all since I was going to win on this one.  Also, no meals or laundry for him (I did mine) as I "would get to it eventually,  don't sweat it".  Um, yeah, marriage is mutual respect.  

    I like your style !

  7. 28 minutes ago, PearlClutcher said:

    @Cricket. Maybe you can contact the hospital's patient liaison rep to help you.  He/she can review your bill and see if you can qualify for assistance.  Considering your husband's medical status, they might reduce the bill or find an organization that helps with this.  Is your hubs on Medicare and has he approached the "catastrophic" portion of his insurance?   Not trying to get personal,  just want to see you weather the storm when both of you were needing medical attention at the same time.  

    Yes, it was hilarious.  Thanks for the mention.

    Oh Cricket,  how could you? Randy Quaid is everyone's nightmare, however he was a great BIL to Chevy Chase. 

    Yes, he gave him those great shoes !

  8. 1 hour ago, zoemom said:

    I know this is a bit random, but hey, that's what this forum is for right?

    For those of you that still have landlines do you get tons (I've had eight of these this morning already!) phone calls that appear to be coming from various places across the country?  Today, and its only 10 a.m. here, I've had calls from Austin TX, San Modesto CA, Newark NJ, Selma AL, Reno NV and Shreveport LA.  I answered the Shreveport call because I have relatives there, it was some guy trying to sell me an extended car warranty.  My car is 8 years old.  I hung up on him. 

    I've been paying extra to have an unlisted phone #, but I'm going to tell the phone company that they can go ahead and list me.  The only reason I had it unlisted initially was because of stalking issues I had with my Ex, who was still able to find out where I lived (thank you Mr. Google).  The "Do Not Call List" is a joke.   Anybody have any suggestions?   I can't go wireless because my fire/home alarm are tied into the landline and I'm not in the positon right now to shell $$ out to go completely wireless.

    The hot temperatures(its 83 already and it's only June!) and a nasty case of poison ivy are making me especially stabby today, so apologies in advance for my crabapple disposition!

    I get call from all over the country, one day I looked on my call log and I got 14 calls from Cooperstown NY. I thought perhaps I was chosen for the hall of fame. LOL. I have caller ID, so I never answer unknown numbers, but they are " nice" enough to leave messages. One day last week I got a message that I owed , the IRS, I had a debt that needed to be paid  and a security breach from Apple, all scams. I wish that these people would get real jobs.

  9. 1 hour ago, Jaded said:

    I quit House Hunters long ago when every damn person on there was always whining that whatever house didn't have stainless steel appliances and granite counter tops. I always knew it was fake but enjoyed seeing houses in other areas. Even that wasn't enough to keep me watching when the whiners whining about nothing were on every episode. They may as well rename HGTV and call it The Real Estate Channel. I used to love the decorating shows they had on years ago and other ones like Curb Appeal that had people doing stuff to the outside of their homes to make them look better. I'm trying to remember the name of a decorating show I liked that had an older man decorator who did sketches.

    I'm so tired of the "I want character ",  " no I want modern ".  It is getting old.

  10. 2 hours ago, seahag said:

    We had meatloaf way too many times when I was growing up.  You had it the first night, then in your sandwich the next day, then reheated on a trivet over water a few days later.  I am proud to say that I have not made a single meat loaf since I left home.  Blech.

    My favorite part of meat loaf is the sandwich the next day, yum !

  11. 4 hours ago, Booney said:

    Add my late mom to the bad cook moms club. She did cook (thought didn't enjoy it), and her food wasn't terrible - just very bland and boring. I didn't taste food with herbs and spices in it (other than salt and pepper) until I lived away at college - that was like a whole new world of food for me! And it's not saying much that the college cafeteria's food tasted better than what I had at home.

    My mother wasn't housewifey at all. Besides not liking to cook, she didn't love cleaning house, doing laundry, or other chores. She was a beautiful woman. In her younger days, she looked like Jean Harlow. She was born and raised in Norway, and came to the US in 1939 when she was 21, not knowing a word of English. She took night classes to learn English and eventually became a US citizen - I remember going with her to the state capitol when I was a little girl to watch her citizenship ceremony. She met my father in a vacuum cleaner factory that was converted to a war-time facility making airplane parts during WWII. She was always fascinated by Hollywood and its denizens. In another life, I could imagine her as a movie star. She passed almost 20 years ago - it's hard to believe that much time has gone by.

    My mom was a German war bride and she excelled at many things. Her cooking was interesting, she was the queen of jazzing up prepared food. She would add a little of this and that, somehow it always tasted good. She was my best friend and I miss her every day. 

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